Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


by metsandfinsfan k

Most refugee camps don't hold Jewish hostages in their basements

If I thought hostages were being kept in the basement of a refugee tent (?), I would simply not bomb it.

by Victor k

this was and still is the offer from Hamas

Hamas hasn't even been able to give a list of hostages that have
Hamas has never even let the red cross visit any hostages
Hamas did not even know enough live hostage locations to do phase 1 of the deal

by campfirewest k

Looks like Hamas will have one less supporter in the US Congress:

Also one less squad member.

The people have spoken and sent this loud mouth packing.

by Victor k

when Israel and the USA stop murdering Gazans, then Yemen will stop targeting ships enabling it on some level.

they are not shooting at uninvolved ships. they are doing a heroic deed to stop this murder. probably bc they understand all too well the depravity of an American backed genocidal campaign.

Are you referring to the people who indoctrinate their children to hate Jews and do Nazi salutes? These are your hero's?

by jalfrezi k

How many children are dead because Israelis couldn't let go of their hate, is more to the point.

How long before an event in a US synagogue for selling property in Gaza?

The difference is the Israelis haven't sent their own kids into harms way.

by Rococo k

I have said before that the lack of cohesion in the Democratic party on the question of Israel and Palestine was a political vulnerability. The primary between Bowman and Latimer really put that lack of cohesion under the microscope. It's a very worrisome problem for Biden and almost certainly impossible to solve.

Wasn't Bowman a solid underdog once Latimer entered? I'm not saying I/P didn't play a role but his stances on Israel were a lot less idiotic than some of his other stances.

Not sure that there is that much carry over to Biden or that I would classify it as worrisome

by mongidig k

Are you referring to the people who indoctrinate their children to hate Jews and do Nazi salutes? These are your hero's?

those arent Nazi solutes and they dont hate Jews.

by Trolly McTrollson k

How super-saiyan racist do you have to be to blithely assert that Arabs don't love their children? Fully dehumanizing nonsense that just gets tossed around as 20,000 children go missing in Gaza.

(in b4 someone tells me ABC News is Hamas)

I'm sure Prime Minister Meier didn't mean literally every Arab in her quote. In her defense you never see Israelis using their children as suicide bombers. You never see Israelis send their children into war zones or use them in terrorist attacks. Israel doesn't have their version of Hamas summer camp. Also, she didn't say that "Arabs don't love their children". She implied that their children are not their top priority and if they were perhaps there would be peace.

by Victor k

those arent Nazi solutes and they dont hate Jews.

Why are there only 5 Jews remaining in the country?

by formula72 k

Wasn't Bowman a solid underdog once Latimer entered? I'm not saying I/P didn't play a role but his stances on Israel were a lot less idiotic than some of his other stances.

Not sure that there is that much carry over to Biden or that I would classify it as worrisome

The pro Hamas protests in the US alone may be enough to get Trump elected. If you're a fan of Presidementia Biden I would be very worried.

by mongidig k

I'm sure Prime Minister Meier didn't mean literally every Arab in her quote. In her defense you never see Israelis using their children as suicide bombers.

LOOL why would Israel ever need to use suicide bombers?

by Trolly McTrollson k

How super-saiyan racist do you have to be to blithely assert that Arabs don't love their children? Fully dehumanizing nonsense that just gets tossed around as 20,000 children go missing in Gaza.

(in b4 someone tells me ABC News is Hamas)

20.000 kids are allegedly missing. Who was watching them at the time they vanished? Certainly the parents of these children would have been keeping a watchful eye on them during these very dangerous times. Is it possible that these numbers are exaggerated? Is it possible these "children" were killed while fighting in this war? Were they at Hamas summer camp? I don't get how this could happen. If 20k children disappeared here in the US or in Israel we would have a pretty good idea of what happened. Obviously it probably wouldn't ever happen.

by jalfrezi k

LOOL why would Israel ever need to use suicide bombers?

Why would anybody have the need for suicide bombers?

More importantly who in their right mind would use their children as suicide bombers?

by mongidig k

Why would anybody have the need for suicide bombers?

Errr, a people who are beyond desperate?

by formula72 k

Wasn't Bowman a solid underdog once Latimer entered? I'm not saying I/P didn't play a role but his stances on Israel were a lot less idiotic than some of his other stances.

Not sure that there is that much carry over to Biden or that I would classify it as worrisome

I don't know if Bowman was an underdog from the moment Latimer entered. He might have been. He certainly did some embarrassing things while in office, most notably that fire alarm stunt. But Israel/Palestine was a significant driver as well.

The fact that Bowman lost isn't worrisome for Biden. What is worrisome is the extent to which I/P dominated the discussion and drove fundraising and Super PAC spending on both sides. This race was a national proxy battle of sorts between progressives and pro-Israeli centrists in the party, which is why this race turned out to be the most expensive House primary of all time.

by mongidig k

20.000 kids are allegedly missing. Who was watching them at the time they vanished? Certainly the parents of these children would have been keeping a watchful eye on them during these very dangerous times. Is it possible that these numbers are exaggerated? Is it possible these "children" were killed while fighting in this war? Were they at Hamas summer camp? I don't get how this could happen. If 20k children disappeared here in the US or in Israel we would have a pretty good idea of what happene

bruv they were buried alive under rubble or blown to bits. and some were stolen by Israeli.

by mongidig k

Why would anybody have the need for suicide bombers?

More importantly who in their right mind would use their children as suicide bombers?

Hamas doesnt do suicide bombings and they certainly dont use children. seriously, this is common knowledge and easy to look up.

by mongidig k

I'm sure Prime Minister Meier didn't mean literally every Arab in her quote. In her defense you never see Israelis using their children as suicide bombers. You never see Israelis send their children into war zones or use them in terrorist attacks. Israel doesn't have their version of Hamas summer camp. Also, she didn't say that "Arabs don't love their children". She implied that their children are not their top priority and if they were perhaps there would be peace.

Arabs care deeply, fundamentally about their children, as do all humans and an awful lot of non-human species. Seriously, imagine how quickly I'd get perma banned if I trotted out these kinds of gutter racist claims about Jewish people. Astonishing the level of dehumanizing rhetoric that it's okay to subject Arab people to in polite society.

(in b4 bUt aRaB iSn'T a RaCe!!1!)

by Rococo k

I don't know if Bowman was an underdog from the moment Latimer entered. He might have been. He certainly did some embarrassing things while in office, most notably that fire alarm stunt. But Israel/Palestine was a significant driver as well.

The fact that Bowman lost isn't worrisome for Biden. What is worrisome is the extent to which I/P dominated the discussion and drove fundraising and Super PAC spending on both sides. This race was a national proxy battle of sorts between progressives and

the spending was 7/8 to 1 against bowman and it came from outside the dem party. i dont think it was a proxy battle between democrats at all. it was a successful attempt to divide the party from outside. bowman wasn't favored because the district became more westchester and less bronx due to the redistricting.

just look at the people celebrating. you have the likes of stephen miller cheering it on.

the "fire alarm" stunt was him trying to bigtime his way through a locked exit door and certainly was ill advised but it definitely wasn't "delaying a vote" or whatever the conservative narrative was that everyone immediately bought hook line and sinker.

Benny Gantz: Israel can destroy Hezbollah’s military in days

I hope this is bluster because this is terrifying. Israeli 3 day special military operation is not a good idea.

Sounds like the Americans before Iraq.

by Slighted k

the spending was 7/8 to 1 against bowman and it came from outside the dem party. i dont think it was a proxy battle between democrats at all. it was a successful attempt to divide the party from outside. bowman wasn't favored because the district became more westchester and less bronx due to the redistricting.

just look at the people celebrating. you have the likes of stephen miller cheering it on.

the "fire alarm" stunt was him trying to bigtime his way through a locked exit door and certa

Redrawing the district definitely was significant.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Arabs care deeply, fundamentally about their children, as do all humans and an awful lot of non-human species. Seriously, imagine how quickly I'd get perma banned if I trotted out these kinds of gutter racist claims about Jewish people. Astonishing the level of dehumanizing rhetoric that it's okay to subject Arab people to in polite society.

(in b4 bUt aRaB iSn'T a RaCe!!1!)

Again! I don't think Golda was referring all Arabs. She is referring to those who participate in terrorist acts and use their kids to do so. I'm just pointing out that Israeli families don't do these type of things. I agree that Arabs care deeply about their children. I think some don't have them as their top priority. Maybe they just value life differently. The vast majority of Arabs in this world are just like any other human who loves their children and would never send them into harms way. This is more of a regional situation that has gotten out of control.

by jalfrezi k

Sounds like the Americans before Iraq.

Israel will not be as successful as America was in destroying Iraq's military.

Pleased to hear that.
