Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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You're seriously comparing this to when I called your story about someone getting angry at a woman in a hijab in a pool in Texas rage bait?
Thinking these are at all comparable makes you look petty and silly. The fact that you are spamming it is an attempt to turn a girl's death into rage bait... for internet points...
You're using a girl's death to troll. Do better.
the women tried to drown a 3 yr old and is charged with attempted murder. the Texas police are seeking hate crime charges. like, how hateful do you need to be to get Texas police to side with a Muslim?

you are really gonna classify attempted murder as "getting angry". well, ya I guess she was probably pretty angry.
That's ok. I'll call it how it is.
It's not an ad hominem.
You don't need to project your opinion onto every post I make btw.
rather than making rediculous accusations at people's intent with posts, you could just discuss the issues at hand. thats the mandate of the forum and it has been a lot better.
every single thing in this thread is rage bait. I mean we had hours of conversation about the protests at a synagogue today.
every single thing in this thread is by definition trying to score internet points. its an internet message board ffs.
so now that that is out of the way...
bro literally just called attempted murder and possible hate crimes in the near drowning of a 3 old as "someone getting angry at a woman in a hijab"
Victor making some surprisingly valid points.
The part about the woman wearing the hijab is the (extremely tenuous) tie that might connect this to the "Israel/Palestine thread". A woman attempting to drown a baby in Texas warrants absolutely 0 mention ITT. I mentioned the relevant part, but sure let me fix it for you:
"You're seriously comparing this to when I called your story about someone getting angry at a woman in a hijab in a pool in Texas and allegedly attempting to drown her child rage bait?"
You have a history of posting these anecdotal stories with absolutely 0 attempt to connect them into a broader context which supports an actual argument with data and facts, unlike for example the story about the Jewish girl I posted :
Antisemitic incidents have increased by 284% in France between 2022 and 2023, according to data from the French interior ministry. In 2023, antisemitic acts constituted 60% of all anti-religious acts, compared to 26% in 2022, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told the French Senate earlier this year.
Here you are admitting to posting rage bait:
ofc its anecdotal evidence and rage bait.
and the bullshit ADL post is rage bait too. but the side claiming to be in fear cannot find a single recent anecdote of being unsafe on a college campus or even in general in the USA. whereas Palestinians are getting shot, stabbed, fired, arrested, and spied on.
Even if I am 100% wrong (I'm not), you're still using this girl's death in Gaza to spam the thread in an attempt to prove yourself right.
Sorry, why is a hate crime in Texas inappropriate for the thread if the rape of a girl in France is on topic?
take it to the france thread, that warrants absolutely 0 mention itt
You're seriously comparing this to when I called your story about someone getting angry at a woman in a hijab in a pool in Texas rage bait?
Thinking these are at all comparable makes you look petty and silly. The fact that you are spamming it is an attempt to turn a girl's death into rage bait... for internet points...
You're using a girl's death to troll. Do better.
From a psychological perspective it sure is fascinating to watch radicalization in real time; especially as it pertains to tribalism, disgust response and dehumanization.
Generally, the same people that were completely agnostic and emotionless when discussing 10/7, and spent most of their energy denying and minimizing events that were documented on video; are so willing to completely accept at face value and become emotionally engaged at clear propaganda with absolutely no evidence.
It really is fascinating and frightening to see how radicalization and dehumanization happens.
Sorry, why is a hate crime in Texas inappropriate for the thread if the rape of a girl in France is on topic?
Explained in the post you're replying to, but.........
Oh hey that was the point of my posting it to begin with, that these rage bait posts just lead to more anecdotal evidence being posted with little context, and a tenuous relation to the thread. I'm super glad you two agree with me, now also point your fingers the other way kthx:
Alleged rape of 12-year-old Jewish girl sparks antisemitism outcry in France
Is the thread back to posting ragebait?
The part about the woman wearing the hijab is the (extremely tenuous) tie that might connect this to the "Israel/Palestine thread". A woman attempting to drown a baby in Texas warrants absolutely 0 mention ITT. I mentioned the relevant part, but sure let me fix it for you:
"You're seriously comparing this to when I called your story about someone getting angry at a woman in a hijab in a pool in Texas and allegedly attempting to drown her child rage bait?"
You have a history of posting these anecdo
the mom says they are Palestinian (or were I guess)

and yes I am using this girl's death to prove that I am right that Israel is murdering civilians intentionally.
I am pretty sure I was the first person to post about Hind, back when no one knew what happened to her. remember it took a few weeks to find her body. all they had was the phone call.
Explained in the post you're replying to, but.........
Oh hey that was the point of my posting it to begin with, that these rage bait posts just lead to more anecdotal evidence being posted with little context, and a tenuous relation to the thread. I'm super glad you two agree with me, now also point your fingers the other way kthx:
Have you considered the possibility that you just didn't express yourself very clearly? Like
You have a history of posting these anecdotal stories with absolutely 0 attempt to connect them into a broader context which supports an actual argument with data and facts, unlike for example the story about the Jewish girl I posted :
doesn't exactly square with what you just wrote.
From a psychological perspective it sure is fascinating to watch radicalization in real time; especially as it pertains to tribalism, disgust response and dehumanization.
Generally, the same people that were completely agnostic and emotionless when discussing 10/7, and spent most of their energy denying and minimizing events that were documented on video; are so willing to completely accept at face value and become emotionally engaged at clear propaganda with absolutely no evidence.
It really is f
the events that elicited skepticism and were eventually proven to be brazen lies were the absolutely rediculous stories about beheaded babies, gang rapes, playing soccer with heads, necrophilia, broken pelvises from rape, babies burned alive on clothes lines, babies in ovens, pregnant moms eviscerated. all turned out to be lies.
this story, on the other hand, is extremely well documented.
and yes I am using this girl's death to prove that I am right that Israel is murdering civilians intentionally.
OK, well it would be better if you took the "I am right" part out of that, but whatever. Can you please explain how this post helps you prove that Israel is murdering civilians intentionally?
Trolly: there were multiple points. The point I made and that you quoted stands on its own. It was funny that you and 27o then stumbled on the original point I made when I originally posted the story, so I posted that point as well, so I pointed to that as well. I was trying to make it clear that these were two separate points when I typed "Oh hey that was the point of my posting it to begin with,"
I agree that does not differentiate that these were two separate points clearly.
the events that elicited skepticism and were eventually proven to be brazen lies were the absolutely rediculous stories about beheaded babies, gang rapes, playing soccer with heads, necrophilia, broken pelvises from rape, babies burned alive on clothes lines, babies in ovens, pregnant moms eviscerated. all turned out to be lies.
this story, on the other hand, is extremely well documented.
It is well documented in Youtube propaganda videos. And that is it. Neither you or I have the slightest clue what happened. And there is pretty much no chance your understanding of what happened is true at all.

I didnt realize Iran was blockading Yemen and bombing it from the air and sending mercenaries to murder civilians.
No, but Iran is intentionally providing Houthis weapons to kill, terrorize and kidnap innocent sailors that are completely innocent of everything but being the unfortunate victims of homicidal maniacs with a Stone Age value system.
I believe you referred to the Houthis as "based." Well, here is your based homies doing the Nazi salute while chanting "Death to the Jews" on a captured ship. And look at the children being indoctrinated. Really sick ****.
And we have no clue what has happened to the crew of the ship that was captured months ago.
This is some truly evil depraved ****. And we dont need conspiracy theory Youtubes to make it all up. They are proud of their depravity. They are the ones making the videos and showing off.
As long as it is guys like this and Hamas versus Israel, it is crystal clear what the moral dimensions are and who the good guys are.
BGP, the moderation of this thread is quite strict, so as a reminder you are to address content, not posters. Repeated violations of this rule will result in a timeout from the thread. Thank you.
To others playing with fire, stop now.
It is well documented in Youtube propaganda videos. And that is it. Neither you or I have the slightest clue what happened. And there is pretty much no chance your understanding of what happened is true at all.
Al Jazeera documentary actually.
but well before that we had the phone calls from 2 (temporary) surviving victims. both said their were tanks near them and firing.
we also have satellite imagery of tanks in the area.
its no really disputable at this point.
Looks like Hamas will have one less supporter in the US Congress:
No, but Iran is intentionally providing Houthis weapons to kill, terrorize and kidnap innocent sailors that are completely innocent of everything but being the unfortunate victims of homicidal maniacs with a Stone Age value system.
when Israel and the USA stop murdering Gazans, then Yemen will stop targeting ships enabling it on some level.
they are not shooting at uninvolved ships. they are doing a heroic deed to stop this murder. probably bc they understand all too well the depravity of an American backed genocidal campaign.
Unlike most of the pro Hamas propaganda that somehow never has any video evidence and we have to rely on third hand reports; lots of video evidence on Twitter of residents of Gaza starting to fight back against Hamas, who is stealing all the aid and brutalizing anyone that gets in their way.
Having a leadership that actually wants to make peace with Israel is probably asking way too much; but maybe if there is a popular uprising the Palestinians could at least install a leadership that views them as more than just expendable human shields and propaganda tools; and that would be a big step towards making things better for everyone.
when Israel and the USA stop murdering Gazans, then Yemen will stop targeting ships enabling it on some level.
they are shooting at uninvolved ships. they are doing a heroic deed to stop this murder. probably bc they understand all too well the depravity of an American backed genocidal campaign.
They are homicidal maniacs that are grievously injuring, murdering and kidnapping innocent sailors. And reveling in their depravity. And that isn't even touching on them embracing Nazi ideology and hate.
when Israel and the USA stop murdering Gazans, then Yemen will stop targeting ships enabling it on some level.
they are shooting at uninvolved ships. they are doing a heroic deed to stop this murder. probably bc they understand all too well the depravity of an American backed genocidal campaign.
I do find it amusing that right after Trolly made this post, Victor starts praising literal Nazis who murder and kidnap innocent sailors.
I think it is fair to say Trolly's post didn't age particularly well.
I missed a not in my post fwiw. they are only shooting at ships involved in the "war".
and yes it sucks for the sailors but like, maybe the West should not be forcing them to run a blockade.
they arent shooting at uninvolved ships.
Im just laughing at the idea that Yemenis give a **** about Nazis and Hitler and Germany. its just an absurd premise.