Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33441 Replies


by jalfrezi k

Stop insulting people.

I didn’t call him any names.

by 57 On Red k

This is an ancient anti-semitic trope.

No, I think Rwanda 1994 holds that title, with over half a million murdered in a little over three months.

186,000 dead in 270 days at least comes close, and we're not even close to the end yet.

and that's also the conservative end of the estimate, the actual number is probably much higher

About a 10/7 every two days for several months.

imagine the response it justifies, according to iof logic

by Trolly McTrollson k

About a 10/7 every two days for several months.

That would certainly get me to give up the hostages, stop the killing, and allow some aid in. But I've never been one to pay a price for keeping it real.

If somehow Hamas were to do a 10/7 every two days for several months do you think that would get Israel to stop the killing and support a Palestinian state?

they aren't in a position to attempt that

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

You’re clueless so it doesn’t matter what you think lol. Israel is a first world country with world leading industries. It’s not going anywhere with or without US support. Without US support they would have to resort to much more drastic measures but would assuredly still get the job done. History and common knowledge do not support anything you think.

Only two things have to happen for Israel to lose.

1) the iron dome is no longer able to defend Israel (for whatever reason but most likely is they run out of ammo

2) Israel loses US support. (Very unlikely but if it’s Saudi Araibia and their oil or Israel, then bye bye Israel)

by campfirewest k

That would certainly get me to give up the hostages, stop the killing, and allow some aid in.

Well then I guess we don't have to feel too bad about the rolling murder spree the IDF is inflicting.

by BOIDS k

they aren't in a position to attempt that

That's what the word "somehow" allows for.

Your non-denial makes it sound like we should be arming Hamas if we want Israel to support a Palestinian state?

i wont be sending any arms to hamas on account of them being a bunch of terrorist jerkoffs

I'm sure they speak highly of the IDF too.

Attempting to shut down criticism of their country by accusing people of antisemitism is a good definition of acting like victims.

Just give everyone in the whole of Israel + Palestine a US passport and set up a massive state of the art Museum of Genocide in Israel to act as a permanent reminder of the Holocaust and other genocides, including this one.

by Crossnerd k

Warning- This post dances too close to the line of what is acceptable for this thread.


by DoyleBrunsonFan k

You’re clueless so it doesn’t matter what you think lol. Israel is a first world country with world leading industries. It’s not going anywhere with or without US support. Without US support they would have to resort to much more drastic measures but would assuredly still get the job done. History and common knowledge do not support anything you think.

Without US support Israel wouldn't exist

by PointlessWords k

Only two things have to happen for Israel to lose.

1) the iron dome is no longer able to defend Israel (for whatever reason but most likely is they run out of ammo

2) Israel loses US support. (Very unlikely but if it’s Saudi Araibia and their oil or Israel, then bye bye Israel)

You have it all figured out.

by TeflonDawg k

Without US support Israel wouldn't exist

Are you trying to make a point? Going to assume you forgot to finish your thought.

DoyleBrunsonFan, the personal comments need to stop asap or you will have to leave the thread. Thank you.

by PointlessWords k

Only two things have to happen for Israel to lose.

1) the iron dome is no longer able to defend Israel (for whatever reason but most likely is they run out of ammo

2) Israel loses US support. (Very unlikely but if it’s Saudi Araibia and their oil or Israel, then bye bye Israel)

The whole world is going to have to cope with the new threat of cheap easy to make missiles/drones. The technoilogy is advancing at a rapid pace. There will be a race to develop defenses but it's going to be tough and Israel is particularly vulnerable. Areas are already being deserted with the technology very much in it's infancy. Being the biggest local power wont help. The defensive technology will have to stay miles ahead if it's even possible.

Those who think Israel dont need a political solution are doing a massive disservice to Israel.

by chezlaw k

The whole world is going to have to cope with the new threat of cheap easy to make missiles/drones. The technoilogy is advancing at a rapid pace. There will be a race to develop defenses but it's going to be tough and Israel is particularly vulnerable. Areas are already being deserted with the technology very much in it's infancy. Being the biggest local power wont help. The defensive technology will have to stay miles ahead if it's even possible.

Those who think Israel dont need a

You keep saying this, but it is just empty air. The axis of resistance has never wavered in their ultimate aim to destroy Israel. A some point you have to take no for an answer and accept that there will never be a political solution as long as groups such as IRI, Hezbollah, Hamas and Houthis own the playing field. So they have to be removed, either internally or externally.

The lesson Israel has learned is that appeasing the Arab world, US and Europe is suicide. Because all they do is tell Israel to stand down and let its enemies surround them and attack them. Israel has been listening to people that talk like you for decades, and it has been nothing but disastrous.

Now it is trying something new, which is making it clear that the response for attacking them is going to be disastrous, and the US/Europe cant force them to stand down and just take it anymore. Will this new strategy work? I dont know and neither do you. But appeasement and trying to seek a "political solution" with its genocidal, homicidal enemies has been nothing but a disaster.

No it's just totally disagreeing with your view.

If any view is empty it's your. "At some point you have to take no for an answer". I dont know about empty but it is nonsense that is a very dangerous line of thinking for Israel. The terrorists organisations appreciate it - lets them dictate the future.

Israel is way ahead of most of the world when it comes to dealing with terrorists and terrorist attacks. They have been dealing with them daily for 80 years. The fact that Oct 7th was the worst attack in Israel’s history is a testament to how effective Israel and the IDF are at combating terrorist plots.

Also Israel has tried to find a “political solution” for decades without any success. I encourage you to educate yourself on the history of the conflict before speaking such nonsense.

Dunyain is correct, you’re saying a lot of nothing.

by Trolly McTrollson k

186,000 dead in 270 days at least comes close, and we're not even close to the end yet.

LOL. Some Lancet faux academics provide a complete guesstimate of "indirect deaths", without even defining what an indirect death is or how they came to their guesstimate; and now you are quoting it as some sort of revealed truth.

by chezlaw k

lets them dictate the future.

Actually what let the terrorists dictate the future is Israel letting Hamas and UNRWA completely militarize Gaza and allowing Hezbollah to take over Lebanon. Without Israel continually appeasing its enemies due to Western pressure, they wouldn't have the capacity they do to dictate the future. Appeasement is what put Israel in this spot. And we have an 80 year sample that provides no evidence further appeasement will lead to anything positive.

The day Israel leaves Gaza is the day weapons start coming back in full force, and Hamas starts refilling the arsenal for the next war they decide to start.

That is your alternative. Occupy Gaza, invade Lebanon, war with Iran. All in the name of opposing appeasment.

It's a horrific prospect but if trump is in power you may make some headway for a while. An awful long term plan for Israel (at best) as well as murderously catastrophic for so many.
