Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33442 Replies


someone is getting fired at the BBC

by chezlaw k

That is your alternative. Occupy Gaza, invade Lebanon, war with Iran. All in the name of opposing appeasment.

It's a horrific prospect but if trump is in power you may make some headway for a while. An awful long term plan for Israel (at best) as well as murderously catastrophic for so many.

What is the "diplomatic" alternative? You even brought up the fact with technology evolving actors like Hezbollah and Hamas are only going to be more able to kill Jews moving forward if they can.

How does a "diplomatic solution" that allows Hamas and Hezbollah to stay right on the border with Israel, keep building up its arsenal, and either attack them or continually threaten to attack them work out for Israel?

I am sure Israel would love a diplomatic solution. But unilaterally stopping the fight just so the other side that promises Israel's destruction can regroup, re-arm and attack them again even harder isn't a diplomatic solution. It is just kicking the can down the road.

by TeflonDawg k

Without US support Israel wouldn't exist

Without US making the decisions it has made over the last 80 years the entire Middle East would look VERY different. And a lot of entities that are around right now probably wouldn't be, or would look very different. You could just as easily say without US support Gaza, West Bank, Saudi Arabia or all the Gulf States wouldn't exist.

Following hundreds of years of Arabs being controlled by outside actors, the US chose to make the Arab world an economic fief, and allow them local control. But it didn't have to go this way. The entire Middle East could very easily have been consumed into a US, Western European, Russian or Iranian based empire, and things would look VERY different right now.

by Dunyain k

What is the "diplomatic" alternative? You even brought up the fact with technology evolving actors like Hezbollah and Hamas are only going to be more able to kill Jews moving forward if they can.

How does a "diplomatic solution" that allows Hamas and Hezbollah to stay right on the border with Israel, keep building up its arsenal, and either attack them or continually threaten to attack them work out for Israel?

I am sure Israel would love a diplomatic solution. But unilaterally stopping the fi

UN ceasefire zone. We could call it the "never again zone"

we split up the Koreas with a DMZ, we could do something similar with palestine and israel

by PointlessWords k

UN ceasefire zone. We could call it the "never again zone"

we split up the Koreas with a DMZ, we could do something similar with palestine and israel

There are UN "peacekeepers" in southern Lebanon, who are completely useless (at best). There is nothing to suggest a UN peacekeeping force between Israel and Palestinians would be anything but corrupt and useless. Everyone knows the UN has no will to fight, so they have no real power and can just be ignored.

Any neutral peacekeeping force would have to be willing to fight Palestinians insurgents, and subdue them using force if necessary. There has never been any international will to do this. If Israel could crush Hamas and more generally the will of Palestinian insurgents to fight, there is a world where a non corrupt UN could come in in the aftermath. But Israel doesn't appear to have the ability or political will to do this, and the UN is horrible corrupt, so this is more or less a non starter.

Is that your only argument? Thats easily solved by using honest troops that are good at fighting

by PointlessWords k

Is that your only argument? Thats easily solved by using honest troops that are good at fighting

The UN is insanely corrupt and useless.

Israel has a better chance of defeating Hamas than the UN does of putting together a peacekeeping force of honest troops good at fighting.

And like I said, the second insurgents start killing these troops (and they will) I dont know if there would be any political will to continue. What country (other than Israel) is willing to send in troops to die at the hands of Palestinian militants?

The political backlash would be insane, coming from all sides.

Not everyone who is in the UN is corrupt. The un is made up of volunteer forces, and the us could just send a bunch of guys there. US military doesn't have a history of stealing during these peacekeeping operations.

we can also do what we did in afghansitan; pay hamas not to attack.

by PointlessWords k

Not everyone who is in the UN is corrupt. The un is made up of volunteer forces, and the us could just send a bunch of guys there. US military doesn't have a history of stealing during these peacekeeping operations.

we can also do what we did in afghansitan; pay hamas not to attack.

We would have to have the political and military will to defeat the insurgents and restore a non corrupt order. I just dont see it. No matter how much we spent on bribes, at some point there would be fighting.

And when this happened the internal (US) political and propaganda war would be insane if US troops got directly involved on the ground. Could you imagine the political war the far left (Squad and Co) would launch in response to this. It could very easily cause an internal civil war. Especially if it happened under a Republican President.

If there was a political will to do this I am sure it could be militarily achieved, or at least attempted. I just dont see how this happens, especially after Afghanistan and Iraq.

by Dunyain k

We would have to have the political and military will to defeat the insurgents and restore a non corrupt order. I just dont see it. No matter how much we spent on bribes, at some point there would be fighting.

And when this happened the internal (US) political and propaganda war would be insane if US troops got directly involved on the ground. Could you imagine the political war the far left (Squad and Co) would launch in response to this. It could very easily cause an internal civil war.

it should be clear by now that they are not trying to "defeat the insurgents". (btw, insurgent is a terrible word choice here if you are trying to maintain the illusion that Gaza wasnt occupied and fully controlled by Israel).

they havent even been trying to take out the tunnels lol.

by Victor k

they havent even been trying to take out the tunnels lol.

There are hostages in the tunnels.

by Victor k

it should be clear by now that they are not trying to "defeat the insurgents". (btw, insurgent is a terrible word choice here if you are trying to maintain the illusion that Gaza wasnt occupied and fully controlled by Israel).

they havent even been trying to take out the tunnels lol.

Talk to the moderation team. They prefer we use narrow terms like "insurgent" and "IDF," even if not particularly accurate.

Israel has taken out A LOT of tunnels. Getting to the point where Hamas has limited ability to get near the border, and may not be able to cross at all, is a pretty big win. Just because a lot of tunnels are still left doesn't mean they haven't taken out a lot, or it isn't a priority.

by Dunyain k

Israel has taken out A LOT of tunnels. Getting to the point where Hamas has limited ability to get near the border, and may not be able to cross at all, is a pretty big win. Just because a lot of tunnels are still left doesn't mean they haven't taken out a lot, or it isn't a priority.

ForeignAffairs article I linked a few weeks ago assessed that 80% of the tunnels remained intact.

nobody really knows ofc, but there has no indication of degradation of the military ability of the Resistance.

by Dunyain k

What is the "diplomatic" alternative? You even brought up the fact with technology evolving actors like Hezbollah and Hamas are only going to be more able to kill Jews moving forward if they can.

How does a "diplomatic solution" that allows Hamas and Hezbollah to stay right on the border with Israel, keep building up its arsenal, and either attack them or continually threaten to attack them work out for Israel?

I am sure Israel would love a diplomatic solution. But unilaterally stopping the fi

There is no future where the potential dangers wont very significantly increase. You have no answer to stopping that. The cause has to be defeated and netanyahu is only making it stronger.

It's pure folly to believe israel can secure it's future with force. Focus on defense, Let Gaza be properly free, behave in the west bank etc. Stop all the killing, destruction and oppression that feeds the causes that hate Israel so much. Focus on those who want better relations and peace. It can take a long time and who knows how it develops. Iran has suprisingly elected a more moderate leader - make the effort. Keep making it.

I'm not sticking around. But here is the gold standard on how you would get Jews to stick around. From Meta:

Update from the Policy Forum on our approach to ‘Zionist’ as a proxy for hate speech\

We have revisited the issue of speech using the term "Zionists" at various times in recent years, and in March 2024 we examined it through our Policy Forum.

After hearing input and looking at research from different perspectives, we will now remove speech targeting “Zionists” in several areas where our process showed that the speech tends to be used to refer to Jews and Israelis with dehumanizing comparisons, calls for harm, or denials of existence.

....Based on our research, engagement, and on-platform investigation into its use as a proxy term for Jewish people and Israelis in relation to certain types of hateful attacks, we will now remove content that targets "Zionists" with dehumanizing comparisons, calls for harm, or denials of existence on the basis that “Zionist” in those instances often appears to be a proxy for Jewish or Israeli people.

“Zionist” as a Proxy for Jewish or Israeli people in Hate Speech

We do not allow content that attacks people on the basis of protected characteristics such as nationality, race, or religion, among others. We do allow people to criticize adherents of political affiliations and ideologies. For example, we would remove a post that says, "People of ‘X religion’ are stupid," but we would allow, "Supporters of ‘X political movement’ are stupid." Sometimes people will criticize others using words that aren't explicit references to protected characteristics but are commonly understood to refer to those characteristics by proxy. When such proxy terms are used, we treat those terms as if they explicitly referred to the protected characteristic.

It's a start. Enjoy your summers.

oh wow, a bad day for people whose hobby is to do antisemitism on the internet

you should find some examples from this thread. but you wont bc you cant.

there's mountains of it. some dude was posting swastikas nonstop for like two months

by JackHi k

rafiki, respectfully, MOST Jews around the world disagree with international law, especially ones regarding the most basic of human rights, which ironically or unironically depending on your knowledge, came straight outta Nuremberg.

But surely, that doesn't make it right, yes?

no antisemitism in this thread, real tough to find examples /vic

meanwhile finding this took 25 seconds

So you had to go back two months to some poster who time has forgotten.

Kind of proves vic's point doesn't it?

Meanwhile, picture this

i think that if you claim a thread containing a whole bunch of swastikas has no antisemitism in it, then you should just do the thing that hamas & friends should've done a long time ago: take an L and move on

You guys have used the word zionist as an antisemitic slur throughout the thread

Victor uses tropes and then uses parenthesis so that the mods allow them


Genocide (plausible) or (allegedly)

Over 50% of jalfrezi posts are just Twitter links from antisemetic accounts with no context but when a pro Israel person posts just links they get dinged for no content posts

You chased me and rafiki away and maybe mondig you may get your jew/zionist free zone after all good job
