Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33828 Replies


by BOIDS k

he's the political leader of hamas, an organisation whose aim is for israel to be destroyed and its jewish inhabitants exterminated and/or forcibly deported, and which carried out the rapes and murders of about a thousand civilians on oct 7. this means he wasn't moderate enough for my liking

That’s why he used the words in bold. Moderate in comparison doesn’t necessarily mean moderate by a normal standard. Grizy doesn’t strike me as a Hamas sympathizer.

and look, the ldea that israel should adopt a pragmatic approach with this stuff is missing the point

at some point in the future, hamas isn't going to have a leader. they wont have members, they wont have weapons, tunnels, and so on.

the next leader will be killed, and the next, and the next, until the number of people that are willing to throw their life away in pursuit of the failed holocaust 2.0 project is zero

Cmon man… he only joined Hamas to make some friends and hopefully get invited to the yearly 4th of July cookout. He was never really into the whole killing, raping, suicide bombing, and exploiting your own peoples parts. Just a moderate Jew loving radical extremist who got caught up with the wrong crowd.

by BOIDS k

and look, the ldea that israel should adopt a pragmatic approach with this stuff is missing the point

at some point in the future, hamas isn't going to have a leader. they wont have members, they wont have weapons, tunnels, and so on.

the next leader will be killed, and the next, and the next, until the number of people that are willing to throw their life away in pursuit of the failed holocaust 2.0 project is zero

genocidal rhetoric itt

a genocide of hamas leaders is something i am fully behind

even the moderate ones

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

what do you think they have been trying to achieve all this time? Either way, it would be “better” than going after music festivals and soccer fields full of kids.

Not sure what you’re trying to say in your second post. I think you’ve confused what I was responding to. I agree with you that Bibi has not been ideal for Israel, especially politically. However, I don’t think he has any aims at winning over the Iranian’s hearts.

and how do you think israel would respond if some foreign country assasinates it's leaders? What response would you be supporting?

The second post is agreeing that people who seriously dislike and oppose each other will unite against a common enemy. It's quite plausible that is happening in front of our eyes and it's isreal working hard on being the common enemy at the moment.

by chezlaw k

and how do you think israel would respond if some foreign country assasinates it's leaders?

i wouldn't suggest that anyone try it. the jews seem real determined not to be fed into the fires this time around

I dont think they care what you suggest.

It's a suicidal path for israel to think that being murderous enough will work out well.

and I really dont think it's a good idea to conflate what netanyahu's regime does with jewish people

by chezlaw k

It's a suicidal path for hamas, hez, iran, the pij and so on to think that being murderous enough will work out well.


by chezlaw k

It's a suicidal path for israel to think that being murderous enough will work out well.

how about if they also rape and torture, will that help?

look i dont disagree that israel faces an exceptionally motivated enemy. hamas & friends really, really want to do holocaust 2.0, and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve it

the problem they have is that israel is at least as determined to not allow them to achieve their goal, and, contrary to some of the hamas fanfiction itt, they have big bro USA on side indefinitely (thank god)

by BOIDS k


Yes it is.

"Keep bombing the terrorists until there are no more terrorists" is a solid plan, no way that's going to bite Israel in the ass.

by BOIDS k

a genocide of hamas leaders is something i am fully behind

even the moderate ones

you are gonna need to kill like 8 million before the idea dies. I know that you know that so I know what you are saying.

by BOIDS k

i wouldn't suggest that anyone try it. the jews seem real determined not to be fed into the fires this time around

I dunno if this is antisemitic, seems that way tbh, but its extremely disrespectful to the holocaust victims.

by Victor k

you are gonna need to kill like 8 million before the idea dies. I know that you know that so I know what you are saying.

i dont believe that there are 8m palestinians willing to die for holocaust 2.0. there are a few remaining, no doubt, but a lot less than there were on 8 oct 2023

by Victor k

I dunno if this is antisemitic, seems that way tbh, but its extremely disrespectful to the holocaust victims.

i preferred the unedited version of this one. kept it succinct

by BOIDS k

and look, the ldea that israel should adopt a pragmatic approach with this stuff is missing the point

at some point in the future, hamas isn't going to have a leader. they wont have members, they wont have weapons, tunnels, and so on.

the next leader will be killed, and the next, and the next, until the number of people that are willing to throw their life away in pursuit of the failed holocaust 2.0 project is zero

Did the holocaust exterminate the idea of a Jewish state or actually help bring it into existence? I wouldn’t be so sure that the plan is going to work out as you hope.

by BOIDS k

i dont believe that there are 8m palestinians willing to die for holocaust 2.0. there are a few remaining, no doubt, but a lot less than there were on 8 oct 2023

You can’t imagine that someone became radicalized because of Israel’s response to Oct 7? That’s not the same thing as the racism and scape goating that brought about the holocaust.

by Bubble_Balls k

I wouldn’t be so sure that the plan is going to work out as you hope.

well, who knows. hamas are a few tens of thousands of poorly trained, poorly equipped terrorists hiding out in some tunnels, and i think they can be defeated.

i think the notion that you cant defeat an enemy by killing them is totally wrong, and borne out of the recent USA experience of losing wars fought tens of thousands of miles away for reasons ill understood.

either way, i think Resisting is better than waiting for the follow up to oct 7, which the leader of hamas (the one who is still alive, not the one who was launched into space a few hours ago) told us would make oct 7 look like a dress rehearsal. i'm not up for that at all.

by Bubble_Balls k

You can’t imagine that someone became radicalized because of Israel’s response to Oct 7?

sure, of course. and i'm sure loads of germans were mad as hell in may 1945. war sucks. losing wars sucks really bad

but they got over it in time

they were fine. they got to join NATO and now they get to do another genocide.


by Bubble_Balls k

You can’t imagine that someone became radicalized because of Israel’s response to Oct 7?

to add, i mean i do get the general idea. by punching hard first and encouraging a huge reaction they think they can drag israel into the mud, get iran properly involved, blah blah, something something, river to the sea achievement unlocked, holocaust 2.0 side quest completed

thankfully the most wonderful country in the history of the world, the USA, is not going to let it happen

by BOIDS k

to add, i mean i do get the general idea. by punching hard first and encouraging a huge reaction they think they can drag israel into the mud, get iran properly involved, blah blah, something something, river to the sea achievement unlocked, holocaust 2.0 side quest completed

thankfully the most wonderful country in the history of the world, the USA, is not going to let it happen

so you justify murderous actions because of holocaust 2 but you dont have to worry about the consequences of those actions because usa will never allow holocaust 2

i support murderous actions against hamas terrorists, yes

the space blastification of that fat jerkoff haniyeh a few hours ago for example, spring in my step all day after reading that
