Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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It's true Israel chose to fight back for real for once, after allowing terrorists to launch attacks for years without any serious pushback.
This time they , finally, correctly chose to end them at any cost, and it's a very good choice, and a moral imperative for us to help them achieve that.
No one worldwide should be allowed to attack a western country, or an ally of the west, and live.
It's true Israel chose to fight back for real for once, after allowing terrorists to launch attacks for years without any serious pushback.
This time they , finally, correctly chose to end them at any cost, and it's a very good choice, and a moral imperative for us to help them achieve that.
No one worldwide should be allowed to attack a western country, or an ally of the west, and live.
Well, its not that Israel never fought back, it is just that they always stopped when they were ahead, normally at the behest of the US; who used Israel stopping as leverage to get concessions from Israel's enemies.
And I think it is dangerous to assume things would be better if X,Y,Z happened. What actually happened got most of Sunni Arab world to make a grudging peace with Israel; and it is possible things could be worse if that hadn't happened.
But yeah, in the moment it seems that loosening sanctions on Iran and allowing IRI to dominate the region and set up proxy armies on Israel's borders was a bad idea.
It's simply a lie that netanyahu had no choice
If people are angry at israeli troops being in more danger than necessary (and they should be angry about what is being inflected on them imo), then that anger could better be directed at netanyahu rather than people saying not to kill so many people.
holocaust 2.0 has never been further away from being realised 👍
It's true Israel chose to fight back for real for once, after allowing terrorists to launch attacks for years without any serious pushback.
This time they , finally, correctly chose to end them at any cost, and it's a very good choice, and a moral imperative for us to help them achieve that.
No one worldwide should be allowed to attack a western country, or an ally of the west, and live.
People are mad that the bigger and stronger Israel is now using it's power to pummel it's enemy. I'm all for those who get bullied to fight back with full force. It's the classic **** around and find out situation. The Palestinians found out and now are crying tears of victimhood....Again.
People are mad that the bigger and stronger Israel is now using its power to pummel its enemy. I'm all for those who get bullied to fight back with full force. It's the classic **** around and find out situation. The Palestinians found out and now are crying tears of victimhood....Again.
It’s exactly this rhetoric that keeps this conflict going. You can bet your ass people on both sides have thought this after every tit for tat for decades and it’s gotten no one anywhere.
It’s exactly this rhetoric that keeps this conflict going. You can bet your ass people on both sides have thought this after every tit for tat for decades and it’s gotten no one anywhere.
What keeps the conflict going is terrorists existing.
Tit for tat doesn't solve anything which is why a total war of annihilation (qnd prolonged occupation after that for a complete rebuild like we did in Germany and Japan) is fully justified
No one worldwide should be allowed to attack a western country, or an ally of the west, and live.
Tit for tat doesn't solve anything which is why a total war of annihilation (qnd prolonged occupation after that for a complete rebuild like we did in Germany and Japan) is fully justified
Ok, we are back to being dangerously close to the “Kill ‘em all Bibi” genocidal rhetoric with this, which you know is not allowed.
This is a warning to stop please.
People are mad that the bigger and stronger Israel is now using it's power to pummel it's enemy. I'm all for those who get bullied to fight back with full force. It's the classic **** around and find out situation. The Palestinians found out and now are crying tears of victimhood....Again.
Most Palestinians weren't involved.
It’s exactly this rhetoric that keeps this conflict going. You can bet your ass people on both sides have thought this after every tit for tat for decades and it’s gotten no one anywhere.
What keeps this conflict going is that fighting for "Palestine" is a futile endeavor. The possibility for a two state solution has passed. There obviously will not be a one state solution for the "Palestinians". Reality must set in for these folks. Israel is showing that enough is enough. It's time to recognize Israel and begin the rebuilding of Gaza. It's time to end the industry of terrorism and pursue a prosperous future.
well that's certainly a long way of saying "kill em all!!!"
ah, the 100th "tough phone call". do we all get a free big mac at least?
Last data I saw, 55% of Gaza residents agreed with 7 10, and close to 80% of west bank residents.
Do you have different data?

90% agree with plausible genocide and the greatest murder of children in recent history.
guess what, I dont think those 90% should be blown to smithereens with their kids and family. in fact, I would definitely oppose it.
in general, I oppose thought crimes.
90% agree with plausible genocide and the greatest murder of children in recent history.
guess what, I dont think those 90% should be blown to smithereens with their kids and family. in fact, I would definitely oppose it.
in general, I oppose thought crimes.
If the situations were reversed do you truly believe anything would be different?
USA redeploying forces in the ME to safeguard Israel against possible attack by iran & co 👍
Essentially, the Theodore Roosevelt carrier group is now in the Persian Gulf, the USS Wasp (amphibious landing ship with Marine Corps F-35s aboard) and associated vessels are in the eastern Med and the USAF is moving F-15s to undisclosed locations within range. The idea is, as happened the other day, to use fighters against Iranian missiles and drones aimed at Israel, should this prove necessary.
I cannot confirm the numbers that Lucium gave in his post, but they certainly indicate it would be much different.
7 10 was unprovoked, 95-99% of people attacked by a 7 10 event would justify unlimited response to guarantee it can never happen again at all costs, in most countries (perhaps not some 1st world country)
It was hardly unprovoked unless your thesis is that both sides had been living in harmony for decades before.
it was 20 times 9 11 (proportionally to the country size) + the mass rapes + the hostage taking.