Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33795 Replies


by grizy k

With all due respect, are you telling Israeli soldiers to die for Palestinian children that Hamas intentionally surrounds itself with?

I’m telling them to risk their lives more than they currently are if it makes it less likely innocent people will die for a war they chose.

by Bubble_Balls k

I’m telling them to risk their lives more than they currently are if it makes it less likely innocent people will die for a war they chose.

Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of Israel and how they're conducting this war but I think the soldiers on an individual level are risking their lives PLENTY.

Not many wars are fought where any building you walk in, any body you turn over or any stone you step on could be booby-trapped and blow you into the afterlife.

Easy to say for someone sitting his probably fat ass on a couch somewhere in the middle of bum**** nowhere.

by grizy k

With all due respect, are you telling Israeli soldiers to die for Palestinian children that Hamas intentionally surrounds itself with?

I understand it's inconvenient but modern militaries are generally expected to make some concessions to avoid the mass murder of children.

by Bubble_Balls k

I’m telling them to risk their lives more than they currently are if it makes it less likely innocent people will die for a war they chose.

the framing of this is not based in reality. Israel is intentionally killing civilians not bc they want to avoid soldier casualties, but rather bc the goal of this campaign is extermination.

Hundreds of of IDF soldiers have died and thousands wounded.

IDF is sacrificing plenty.

by Trolly McTrollson k

I understand it's inconvenient but modern militaries are generally expected to make some concessions to avoid the mass murder of children.

So you just figuratively strap a child to your chest and then the enemy can do nothing

by Betraisefold22 k

Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of Israel and how they're conducting this war but I think the soldiers on an individual level are risking their lives PLENTY.

Not many wars are fought where any building you walk in, any body you turn over or any stone you step on could be booby-trapped and blow you into the afterlife.

Easy to say for someone sitting his probably fat ass on a couch somewhere in the middle of bum**** nowhere.

People who have opinions different from yours must be fat and live somewhere inconsequential? Those are valid arguments to you? It’s very easy to say you think I’m wrong without resorting to that.

by coordi k

So you just figuratively strap a child to your chest and then the enemy can do nothing

The enemy is free to do as it chooses. If it chooses to forcible displace hundreds of thousands of civilians into hovels and then drop unguided bombs on children huddling in tents, then the international community is going to be a bit upset.

by coordi k

So you just figuratively strap a child to your chest and then the enemy can do nothing

What matters is the risk you’re facing. Cops don’t deal with hostage situations with grenades. If the hostage taker had the ability and desire to blow up the whole city, the calculation would be different.

This is a case of a terrible crime having been committed against Israel but the attacker had no chance of ending the existence of the country. Israel chose to respond how they did. They weren’t left with no other option.

by grizy k

With all due respect, are you telling Israeli soldiers to die for Palestinian children that Hamas intentionally surrounds itself with?

by Bubble_Balls k

I’m telling them to risk their lives more than they currently are if it makes it less likely innocent people will die for a war they chose.

The answer should be neither. It would be neither if they were israeli children and palestinian children shoudl be the same

by coordi k

So you just figuratively strap a child to your chest and then the enemy can do nothing

The way to deal with hostage situations is not 'do nothing' or 'kill the hostages'

Dont buy netanyahu's lie that his approach is the only way. It isn't it's both monstrous and stupid.

by Bubble_Balls k

What matters is the risk you’re facing. Cops don’t deal with hostage situations with grenades. If the hostage taker had the ability and desire to blow up the whole city, the calculation would be different.

Also, calling it a "hostage" situation is wildly misleading. This is more like if you happen to live next door to a criminal and the cops level your entire block. Crime prevention would be a lot easier if the police were allowed to do that sort of thing, but we've all kind of agreed that their convenience isn't worth killing a bunch of random people.

by Bubble_Balls k

People who have opinions different from yours must be fat and live somewhere inconsequential? Those are valid arguments to you? It’s very easy to say you think I’m wrong without resorting to that.

Don't think anyone who says about soldiers who are in the middle of a war dealing with all the **** Hamas has left them should ''risk their lives more'' deserves any form of respect.

by Betraisefold22 k

Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of Israel and how they're conducting this war but I think the soldiers on an individual level are risking their lives PLENTY.

Not many wars are fought where any building you walk in, any body you turn over or any stone you step on could be booby-trapped and blow you into the afterlife.

Easy to say for someone sitting his probably fat ass on a couch somewhere in the middle of bum**** nowhere.

Betraisefold22, comments such as the bolded are not appropriate.

Please take a timeout from this thread until 12:00 AM Eastern Time.

Everyone, please keep your commentary about content and not about other posters. Thank you

by chezlaw k

The way to deal with hostage situations is not 'do nothing' or 'kill the hostages'

Dont buy netanyahu's lie that his approach is the only way. It isn't it's both monstrous and stupid.

the way to deal is never negotiate with terrorists.

open to proposals that don't include any negotiations with terrorists, and with anyone however vaguely or partially on their side (anyone who in any way or form morally justifies even partially Hamas existence and their actions and so on)

by coordi k

So you just figuratively strap a child to your chest and then the enemy can do nothing

you can drive a car with an atom bomb with a child inside, dark glasses, and according to every leftist it would be criminal for anyone to try to stop you if that risked killing the child.

even if the child is 17 and wants to help the driver to be clear.

by Betraisefold22 k

Some people are just anti-war/anti-peopledying my friend. Israel is doing a lot of killing lately, justified or not. It's not always anti-Semitism.

criticizing an athlete just because she is from Israel is antisemitism 101.

she isn't an elected representative enacting policies you disagree with, in which case it would be a criticism of a government.

you criticize that athlete to criticize the whole country, each and every one of its citizens

by Luciom k

you can drive a car with an atom bomb with a child inside, dark glasses, and according to every leftist it would be criminal for anyone to try to stop you if that risked killing the child.

even if the child is 17 and wants to help the driver to be clear.

Buy a straw man, get a free reductio ad absurdum.

by Luciom k

criticizing an athlete just because she is from Israel is antisemitism 101.

she isn't an elected representative enacting policies you disagree with, in which case it would be a criticism of a government.

you criticize that athlete to criticize the whole country, each and every one of its citizens

can you boo a Russian athlete? or Iranian?

I havent looked yet, but I am willing to bet this particular athlete spent some time in the IDF helping with the oppression, apartheid, and murder of thousands of people.

according to the ioc, whatever is going on in belarus* is worse than israel's genocide. hilarious

* iirc their "crime" is not being usa#1's lapdog

just looked it up and yep, she served in the IDF and dedicated her silver to the country.

would you be upset if a Russian or Iranian served in their army and then dedicated their wins to their country?

what about if a Palestinian served in Hamas and then went to the Olympics and dedicated his success to Palestine?

by Victor k

can you boo a Russian athlete? or Iranian?

I havent looked yet, but I am willing to bet this particular athlete spent some time in the IDF helping with the oppression, apartheid, and murder of thousands of people.

"can" in which sense? ofc they can boo the Israeli and they did.

if you mean if I would be disgusted in case an athlete or other performer gets discriminated against just because he is Russian or Iranian obviously yes?

antisemitism is worse because of 2k years of constant discrimination but I was disgusted when people canceled Russian musicians concerts in Italy in 2022 just because of their ethnicity. and I wouldn't have cared not inquired of the musician had done mandatory military service

you wouldnt boo a Russian who supports Putin and served him in the military?
