Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33775 Replies


by Victor k

IDF soldiers joking about the kids they murdered

Maybe Hamas murdered them?

It must be difficult to have compassion for a group of people that wants you dead. These soldiers know that these kids are being indoctrinated to hate Israel. Many will be in the next wave of terrorists.

not the dead ones amirite!

by mongidig k

Maybe Hamas murdered them?

It must be difficult to have compassion for a group of people that wants you dead. These soldiers know that these kids are being indoctrinated to hate Israel. Many will be in the next wave of terrorists.

alternatively, presciently,

by Victor k

not the dead ones amirite!


[strike]child murderers[/strike] future terrorist eliminators

proly a pro Hamas doctor. nothing to see here

by Bluegrassplayer k

Interesting, but probably a bit like Stalin's purges of completely loyal Communists just for the look of the thing.

Barak Ravid with the perfect scoop!

i believe him yo, idk why but i do



The US embassy in Beirut has urged its citizens to leave Lebanon on “any ticket available”, amid soaring tensions in the Middle East.

The advisory follows a similar warning from UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, who said the regional situation “could deteriorate rapidly”.

translation: leave now because we're about to blow up the airport and probably the entire city/country

some of you should probably watch this mehdi hasan interview with this guy who was an israeli negotiator for ~20 years, where he admits obvious truths such as "the palestinians are right" and "israel's illegal occupations underpin the entire conflict", etc. if you don't want to hear it from us, maybe you'll listen to him? i doubt it...

when you lose the liberal Zionists then its bad news.

anyway, we already all knew all this stuff. we have heard it since Nov. the pivot will be, well they are all terrorists so they deserve it.

by Victor k

the pivot will be, well they are all terrorists so they deserve it.

seems pretty ineffective if it happens. even the zionists i've seen talking about this acknowledge that these detainees are just ~random palestinians getting swept up and being tortured ... just because (guessing a lot of them are from the west bank or wherever, not even from gaza). the people they suspect of actually being connected to anything get taken to a black site somewhere else and probably tortured indefinitely/to death.

when i first heard about this i was kind of wondering how these guys were getting out to tell these tales, and yeah that's the answer; because they aren't terrorists or anything close, just very unlucky randos.

by 72off k

translation: leave now because we're about to blow up the airport and probably the entire city/country

Netanyahu going after hezbullah has been pretty much baked in for a long time. I suspect the usa is there to try to deter it escalating further but there's the risk they will get dragged in instead.

by chezlaw k

Netanyahu going after hezbullah has been pretty much baked in for a long time. I suspect the usa is there to try to deter it escalating further but there's the risk they will get dragged in instead.

At this point I think Israel has decided now is the time to take care of Hezbollah/IRI and re-establish some level of security and border control and safety for the Jewish people against the Islamists who promise to genocide them. And because the IRI and its proxies are so violent, racist and full of what progressives would call toxic masculinity, it is easy to provoke them into escalating.

I only hope that Israel has analyzed their relative strength correctly; because obviously a miscalculation of their relative strength over the IRI and all its proxies would be devastating.

by 57 On Red k

Interesting, but probably a bit like Stalin's purges of completely loyal Communists just for the look of the thing.

If the bomb was planted 2 months ago, hard to imagine any Mossad agents who were part of the operation are still around. I guess if they torture and kill enough people, they might randomly find some more, but as you implied most of the people they torture/kill will just be IRI loyalists.

by chezlaw k

Netanyahu going after hezbullah has been pretty much baked in for a long time. I suspect the usa is there to try to deter it escalating further but there's the risk they will get dragged in instead.

Well, you kind of glossed over the part where Hezbollah has been attacking Israel non stop since October 8th, so obviously Israel was going to eventually deal with it one way or another. You cant have one country firing rockets into another indefinitely.

I didn't gloss over anything. As has been pointed out for a long time, Netnayhau is not going to stop. Once it stops he has to face normal politcal accountability and the law.

by chezlaw k

I didn't gloss over anything. As has been pointed out for a long time, Netnayhau is not going to stop. Once it stops he has to face normal politcal accountability and the law.

No. It is actually very bizarre how you literally dont acknowledge another country has been attacking Israel for almost a full year. You have a lot of posts in this thread and most of them dont even acknowledge Hamas, Hezbollah, IRI, etc. even exist or 10/7 happened. If someone just read your posts in this forum, with no other information, they would probably conclude Israel is just randomly going around killing Arabs for no reason other than to keep Netanyahu in power.

You do realize that even if Netanyahu has a nefarious plot to keep fighting forever so he stays in power, the Arabs and IRI could just foil this plot by giving back the hostages and stop attacking Israel. Even if you think Israel would want to unilaterally keep fighting (I dont, but maybe you do) they definitely dont have the diplomatic leverage to do this. The second Hamas and IRI and their proxies say they are done fighting, all the fighting will be done. I guarantee it.

by Victor k

when you lose the liberal Zionists then its bad news.

anyway, we already all knew all this stuff. we have heard it since Nov. the pivot will be, well they are all terrorists so they deserve it.

Do the crime do the time. It's a jungle out there.

by Victor k

Good for Israel.

Iranian media is posting that Qatar has banned US from using Qatar airspace, which seems bizarre as the US has a giant army base in Qatar, and Qatar just extended the lease for 10 years and approved an expansion of the base.

I suppose it could be true, but I cant find any confirmation on any other source, not even Al Jazeera.
