Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33515 Replies


Does supplying bombs to Israel increase or decrease civilians casualties?

Most likely increases.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Most likely increases.

Then we should stop doing that, as everyone is trying to tell you.

Oh good point. I haven't addressed this like 15 times now...

Why is it that I always answer the questions asked of me yet you two so rarely answer ones which actually illustrate the point?

I think I’ve answered all the ones you ask of me. But I’m sure they don’t

You have avoided a lot of my questions.

Let's use Trolly's flawed example.

If you have an alcoholic friend who has to be drinking alcohol and only buys whiskey, but you know that he's content to drink beer even though he's consuming far less alcohol over the period he's drinking the beer, does it make sense to give him a six pack?

by Bluegrassplayer k

You have avoided a lot of my questions.

Let's use Trolly's flawed example.

If you have an alcoholic friend who has to be drinking alcohol and only buys whiskey, but you know that he's content to drink beer even though he's consuming far less alcohol over the period he's drinking the beer, does it make sense to give him a six pack?

Ask away

Are you trying to cure the alcoholism?

It's a yes or no question, you have all the information required.


But what’s that have to do with supplying killers with ammo to kill?

Israel isn’t an alcoholic. They don’t have to kill civilians.

Wtf is wrong with you??? You want to give alcohol to an alcoholic? You think I should be glad he's drinking beer? You think his family is happy you gave him alcohol?


reductio ad absurdum! We want him to drink no alcohol, not less alcohol. Don't you know alcoholics drinking alcohol is bad? Stop giving him beers and give him his whiskey back!

by Bluegrassplayer k

You have avoided a lot of my questions.

Let's use Trolly's flawed example.

If you have an alcoholic friend who has to be drinking alcohol and only buys whiskey, but you know that he's content to drink beer even though he's consuming far less alcohol over the period he's drinking the beer, does it make sense to give him a six pack?

Facts not in evidence!

I prefaced my "reductio ad absurdum" with several assumptions:

Israel was going into Rafah (alcoholic in this case)

They were not going to conduct a professional campaign and were going to overly rely on bombs (whiskey)

If they were going to do that then giving precision munitions helps to minimize civilian casualties makes sense.

Despite explaining this multiple times and then explaining how dropping the first two assumptions and acting like I'm saying this in a vacuum is a bad faith interpretation which leads to asinine things like suggesting I'm for nuking whales cause gotta nuke something, or we should be glad that Israel is dropping bombs, these bad faith interpretations keep getting mentioning.

In fact it's even being escalated to reductio ad absurdum despite that being complete nonsense.

Context matters.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Wtf is wrong with you??? You want to give alcohol to an alcoholic? You think I should be glad he's drinking beer? You think his family is happy you gave him alcohol?


reductio ad absurdum! We want him to drink no alcohol, not less alcohol. Don't you know alcoholics drinking alcohol is bad? Stop giving him beers and give him his whiskey back!

I’m sorry,maybe you don’t know this but in order to quit alcohol you must wean them off of it ergo you cannot go cold turkey. For many people, cold turkey w alcohol can kill them.

So yes, if you’re giving him beer in and trying to get him to drink less then you’re doing good.

But Israel isn’t required to drop bombs.

And Israel might drop less than they would otherwise if we stop supplying them with bombs

Why’re you giving weapons to regimes that target civilians and don’t run professional campaigns?

Luckily for you I just posted a recap of some things you've probably read to refresh your memory. I've gone over this enough ITT, so feel free to go back a few posts and read it. Cliffs: I want to minimize civilian casualties.

your assumptions dont at all reflect reality. USA is giving them all sorts of weaponry and they are using all of it.

They very much reflect reality. There's a reason you ignore them instead of try to disprove them.


the USA is sending all kinds of bombs and munitions to Israel and they are using all of them on civilians. if you havent figured that out yet then I really cant help you.

and that tweet that you just shared is actually not unrelated. it shows that the places you get information from are not reliable.

Which munitions? If it's the precision munitions then this should be pretty self explanatory................

You're arguing that IDF did not claim this?

by Bluegrassplayer k

They very much reflect reality. There's a reason you ignore them instead of try to disprove them.


Careful now. Luciom and Phelps can't claim that all Palestinians are terrorists now. This poll is basically all they had to come to that conclusion, if this somehow shows that Palestinians weren't in favor of crimes committed by Hamas what else do they have left to dehumanize them with?

by Betraisefold22 k

Careful now. Luciom and Phelps can't claim that all Palestinians are terrorists now. This poll is basically all they had to come to that conclusion, if this somehow shows that Palestinians weren't in favor of crimes committed by Hamas what else do they have left to dehumanize them with?

I am on record claiming constantly that people in Gaza are less in favour of Hamas than people in the west bank, and that Gaza palestinians are the first victims of Hamas, so I am not sure what you mean here.

Eradicating Hamas, killing every member and every material suppoert, is a moral imperative (for every living human being).for many reasons including the wellbeing of not radical Palestinians.

And again, to clarify if you missed it: everytime a non Hamas civilian dies his blood is on the hands of Hamas and everyone, worldwide, who supports hamas

its like 99% they are lying. I dont even know the angle, I guess to justify the bombing and say its working? doesnt matter really.

by Luciom k

I am on record claiming constantly that people in Gaza are less in favour of Hamas than people in the west bank, and that Gaza palestinians are the first victims of Hamas, so I am not sure what you mean here.

Eradicating Hamas, killing every member and every material suppoert, is a moral imperative (for every living human being).for many reasons including the wellbeing of not radical Palestinians

You never referred to the 72% poll? If so, forgive my ignorance.

I still think you do a great job at dehumanizing the Palestinians but maybe it was Phelps who kept saying they're essentially all Hamas and referring to the 72% poll results.

And again, to clarify if you missed it: everytime a non Hamas civilian dies his blood is on the hands of Hamas and everyone, worldwide, who supports hamas

We agree to some extent yes. I'm not convinced Israel is entirely blameless but I do agree Hamas has started all this and they're responsible for the unfortunate casualties that come with war. This seems undeniable.

by Betraisefold22 k

You never referred to the 72% poll? If so, forgive my ignorance.

I still think you do a great job at dehumanizing the Palestinians but maybe it was Phelps who kept saying they're essentially all Hamas and referring to the 72% poll results.

I actually referred to 50-something polls for Gaza

19 days after October 7th Russia hosted Hamas leaders in the country:

Some of the proof that the Gaza protesters are backed by Russia and Iran:

If you don't think there's a strong possibility of a psy-ops program going on by these two countries, you're not fully understanding the geopolitical goals imho.

Antisemitism is institutionalized worldwide. It impacts our culture at large, more than people realize.

Which country has the most UN rulings against it? Israel... by a mile. Maybe they are just bad actors? All 7 million of those Jews... and the 2 billion Muslims, that pushed Jews into Israel, and stole their lands throughout the Middle East over the centuries. They are the good guys. They are victims.


I'm going to highlight some of the Iranian intelligence part of the links, because I know most people won't read all of that info:

In an interview with Iran International earlier Monday, Beheshti emphasized that the IRGC uses brainwashing tactics targeting youth in Western countries to cause chaos with such rallies being an example of these tactics.

Less than a month after the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, Iran’s ruler Ali Khamenei called for the blockade of oil and food exports to Israel and urged Muslim states to “not cooperate economically with the Zionist regime.
