Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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To reiterate some of the points:
1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.
2. Racist posts and other bigoted statements that target a particular group or individuals of such groups with derogatory comments are not allowed. This should not need further explanation.
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4. Wishing Harm on other posters will result in an immediate timeout.
5. Genocidal statements such as "Kill 'em all" etc, are no longer permissible in the thread.
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Please be aware this thread is strictly moderated[/quote]
thats ok though, the nyt told me so
The real sad thing is that people who claim to be friends and family of Jews who are silent when antisemites spew such vile lies and hatred. And you know who you are.
Antisemites are going to antisemite. But it is the silent majority who just quietly stands by and doesn't say a thing when antisemites rewrite history to justify their hate that is the real danger to modern society, and destroy the hope that we can be bigger than just sectarian tribes that dehumanize and denigrate the other.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
― George Orwell, 1984
From the same front page:
Ukraine F-16 destroyed during Russian attack, BBC told
Here's another from a few days ago:
Seven killed in 'most massive' Russian air attack, Ukraine says
Sometimes BBC is able to confirm things themselves, sometimes they are not. It is currently easier for media to be in Ukraine than in Gaza, as you have been pointing very well out so it is not surprising that they are able to confirm things more often in Ukraine, especially in a major city like Kharkiv.
Do you think a fish knows what water is?
No media has been allowed in Gaza in the last 20 years, and probably longer. If everything you report has to be approved by the authoritarian ruling party, you are not media, you are just PR.
The real sad thing is that people who claim to be friends and family of Jews who are silent when antisemites spew such vile lies and hatred. And you know who you are.
Antisemites are going to antisemite. But it is the silent majority who just quietly stands by and doesn't say a thing when antisemites rewrite history to justify their hate that is the real danger to modern society, and destroy the hope that we can be bigger than just sectarian tribes that dehumanize and denigrate the other.
Yep. It's insane watching anti-Semitism rise up in front of you. People who have learned everything about this from TikTok propaganda can't even consider that they've been fed lies about Israel. Defending genocidal terrorists who are antithetical to everything we stand for.
In their minds, they're in such a morally justified position by standing up against genocide, they're far less likely to scrutinize anything else. If they can't scrutinize sources to begin with, their own behavior is out of the question. They are unaware of their own anti-Semitism, believing it requires tagging swastikas on synagogues or something. "I can't be anti-Semitic. I don't hate Jews. I'm just against any group of people committing a genocide against a smaller, oppressed group! That makes me hate Jews?" Completely oblivious that the anti-Semitism is the non-existent genocide they're falsely accusing the Jews of committing, their tacit support for an actual genocidal group, etc. It's really sickening to watch, especially the dilution of "genocide" and "concentration camp" being used against the Jews. It's unreal just how wrong they are on everything.
I am speaking out on social media more often as I refuse to let the Victor's of the world run unopposed. It's sad recognizing some of my friends become useful idiots.
Most of the people I know that hate Jews are maga people or people who have been brainwashed by TikTok
I don’t know any anti genocide leftists who hate Jews or even act like they hate Jews
Am I antisemitic for correcting people’s lies/ untruths about the origins of pre IDF in Palestine?
Is it anti semitic to hold the IDF accountable for murdering lots of people?
What definition of the word genocide are you using in your head?
Denying the genocide seems anti Palestinian/ anti Arab.
Yes they don't want to give thousands of Hamas members back for the hostages, and rightfully so.
It isn't a war with prisoner exchange, it's terrorists combatants for innocent civilians, you don't negotiate with terrorists.
Yes they don't want to give thousands of Hamas members back for the hostages, and rightfully so.
It isn't a war with prisoner exchange, it's terrorists combatants for innocent civilians, you don't negotiate with terrorists.
If Israel can have ex military people that aren’t combatants then Palestinians have the right to have their civilians called civilians as well. Terrorist is a made of word. You’re a civilian , an enemy combatant or you’re part of the military.
Terrorist is mostly a racist word used to describe people the west doesn’t like. The word is often used to justify illegal wars
good post pw
others might see netanyahu supporters as the useful idiots. One of the things he has done is so much harm to sentiment about Israel. That has come with a very significant boost to the antisemitic and the islamophobic.
Most of the people I know that hate Jews are maga people or people who have been brainwashed by TikTok
I donÂ’t know any anti genocide leftists who hate Jews or even act like they hate Jews
Am I antisemitic for correcting peopleÂ’s lies/ untruths about the origins of pre IDF in Palestine?
Is it anti semitic to hold the IDF accountable for murdering lots of people?
What definition of the word genocide are you using in your head?
Denying the genocide seems anti Palestinian/ anti Arab.
You are extremely biased. There was tremendous violence by Arabs against Jews in the area you call Palestine for hundreds of years, leading all the way up to 1948. Even looking at the 1920-45 period, the violence was probably 75/25 favoring the Arabs (I didn't add it all up, but the eyeball test indicates this). And a lot of the Arab on Jew violence was 10/7 like in nature; massacres, pogroms and sadistic torture and murder of women and children. And the Arabs are the ones that attacked the Jews in 1948, with the intent of complete and total genocide. They just lost.
And you are completely indifferent to the real history. You just pick and choose the parts that confirm your biases. What the motivations in your heart are for your bias is ultimately between you and your God. But as far as I am concerned, if it looks like an antisemite, walks like an antisemite and talks like an antisemite; it is probably an antisemite.
I know PW doesn't care about real history, just what confirms his biases, but for anyone interested here is a list of the violence and the perpetrators leading up to Israel's formation. As you can see A LOT of it was perpetrated by Arabs. And even looking at a list underscores how bad Arab behavior was, as like I said much of it was aimed at women and children, similar to 10/7.
Biased doesn’t mean wrong.
Yes I am biased in favor of the innocents who have been disproportionately killed.
Please cite the violence of Arabs against Jews that you’re mentioning. I have posted many times showing the pre IDF forces fought the British and kicked them out of Palestine. They even took over the British command center and turned it into their own urban command center
Arabs are not Palestinians, do you think that they are the same?
What a great article you posted. Thanks for proving my point.
“Individual massacres during the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine are listed below. In total, during the course of these events, between September 27, 1937 – 1939, 5,000 Arabs, 415 Jews and several hundred Britons were killed“

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What does the word Jewish militant mean? If they are bombing civilians with a political purpose then what’s that called?
You are extremely biased. There was tremendous violence by Arabs against Jews in the area you call Palestine for hundreds of years, leading all the way up to 1948. Even looking at the 1920-45 period, the violence was probably 75/25 favoring the Arabs (I didn't add it all up, but the eyeball test indicates this). And a lot of the Arab on Jew violence was 10/7 like in nature; massacres, pogroms and sadistic torture and murder of women and children. And the Arabs are the ones that attacked the
I think it's pointless to try and bring facts to pointlessW. He's caught up in a pretty easily rebuked numbers game of who has the most deaths between Palestinians and Jews. He's missing all the important points.
I guess we should also overlook the fact that almost all terrorist attacks around the world are committed by Muslim extremist, especially the largest attacks over the last 50+ years.
How many international Jewish extremism attacks do we have? Zero... but yeah, Jews are the ones initiating and killing Palestinians. You basically have to turn off all reason and logic to get to where these guys are.
One side commits acts of violence on its own people, abuses it's women, kills gay people, uses their people as human shields in battle and doesn't want democracy.
The other side is democratic, respects its women and the gay community, announces where it's planning to attack, and doesn't commit terrorist acts around the world.
Meanwhile in NY in front of many of the synagogues there, you have big blocks of stone around the curbs and in front of entrances in order to prevent people from running their cars over the curbs or into the synagogues to kill people. No other religion has needed to put such safeguards in place over there. But please go on and tell me that Jews are the perpetrators and the violent community.
Recently in LA, there was a pro Hamas protest at a synagogue where people were blocking the entrance and beating people up. The press, and nobody really spoke out about this or called it antisemitism. This reporter at free press, Noah Pollock made a really important point:
If you had a bunch of masked Christian Republicans gathered in front of a mosque in Los Angeles assaulting Muslims, what would the response have been? As he says, we would now be several days into a national news cycle about Islamophobia and injustice in America. There would be joint LAPD and FBI task forces kicking down doors and press conferences, vigils, presidential speeches and multipart investigative reports from numerous leading publications.
But not a peep about it. Again... I wonder why.
The most hate crimes in the world are perpetuated against Jews. Only 15 million of them, but they have a lot of targeted hate.
Cmon man
Take away “extremist”
How many civilians has the IDF killed vs Muslim terrorists around the world?
Conflating a legitimate resistance movement with the Western back extremists all whole dehumanizing billions of people is just lazy.
Recently in LA, there was a pro Hamas protest at a synagogue where people were blocking the entrance and beating people up. The press, and nobody really spoke out about this or called it antisemitism.
Was that the real estate auction for the new, exciting land opportunities that had recently opened up in the west bank?
Protesting Isreali west bank expansion is anti semetic?
Was that the real estate auction for the new, exciting land opportunities that had recently opened up in the west bank?
Protesting Isreali west bank expansion is anti semetic?
Did you look into what happened, and determine that is actually what was going on? Or did you just accept this narrative because it confirmed to your own biases?
If I remember correctly, it was an event being sponsored by a real estate company where they were promoting specific properties in Israel. However, if you went through every property this company had up for sale, including properties they were not promoting at the event, there was one property in Area C, that was completely in an Israeli area that had been so for decades.
I hope you understand the West Bank includes cities that have been completely under Israeli control for decades with hundreds of thousands of Israelis living in them. And any hypothetical land swap as part of a peace/Palestinian state will not include such cities.
So as you can see it is a very big, and very disingenuous jump, to frame it as you have. And even if your framing is correct, most reasonable people would agree it would not be appropriate to show up at synagogues and drive through Jewish areas looking for Jews walking the streets to harass and assault, which is what happened.
Yes it is antisemitic