Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33442 Replies


by Dunyain k

Did you look into what happened, and determine that is actually what was going on? Or did you just accept this narrative because it confirmed to your own biases?

If I remember correctly, it was an event being sponsored by a real estate company where they were promoting specific properties in Israel. However, if you went through every property this company had up for sale, including properties they were not promoting at the event, there was one property in Area C, that was completely in an Israe

Are you just using a lot of words to deny illegal settlements? Don't you think it's funny you're guilty of what you're excusing people of.

''Your side can never admit xyz''. Yeah well neither can you it seems.

No other religion has needed to put such safeguards in place over there.

Yeah Muslims have NEVER faced anything like this at all. The months/years after 9/11 were just a walk in the park for your average American born Muslim or their businesses.

by Betraisefold22 k

Yeah Muslims have NEVER faced anything like this at all. The months/years after 9/11 were just a walk in the park for your average American born Muslim or their businesses.

Given what happened, it really was. The Western world, especially America, should give itself much more credit than it does for actually being tolerant and inclusive, arguably to a fault. And progressives and some Muslims embracing mostly incorrect victimology narratives is not only unreflective of reality, but it increases sectarian conflict.

by Betraisefold22 k

Are you just using a lot of words to deny illegal settlements? Don't you think it's funny you're guilty of what you're excusing people of.

You might as well be outraged the US exists and call it "Turtle Island." At some point "illegal settlement" rhetoric when you are talking about giant cities that have been around longer than any of us have been alive just becomes nonsensical and counterproductive.

Somehow doesn’t surprise me those are your responses. You’re just another Victor just arguing for the other side.

Denying illegal settlements. Pretending American born Muslims didn’t go through hell after 9/11 knowing full well they had **** all to do with any of it.

But appreciate you exposing yourself. Another one to not take seriously anymore.

by Dunyain k

You might as well be outraged the US exists and call it "Turtle Island." At some point "illegal settlement" rhetoric when you are talking about giant cities that have been around longer than any of us have been alive just becomes nonsensical and counterproductive.

True. If you ignore illegal settlements for long enough they just become part of Israel and **** the Arabs who lived there.

by Betraisefold22 k

Somehow doesn’t surprise me those are your responses. You’re just another Victor just arguing for the other side.

Denying illegal settlements. Pretending American born Muslims didn’t go through hell after 9/11 knowing full well they had **** all to do with any of it.

But appreciate you exposing yourself. Another one to not take seriously anymore.

Bro what

by Dunyain k

Did you look into what happened, and determine that is actually what was going on? Or did you just accept this narrative because it confirmed to your own biases?

If I remember correctly, it was an event being sponsored by a real estate company where they were promoting specific properties in Israel. However, if you went through every property this company had up for sale, including properties they were not promoting at the event, there was one property in Area C, that was completely in an Israe

Yes I could be wrong but was also responding to a post framing the protest as blatant anti semitism and they were just people trying to go to Synagogue to worship when that was not the case.

by Victor k

Bro what

Lol. He’s doing the same thing he excuses you of except it’s for the other side.

Sorry English is my third language.

by 5 south k

Yes I could be wrong but was also responding to a post framing the protest as blatant anti semitism and they were just people trying to go to Synagogue to worship when that was not the case.

They have plenty of political events at mosques, or other events which could be framed as problematic if one was so inclined. Do you think there is any context where someone could get away with physically intimidating and assaulting Muslims attending a political event at a mosque that would not be broad brushed as Islamophobia; and instantly condemned by most of polite society?

Of course not. Whether you want to frame it as "antisemitism" or not, there are certain behaviors that one can get away with against Jews, that you couldn't against pretty much any other minority group, including sometimes groups coded as "white."

by Dunyain k

They have plenty of political events at mosques. Do you think there is any context where someone could get away with physically intimidating and assaulting Muslims attending a political event at a mosque that would not be broad brushed as Islamophobia; and instantly condemned by most of polite society?

Of course not. Whether you want to frame it as "antisemitism" or not, there are certain behaviors that one can get away with against Jews, that you couldn't against pretty much any other minori

If the tables were turned it would definitely be labeled islamophobia and I would still have the same opinion the media would be framing it wrong and people absolutely have the right to protest without being called racist.

by Betraisefold22 k

Lol. He’s doing the same thing he excuses you of except it’s for the other side.

Sorry English is my third language.

I understood your point. I think it's wrong and absurd.

by Victor k

I understood your point. I think it's wrong and absurd.

Nah. You’re far too extreme.

by 5 south k

If the tables were turned it would definitely be labeled islamophobia and I would still have the same opinion the media would be framing it wrong and people absolutely have the right to protest without being called racist.

It is a little chaotic, but this is a video of the "protest" in question. I just found it by a quick Google search. I dont know the person who made the tweet from a hole in the wall, or endorse anything they say; but I can press play and interpret what happened myself.

This is in a small Jewish area of LA. There were also literally "protestors" driving around the neighborhood hurling insults at Jews just walking around the neighborhoods. I remember one couple that was doing this was actually pulled over by the police (it made the local news which is why I can remember), and they had a couple small children in their car, which really makes you wonder about the psychology of such people.

by Betraisefold22 k

Nah. You’re far too extreme.

I don't post blatant falsehoods. Ofc my views are extreme as I reject Western opinion. But they are based on facts, Law, and morality.

by Dunyain k

It is a little chaotic, but this is a video of the "protest" in question. I just found it by a quick Google search. This is in a small Jewish area of LA. There were also literally "protestors" driving around the neighborhood hurling insults at Jews just walking around the neighborhoods. I remember one couple that was doing this was actually pulled over by the police, and they had a couple small children in their car, which really makes you wonder about the psychology of such people.

Just commenting on the video, obviously I'm not going to defend people threatening random families in the street but you live/used to live in LA. Is it normal for people to walk around with the Israeli flag draped across their shoulders?

by 5 south k

Just commenting on the video, obviously I'm not going to defend people threatening random families in the street but you live/used to live in LA. Is it normal for people to walk around with the Israeli flag draped across their shoulders?

No, of course it isn't. Word spread very quick about what was going on, and local counter protestors showed up. It is probably most analogous to what happened in Britain, when right wing agitators went after mosques and counter protestors showed up.

Except no one is defending that what the right wingers in Britain were doing was ok*

*There is some legitimate question (IMO at least) that given what has been going on in Britain the last couple years whether there is a 2 tier system of justice in the very harsh sentences the right wing agitators in Britain received. But that is a different matter entirely.

by Dunyain k

No, of course it isn't. Word spread very quick about what was going on, and local counter protestors showed up. It is probably most analogous to what happened in Britain, when right wing agitators went after mosques and counter protestors showed up.

Except no one is defending that what the right wingers in Britain were doing was ok*

*There is some legitimate question (IMO at least) that given what has been going on in Britain the last couple years whether there is a 2 tier system of justice i

If there was a real estate expo at the same synagogue 2 years ago there would have maybe been a handful of protesters hanging around and probably dispersed fairly quickly with little incident if they didn't know their rights but currently there is a war between two bitter enemies and it's going to get heated.

by Dunyain k

No, of course it isn't. Word spread very quick about what was going on, and local counter protestors showed up. It is probably most analogous to what happened in Britain, when right wing agitators went after mosques and counter protestors showed up.

Except no one is defending that what the right wingers in Britain were doing was ok*

*There is some legitimate question (IMO at least) that given what has been going on in Britain the last couple years whether there is a 2 tier system of justice i

I would be surprised if people were showing to defend Mosques in Britain wrapped in Israeli flags. But maybe it happened!

by Dunyain k

No, of course it isn't. Word spread very quick about what was going on, and local counter protestors showed up. It is probably most analogous to what happened in Britain, when right wing agitators went after mosques and counter protestors showed up.

Except no one is defending that what the right wingers in Britain were doing was ok*

*There is some legitimate question (IMO at least) that given what has been going on in Britain the last couple years whether there is a 2 tier system of justice i

Is this really true? No one?

damn why are ppl protesting auctions of stolen west bank land as israel expands their genocide to *checks notes* the west bank? impossible to know, really

In the words of Dunyain ''talking about illegal settlements is nonsensical and counterproductive''.

proly antisemitism? def antisemitism.

by Betraisefold22 k

In the words of Dunyain ''talking about illegal settlements is nonsensical and counterproductive''.

Well, as long as we are litigating history that happened before any of us were born, we can talk about how Arabian Muslim Apartheid colonists violently conquered said land, and then force converted, enslaved and genocided all the locals from it. Which is how the land called Judea got to be under Muslim Arab control in the first place.

And why the Jewish people are now liberating Judea from the Apartheid colonialist oppressors.

As long as we are talking about illegal settlements on stolen land, is that what you want to talk about?

West Bank genocide is on. they got away with it in Gaza so now they can take out the West Bank which is even more divided and less defended.

by Victor k

West Bank genocide is on. they got away with it in Gaza so now they can take out the West Bank which is even more divided and less defended.

Source: random twitter post
