Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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damn, didnt know polio could just strike suddenly. just out of nowhere, it just...struck. aww well, no such thing as propaganda in America the Free.
unfortunate for the child at least.
I'm not even sure of your point, because of course there can be a sudden outbreak of polio.
Do you realize though that the theme in your posting is nearly all of it is very binary. It's either extreme one way or another, as if there's no nuance in any of these arguments.
Of course American can have propaganda, and it's of course going to have it's biases, just like every nation on earth. Nobody is making an argument against that... just you, apparently.
no polio doesnt just suddenly break out. it was caused by Israel if not deliberately introduced as biological warfare.
my point is that most people dont even realize the biases and the propaganda that they are hit with or understand how to process it. this is evident bc you see nothing wrong with this headline.
lets consider a counterfactual, say that Russia obliterated an area and laid siege to it such that clean water, cleaning supplies, medicine and nutrients were almost non-existent. if people started getting polio, then you better believe the headlines would be a lot different.
no polio doesnt just suddenly break out. it was caused by Israel if not deliberately introduced as biological warfare.
my point is that most people dont even realize the biases and the propaganda that they are hit with or understand how to process it. this is evident bc you see nothing wrong with this headline.
lets consider a counterfactual, say that Russia obliterated an area and laid siege to it such that clean water, cleaning supplies, medicine and nutrients were almost non-existent. if peo
lol... you're confusing sensationalism in headlines with propaganda. The point of the article, and it even says this, is that because of the war and displacement of families, they haven't been able to administer proper vaccination schedules to infants. The article also states this potential had been warned about for months. So technically, it's not sudden of course, but it they are calling it the first case and potential for more outbreak.
I don't know who you think Israeli's are... but you have a pretty warped perspective on a lot of things in here. The irony in this is all is, someone is definitely been propagandized by this war. It can't possibly be you though, even thought Iran and Russia have overtly been attacking western democracies, and doing everything they can to undermine them.
If Israel set down it's weapons, what do you think would happen? We'd actually see a real genocide happen.... that's what you're not getting. I'm suspecting because you've fallen prey to American MSM is all bad, and essentially, "fake news".
What do you think would happen if Palestine set all its weapons down? There would be peace, as they ARE NOT the initial aggressors here. All the talk about borders is confusing people, because the Muslim world in that area, doesn't recognize any borders. If you gave them any part of Gaza they wanted, it would not stop there. You fail to acknowledge any of this, because...
Because it’s not true
The point of the article, and it even says this, is that because of the war and displacement of families, they haven't been able to administer proper vaccination schedules to infants. The article also states this potential had been warned about for months. So technically, it's not sudden of course, but it they are calling it the first case and potential for more outbreak.
and the Israelis deliberately the caused of all that. you and the article seem to downplay or completely ignore that part.
lol... you're confusing sensationalism in headlines with propaganda. The point of the article, and it even says this, is that because of the war and displacement of families, they haven't been able to administer proper vaccination schedules to infants. The article also states this potential had been warned about for months. So technically, it's not sudden of course, but it they are calling it the first case and potential for more outbreak.
I don't know who you think Israeli's are... but you have
Redonkolous headlines can actually be propaganda especially because something like 70-80% of people only read headlines.
and the Israelis deliberately the caused of all that. you and the article seem to downplay or completely ignore that part.
Deliberately? You're not arguing in good faith at all.
Again, if Israel put down it's weapons, it would just go on continuing to develop software companies and have good trade alliances with western allys.
What would Palestine do? Can you name any big Palestinian companies? Why do you think they don't have any... is Israel also at fault because of this? They don't even have one company in that country that has 1 billion in market cap. Their largest is ~500mill. Again... why?
Meanwhile, Israel has 45 companies w/ over 1 billion in market cap, and create companies like Wix, check point software, monday, etc...
Palestine is shooting itself in its own foot by allowing Hamas and other Muslim terrorist organizations, to run its country. It's not going to ever heal and be peaceful in that region until it rejects the radicalization that their religion creates.
If you were kicked out of your country, and you had the choice to go into 1 of 2 countries, which would you pick?
The one that respected women and children, gay people, and had the opportunity for upward mobility.
The one that treats women like objects, beats them, rapes them w/o consequence, kills gay people, and have little opportunity for upward mobility because a radical terrorist organization could take over your company at any point?
I'm asking for a friend of course.
yes deliberately. they have destroyed almost all sanitation and health care. and they even said they were going to before doing it.
get owned get gone
Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead after Russia plane crash
We all know his plane didn't just crash. Clear propaganda for Russia.
Ukraine prepares for another brutal winter
It's brutal because Russia is bombing their power grid!!!!! Clear Russian bias.
The Back-to-School Horror for UkraineÂ’s Children
It's horror because of Russian war crimes!!!! Clear Russian bias in western media.
I've literally been accused of Israeli bias, while condemning Israeli war crimes, for not aggrandizing my language.
Meanwhile blatant support of Russia, and constantly condemning Ukraine for trivial things compared to Russia's transgressions is "different" and doesn't count as bias.
Propaganda moves people so far to the extreme that anything less extreme is bias. Tankie Twitter and the other forms of propaganda are extremely effective in their radicalization. So effective that those who have been radicalized don't even realize it.

lol imagine any Western outlet ever saying this about Israel's war of aggression.
I dont know lemonde or really care but yes that is a bad headline and subheadline and exactly what you would expect from the USA wrt to Israel. maybe its infiltrated by Russians! ofc the rest of the blurb puts the blame squarely on Russia.
and I dont see much wrong with the first headline considering it was on the same day as the crash.
1 out of 3 aint bad Ill give you that.
3 out of 3. No idea where you got 1 from unless it's extreme bias.
1 out of 3 unbiased ain't bad ill give you that.
Bc I can read and evaluate news articles far better than most Western liberals.
However I still have my biases and fall for blatant propaganda like thinking Ukraine would win or Israel would beat Hamas quickly.
When you need to resort to the antisemite slander the it's ggwp.
You display a lot of evidence of it.
Hamas broke a cease fire on 10/7 to kill over 1200 Jews, by mutilating, raping them, burning women and babies in an effort to mimic the Holocaust. I haven't once heard you speak out against that.
No burning. No rape. Get better material.
Khamenei, just days before 10/7, the supreme leader of Iran tweeted precisely what it was that we saw happen on 10/7, only that he, instead of using the word Jew or Israel, exchanges it with Zionist or Zionist cancer in this case, that would be destroyed by Palestinians.
Hamas broke a cease fire on 10/7 to kill over 1200 Jews, by mutilating, raping them, burning women and babies in an effort to mimic the Holocaust.
Hamas has fired over 19000 rockets at Israel since 10/7, committing double war crimes because they are targetting civilians, from within their own densely populated areas.
Israel created humanitarian quarters, that it has actually announced before any attack where it was going to attack and asked the civilians in those areas to evacuate. Hamas has prevented their evacuation in many cases. Or that has intercepted the humanitarian aid that Israel has enabled to flow through.
Hamas leaders have called on the annihilation of Jews, which is the point of "from the river to the sea".
Hamas is fighting and winning a propaganda war.
Do you deny the Holocaust also? I'm seriously asking.
Not this again. Every 15 pages we’re going to debate whether rape, burning and the beheading of babies really happened.
well it happens every day. just only to the Palestinians and by the Israelis.