Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33854 Replies


by Bill Haywood k

The death toll from the most recent Israeli attacks has hit 500 including 35 children.

If Hezbollah had produced that death toll in Israel, you would say those were indiscriminate attacks.

And there's always a further back attack to justify the current retaliation. But the most recent escalation was by Israel.

I have already said everything I need to say about civilian casualties in this thread, but you’re just making crap up literally no one who believes in any just war whatsoever could believe. If you believe in any just war, you accept that some percentage of the time kids will be killed. The Nazis could never have been defeated without some German children being killed.

Also… so you’re not going to answer the question?

Interesting that Hezbollah declared war on Israel 11 months ago and have been firing rockets into Israel that whole time. And the usual suspects have been completely agnostic about this. And now after 11 months, where Hezbollah could have stopped at any time (they still can stop at any time) Israel is finally starting to do something about it.

And now is is outrage from all the usual suspects. Wars suck. People die in wars. That is why no one should be indifferent towards shithead Islamists perpetually starting wars that get people killed.

Most of you guys are bad faith acting moral failures. Your worldview (like those of the Islamists you support) is an nihilistic, epistemological wasteland.

I’m sure if you check Bill Haywood’s post history, you’ll see that over the past year he’s been consistently admonishing Hezbollah for their escalations and voicing concern for the innocent civilians who may be caught up in the inevitable retaliatory strikes.


On a related note, are there any sources on how much of Hezbollah’s resources get used to build defensive structures for their population? Do they use any of their Iranian funding to build bomb shelters? Have they tried developing a system like the iron dome? Or is all their funding poured into offensive weaponry? I’m assuming the average civilian doesn’t have access to their tunnels.

by checkraisdraw k

Answer my question first. Can you name a single country that would allow another country to fire rockets indiscriminately into them? We both know you can’t name a single country, all you can do is point to how incompetent Hezbollah is as a defense.

how about answering my question on how many Israeli citizens have been killed with these indiscriminate missiles

by MyrnaFTW k

how about answering my question on how many Israeli citizens have been killed with these indiscriminate missiles

So you are saying that Guatemala can fire rockets indiscriminately into Mexico and as long as Guatemala is incompetent Mexico won’t respond?

Why don’t you want to answer the question?

by MyrnaFTW k

how about answering my question on how many Israeli citizens have been killed with these indiscriminate missiles

Israel recognizes 27 civilians killed (and 25 soldiers, so 1:1 ratio) and around 100,000 civilians displaced for 11 months and counting. Hezbollah claims they have inflicted "2000 casualties" that Israel is mostly hiding, although they dont really provide info how they came up with this number.

But yeah, given how long this has drawn on, where rockets are being fired at them daily, the idea Israel should just suck it up and put up with this indefinitely just because of their defensive capabilities and casualties are low is laughable.

by Bill Haywood k

The death toll from the most recent Israeli attacks has hit 500 including 35 children.

If Hezbollah had produced that death toll in Israel, you would say those were indiscriminate attacks.

And there's always a further back attack to justify the current retaliation. But the most recent escalation was by Israel.

are children here the same as "hamas" 19y "children"?

by Dunyain k

Israel recognizes 27 civilians killed (and 25 soldiers, so 1:1 ratio) and around 100,000 civilians displaced for 11 months and counting. Hezbollah claims they have inflicted "2000 casualties" that Israel is mostly hiding, although they dont really provide info how they came up with this number.

so now you are using these numbers as almost facts.

what country allows 35 kids to be killed indiscriminately by missiles in one day ?

is Lebanon allowed to itself ?

by MyrnaFTW k

so now you are using these numbers as almost facts.

what country allows 35 kids to be killed indiscriminately by missiles in one day ?

is Lebanon allowed to itself ?

Lebanon has been attacking Israel for 330+ days. At any point they could stop and it would be over. So they are morally responsible for every casualty on both sides.

And in case you missed it Lebanon/Hezbollah fired 100+ rockets at Haifa today. Which you appear to be indifferent towards. So it appears your main gripe is that the Iranian coalition of Islamists aren't inflicting enough Jewish casualties, and you feel Israel is under some moral obligation to be more "equitable" and allow them to kill more Jews.

Hezbollah is explicit in their aims which are to support Gaza and stop or lessen the genocide and illegal attacks. From a moral point of view, ofc stopping genocide is correct.

From an International Law pov, Israel has no right to attack, bomb, and invade Gaza so once again, Hezbollah is on the side of righteousness.

by checkraisdraw k

Answer my question first. Can you name a single country that would allow another country to fire rockets indiscriminately into them? We both know you can’t name a single country, all you can do is point to how incompetent Hezbollah is as a defense.


by Victor k

Hezbollah is explicit in their aims which are to support Gaza and stop or lessen the genocide and illegal attacks. From a moral point of view, ofc stopping genocide is correct.

From an International Law pov, Israel has no right to attack, bomb, and invade Gaza so once again, Hezbollah is on the side of righteousness.

"internationa law" lol

why did you ignore the first part?

the only argument that Israel has for their aggression and rapacity is from the standpoint of the European colonial White Empire supremacist mindset.

by Victor k

why did you ignore the first part?

the only argument that Israel has for their aggression and rapacity is from the standpoint of the European colonial White Empire supremacist mindset.

Man i am italian and i am a part of the empire and we are as white as people in Lebanon, pls stop that.

by Luciom k

Man i am italian and i am a part of the empire and we are as white as people in Lebanon, pls stop that.

Italy had plenty of colonial outposts and did plenty of murder.

and? still not whiter than lebanon.

Call us the evil western empire or something, white isn't the unifying element. The whitest country in the world is our enemy lol (Russia)

"Whiteness" is a construct. Regardless, "Slavic" or "Asiatic" Russia as described by much of the West at different time is def not part of it.

by MyrnaFTW k


lmao Lebanon started a war with absolutely no provocation, are you serious? Delusional.

Syrian militants firing at Hezbollah:

Regarding the direct comparison of civilian casualties: Israel clearly defines where their military targets are. Yesterday I posted a video of a civilian house getting struck followed by one of the rockets inside of the house firing into a neighboring house. This doesn't mean that Israel is 100% in the right, but civilian deaths in Lebanon are at least partly a direct result of Hezbollah policies.

Israel has spent the last 11 months mapping out where a lot of Hezbollah rockets are stored, mainly in loyal Shiite areas, and now are going after them. And they have sent out thousands of notices over a variety of mediums telling the people residing in these places to leave.

If you are allowing your house to be used as a rocket storage facility (which A LOT of Lebanese Shiites do, and they are even compensated for it) and you are 11 months into a war, and the nation you are fighting announces for a week they are going to destroy the rocket stored in your house and you should leave; at some point if you insist on staying in the house and are there when it is destroyed, that is on you.

For their part, unlike Gaza Palestinians, most Lebanese (even Shiite loyalists) have the ability and will to leave the active war zone areas (and everyone in the country knows where those areas are, as they are Hezbollah/Shiite strongholds), so tremendous amounts of weapons are being destroyed with very minimal collateral damage.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Syrian militants firing at Hezbollah:

Hezbollah has been very active in the Syrian civil war, assisting Assad's regime and Russia against militant groups. I doubt Hezbollah being weakened during its war against Israel is going to move the needle much in this campaign, but possibly it could.

As far as a possible Israeli ground "occupation," as part of their larger effort to secure their own border and allow Israelis to go back to their homes; I read an interesting piece on X arguing they should focus on cutting off supply routes near the Syria border that Hezbollah uses to move weapons into Lebanon. And if they do this and continue precision bombing they can cut off Hezbollah in Lebanon from resupplying.

by Dunyain k

Hezbollah has been very active in the Syrian civil war, assisting Assad's regime and Russia against militant groups. I doubt Hezbollah being weakened during its war against Israel is going to move the needle much in this campaign, but possibly it could.

thats a Salafi group. ie, an actual radical fundamental Islamist group. its weird how they always oppose Resistance groups.

by Dunyain k

As far as a possible Israeli ground "occupation," as part of their larger effort to secure their own border and allow Israelis to go back to their homes; I read an interesting piece on X arguing they should focus on cutting off supply routes near the Syria border that Hezbollah uses to move weapons into Lebanon. And if they do this and continue precision bombing they can cut off Hezbollah in Lebanon from resupplying.

you might have actually stumbled across a twitter account that knows somewhat wtf they are talking about! bc I have heard the same in that, Hezbollah is supplied by the Syrian Weapons Industry.

which is probably at least partially why the West went to such effort to destroy the country. but they failed.

by Victor k

you might have actually stumbled across a twitter account that knows somewhat wtf they are talking about! bc I have heard the same in that, Hezbollah is supplied by the Syrian Weapons Industry.

which is probably at least partially why the West went to such effort to destroy the country. but they failed.

Yeah had nothing to do with Assad using chemical weapons on his own people, it was definitely the Syrian weapon industry. Is there any despotic anti-American regime you won’t defend?
