President Elon Musk
He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly
There is no cancel culture outside of a few very specific cases, some warranted and some more questionable, but almost all limited to the Hollywood lexicon. There has never been an issue with freedom of speech, its just the right wants freedom of speech to mean, "you don't shame me for expressing abhorrent opinions" which is about as far from free speech as it gets.
This is a normal level of hypocrisy (lack of accountability) from right wingers that drives normal people insane
There is no cancel culture outside of a few very specific cases, some warranted and some more questionable, but almost all limited to the Hollywood lexicon. There has never been an issue with freedom of speech, its just the right wants freedom of speech to mean, "you don't shame me for expressing abhorrent opinions" which is about as far from free speech as it gets.
This is a normal level of hypocrisy (lack of accountability) from right wingers that drives normal people insane
The left hates freedom of speech.
... and maybe REALIZE that "they" are at fault for their own misery. I suspect that many will not because the current administration likes to blame anyone else.
And the funny part is the wasteful deep state money trough is going to explode thanks to doge. It's not a done deal yet and maybe someone will stop it, but I'm on the board of a startup for energy storage and distribution devices, the founder has a few patents related to semi solid state batteries and the initial goal, which would have hopefully lead to US based manufacturing and engineering jobs, has been shelved to try to just cash in on government contracts that would have been flagged as conflicts of interests under previous administrations. But the thought is that won't be hard to overcome now if the right people are given a cut. If it was just up to me I would probably not do it as it's 10s of millions of dollars for nothing to people who don't need it rather than taking a risk create something of value. But that's the problem with taking venture capital. At least the main talent will be free to try again from scratch if this goes through, hopefully learning a lesson about how and from whom to take money.
i'm very much on record being outraged with the recent banning of AP from the whitehouse
press access to the white house is incredibly restricted - always has been
while you and i would agree with alex jones and sid's nazi blog should not be given access and AP should be given access, it still remains that you're living in fantasy land if you think this is the first instance of press restriction in the white house
i'm very much on record being outraged with the recent banning of AP from the whitehouse
press access to the white house is incredibly restricted - always has been
while you and i would agree with alex jones and sid's nazi blog should not be given access and AP should be given access, it still remains that you're living in fantasy land if you think this is the first instance of press restriction in the white house
Yeah, all this mumbo jumbo would make sense if AP was never part of the press pool in the White House.
There is no cancel culture outside of a few very specific cases, some warranted and some more questionable, but almost all limited to the Hollywood lexicon. There has never been an issue with freedom of speech, its just the right wants freedom of speech to mean, "you don't shame me for expressing abhorrent opinions" which is about as far from free speech as it gets.
This is a normal level of hypocrisy (lack of accountability) from right wingers that drives normal people insane
Med school teachers have been heavily harassed, suspended for courses and so on because they failed to say "pregnant people" instead of "pregnant women" but sure nothing has ever happened of the sort
There is no cancel culture outside of a few very specific cases, some warranted and some more questionable, but almost all limited to the Hollywood lexicon. There has never been an issue with freedom of speech, its just the right wants freedom of speech to mean, "you don't shame me for expressing abhorrent opinions" which is about as far from free speech as it gets.
This is a normal level of hypocrisy (lack of accountability) from right wingers that drives normal people insane
I would like to be able to make this case, but the Biden admin literally had the FBI talking to Facebook about what it should restrict.
I think you're right about it mostly being BS, but the "there has never been an issue with freedom of speech" part is wrong.
i'm very much on record being outraged with the recent banning of AP from the whitehouse
press access to the white house is incredibly restricted - always has been
while you and i would agree with alex jones and sid's nazi blog should not be given access and AP should be given access, it still remains that you're living in fantasy land if you think this is the first instance of press restriction in the white house
You are right , trump in his first term did it as well
how many people got fired for supporting Palestine the last year and a half?
Med school teachers have been heavily harassed, suspended for courses and so on because they failed to say "pregnant people" instead of "pregnant women" but sure nothing has ever happened of the sort
You mean private companies decided what they want their employees to say? I thought that was the kind of thing you support; what does it have to do with free speech?