President Elon Musk

President Elon Musk

He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly

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21 December 2024 at 02:21 PM

2587 Replies


by Luciom k

This is the right graph

Non defense DID DOUBLE from 1960.

Government services shouldn't expand, but even if they do it costs you the same amount of time to give someone 300 bucks or 600 bucks.

So u believe government services and intervention in their life’s through more federal program hasn’t happen since the 1960s , but then you keep shouting every where that the U.S. been far more left then before ?

Seem it didn’t if we follow your line of thinking .
the U.S. did became more left , did create more program and did needed more employees …..

So Which stance you choosing , u can’t be both ….

by Montrealcorp k

So u believe government services and intervention in their life’s through more federal program hasn’t happen since the 1960s , but then you keep shouting every where that the U.S. been far more left then before ?

Seem it didn’t if we follow your line of thinking .
the U.S. did became more left , did create more program and did needed more employees …..

So Which stance you choosing , u can’t be both ….

man employees did double while they should be far fewer than in 1960 of the government did the same things as in 1960

By Portugese artist Zez Vaz.

by Playbig2000 k

You don't become as successful as Elon's become without being the genius that he is.
I don't think people realize how lucky we are to have someone like him and president Trump doing a long overdue overhaul of a broken system that's gotten carried away.

This video sums up his life, he's literally one of the most successful people in the world.


We are lucky to have a smart person like Elon and the super brilliant people working with him. I have always dreamed of a government overhaul and here we are. There is no doubt Elon is on the spectrum so I don't know if he realizes how much he looked like Hitler when he did that. I think it was probably intentional and done as a troll.

by weeeez k

There is some kind of irony that king nerd which dreams about being a video game god , is now the role model for all rednecks and the party of masculinity.

It's definitely the more masculine party. It seems to be Alpha vs Beta.

Don't conflate "rednecks" with Trump supporters. There are a lot of non goobers who support the man.

by mongidig k

We are lucky to have a smart person like Elon and the super brilliant people working with him. I have always dreamed of a government overhaul and here we are. There is no doubt Elon is on the spectrum so I don't know if he realizes how much he looked like Hitler when he did that. I think it was probably intentional and done as a troll.

Too bad none of them understand government process or forensic auditing. Two kind of important things when overhauling the government.

But yeah, it's super kewl having a monarchy for government. Something to remind us of when we fled Britain.

by Luciom k

man employees did double while they should be far fewer than in 1960 of the government did the same things as in 1960

This sentence makes no sense .
Do u believe the government of today is more socialist then in 1960 ?
Of course u do ! You keep complaining about it non stop how evil it became the past decades around the world …

So how it accomplished that ?
By being more interventionist into people life with more services and regulations right ?
And that takes more employees for it right ?

So again there must be not so much waste since the level of employees didn’t move much while the population almost double with more services and regulations from the government ….

by Gorgonian k

By Portugese artist Zez Vaz.

Have no idea why the image didn't show up but oh well I'm not trying again.

by Gorgonian k

Have no idea why the image didn't show up but oh well I'm not trying again.

works on my phone, but not on computer

by Luciom k

Complain? I am happy everytime people who fleeced taxpayers lose

No one goes to work for the federal government because they want to "fleece taxpayers".

Except possibly for Donald Trump.

by chillrob k

No one goes to work for the federal government because they want to "fleece taxpayers".

Except possibly for Donald Trump.

a ton of those people work "around" the federal government cashing in from it, true parasites. those near Washington dc are some of zip codes with the highest income in the country lol, and that's without any industry or flourishing sector at all other than "fleecing taxpayers".

but even among federal employees, those for example who consider it a "human right" to "work from home" (ie to pretend to work while they either work a second job or do private stuff) are actually in it to fleece taxpayers as well

I don't know anything about this "work from home" business; that wasn't a thing when I worked for the government.

But I hazard to guess that it's something that started when covid hit and the idiot Trump administration decided that everyone should stay home as much as possible.

by Luciom k

Insurance companies don't have the same amount of employees per contract they subscribe they had in 1969 lol

They also have much larger IT and marketing departments and budgets than they had in 1969.

by Land O Lakes k

Too bad none of them understand government process or forensic auditing. Two kind of important things when overhauling the government.

What part of the process do they not understand, were they supposed to get the ok from Congress first?

by Land O Lakes k

But yeah, it's super kewl having a monarchy for government. Something to remind us of when we fled Britain.

It's gonna be ok, trust me I wouldn't lie.

We're not being taken over by a monarchy, nor is Elon trying to take over the world so stop listening to all the crazy liberal propaganda media, you're common sense should over ride all of their fear mongering.

by Playbig2000 k

It's gonna be ok, trust me I wouldn't lie.

If it's all been so easy why haven't the republicans done it our entire lives--or even during trump's last term?

Not enough is being made of what a catastrophic imbecile Dick Implants is based on the nuke thing and the hacking thing

by Playbig2000 k

What part of the process do they not understand, were they supposed to get the ok from Congress first?

Seriously? You don't get a McDonald's fry cook to manage and make cuts at a three-star Michelin restaurant.

It should be painfully obvious that they don't understand government process when they're firing key employees because they don't understand what job it is that they do.

by Playbig2000 k

It's gonna be ok, trust me I wouldn't lie.

We're not being taken over by a monarchy, nor is Elon trying to take over the world so stop listening to all the crazy liberal propaganda media, you're common sense should over ride all of their fear mongering.

Yeah, and you said for me to trust you that that Trump got permission from Gibson before selling his guitars and I called it perfectly weeks before Gibson issued their C&D letter.

I don't listen to liberal media; this shiit is clear as day as to what is going on. Since Trump ignored court orders when he was a civilian, he's certainly going to ignore them when he's president. I have zero faith in you opening your eyes when he does. You have your mouth far too full and getting spray tan on your lips.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Not enough is being made of what a catastrophic imbecile Dick Implants is based on the nuke thing and the hacking thing

Apparently lapses in security for nuclear weapons is nbd because we were warned that a few eggs might bet broken when they started blindly mashing buttons.

They will literally just excuse anything.

Elon does not support free speech at all.

by microbet k

Apparently lapses in security for nuclear weapons is nbd because we were warned that a few eggs might bet broken when they started blindly mashing buttons.

Imagine if Biden had Gates or Zuckerberg with their hands in the government's purse with incel computer nerds deciding what is and isn't wasteful government spending and ****ing up national security in the process because they didn't know what energy means.

Hopefully these employees asked to come back to work weren't cucks and renegotiated their salaries.
