President Elon Musk

President Elon Musk

He probably deserves his own thread at this point, discuss accordingly

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21 December 2024 at 02:21 PM

2564 Replies


Well which place has shooter drills in schools?

by diebitter k

OMG I have Luciom on ignore - good decision - but every time I see him quoted it's like that one time I checked into a hotel alone and saw a sweaty fat couple going into the room next to mine, and then had to listen to them copulate through paper-thin walls.

I apologize. I know it's jarring to see when you aren't prepared.

by Luciom k

deporting all immigrants, who are the source of 95%+ of all heinous violent street crimes in Germany.

it's no the USA, native horrendous violent crime is basically 0.

How full of **** are you?

You're something like an order of magnitude full of ****.

by Gorgonian k

Probably, yes. What is AfD's proposal to stop knife attacks from ever happening again?

Build a wall. East Berlin used to have almost no knife attacks.

by microbet k

Like, I know people have gone absolutely insane about a handful of trans athletes and those people, fewer than a dozen, have affected the election and the direction of the entire government of the USA. And I guess people know this? I wonder if they also think like 100 or fewer people have been canceled and it's understandable that hundreds of millions of people are obsessed by that.

The answer is zero--unless we're counting jordanpeterson then it's about 12total times he's been permanently canceled 😀

by Luciom k

deporting all immigrants, who are the source of 95%+ of all heinous violent street crimes in Germany.

it's no the USA, native horrendous violent crime is basically 0.

Nah that is not the American way for other countries .
I suggest trump go in there and tell them to agree the USA to sell them millions of guns !
Isn’t the American way to protect ourselves?
Buy a gun and shoot those knife attacker !
Then those knife attacker will have guns and so we shall sell bigger guns !
Win win for all !

Ps: can’t wait to see once trump makes all those deportations , to see your predictions greatly reducing violence in the U.S. ?
You are kinda of saying that right ?

by GTO2.0 k

They should allow free access to firearms. That would almost assuredly cut down in the number of knife attacks

Oops saw after lol

by Land O Lakes k

There's like a 25% miss rate of lesions in a colonoscopy 😆

dad had a colonoscopy a few months ago and given the all clear, last week he had a lump removed from his neck that was metastasized colon cancer

by microbet k

Like, I know people have gone absolutely insane about a handful of trans athletes and those people, fewer than a dozen, have affected the election and the direction of the entire government of the USA. And I guess people know this? I wonder if they also think like 100 or fewer people have been canceled and it's understandable that hundreds of millions of people are obsessed by that.

listen to this and you'll get it

by coordi k

Considering every single Elon bombshell has culminated in “Elon doesn’t know what he’s talking about” I wouldn’t be particularly confident Elon knows what he’s talking about here

yeah not enough people are aware this is literally a guy who paid chinese people to pretend to play a game as him to make him seem really good at a video game

This has been obvious for a long time, of course, though the IQ estimate seems high?

Attorney, journalist, and Elon Musk biographer Seth Abramson eviscerated both Elon Musk and his “fanboys” who have attempted to use the billionaire’s IQ as an indication of his intellectual prowess in a series of messages shared on X Thursday evening and into Friday. “You are in a cult,” he wrote in one before he later noted Musk “has zero *personal* intellectual achievements.”

“As an Elon Musk biographer, I would peg his IQ as between 100 and 110,” Abramson tweeted Thursday afternoon. “There’s zero evidence in his biography of anything higher. And I want to repeat that now, lest you think it a typo. There’s zero evidence, from his life history, of Musk having anything higher than a 110 IQ.”

The entire article is a fun read.

There definitely isn’t enough made about what a complete fucking fraud Leon is. RR already mentioned the video game nonsense

1. Remember that AI robot he hired a person to dance around in a suit?
2. That self driving bus is a sham
3. Boring has been a complete disaster
4. Neuralink has gotten nowhere
5. ‘Full self driving’ in Tesla is a safety hazard to literally everyone and Tesla has been lapped on this a thousand times over
6. Leon bought Tesla and innovated literally nothing since, all he’s accomplished is a decent level of marketing to make driving one appear cool
6a. Leon famously dragged ass on the first batch of model S deliveries, charged people for the car then after they paid in full, while they were waiting for late deliveries, raised the price on them
7. Spacex is just borrowed NASA technology with a fail rate NASA could never in a billion years get away with
8. As just mentioned PayPal and that other payment processing shit were fiascos with him at the helm

The irony is you could argue Twitter is by far his biggest success which he got forced to buy, ground into dust, and only salvaged by using it as a vehicle to push politics

And as far as anyone can tell, the only reason Leon went MAGA is cuz of covid workplace restrictions in the Tesla factories and once he saw he had an audience in the far right who adored him for perceived truth to power that’s just where he stayed cuz he’s an autistic buffoon desperate for people to love him

by StoppedRainingMen k

5. 'Full self driving' in Tesla is a safety hazard to literally everyone and Tesla has been lapped on this a thousand times over

7. Spacex is just borrowed NASA technology with a fail rate NASA could never in a billion years get away with

These are lol

Prove me wrong

by StoppedRainingMen k

Prove me wrong

I can speak to #7. I didn't work for NASA directly but used to work for contractors on both Space Shuttle and SRBs. There was a ton of stuff on the shuttle reused from Apollo. What SpaceX is doing is an entirely different sport, as is their method of operation. The challenge NASA (and the defense world) has is that they've added procedures and processes over time in response to various failures and issues. But over time, it evolved into a very bureaucratic thing where progress grinds to a snail's pace, and worse yet, people begin relying on the processes and not thinking about how to solve problems. If you told me 25 years ago they should build a fully reusable rocket where the first stage lands itself I wouldn't have thought it was possible. If you told me a startup could take other the launch market in the face of some of the entrenched contractors and other interests, I would have thought that was even more impossible.

I don't think people fully appreciate what an incredible success SpaceX has been. To gaff it off and assume the government did it for them is beyond silly.

Of course the reality is its thousands and thousands of people working to make that happen. The real world isn't a Marvel movie where Tony Stark goes in a lab and does everything personally. They've probably achieved a lot of what they have despite Elon.

Elon has to be the most successful drug addict in world history.

It's easy to forget all of the evils Elon perpetuates, there's just so many, but this one from 2020 still bugs me:

"After Elon Musk opened Tesla's Bay Area factory against local rules, around 450 workers got COVID-19"

Last May, after public health orders required non-essential businesses to shut down in Alameda County, Elon Musk reopened the factory in defiance of those orders. The county eventually reversed course and let the factory restart operations after Tesla sued.

The guy infected hundreds of his own workers with COVID (who then inevitably infected countless others) so that his Tesla stock may (or may not) increase a couple of points. I guess he just didn't quite have enough money yet. :(

He's the most evil person on this planet. Bar none.

by rickroll k

listen to this and you'll get it

I'm going to listen to it all, but I had to stop at 11:21. So far, all it's explaining is that people are irrational, wrong and don't understand what government does and hence what their vote does. I say that at 11:21 because Kamala was almost silent on trans issues and very intentionally so. Her campaign did exactly what Sam Harris is suggesting. It didn't matter anymore than Biden deporting more people than Trump mattered. It's about perception, not fact, and the perceptions are driven by the hateful rhetoric.

No policy choices would have mattered for the Democrats on these issues. People just wanted to hear someone say trans is an abomination and immigrants are murders and rapists.

mb, that's just lalalaland

she literally campaigned on free gender reassignment surgeries for inmates and detained illegals in 2020 and did zero to alter an updated stance on that issue in 2024

even when specifically put to the question she cowardly responded with "I will follow the law" which is code for "I'm afraid regardless of what I say there will be some people who don't like my answer"

this does nothing but confirm she is still greenlighting that 2020 policy, mind you a policy that she explicitly said in 2020 only exists in California because she pushed it through

oh well there you have it....all this **** is justified.


"I'm afraid regardless of what I say there will be some people who don't like my answer"

Uh, that's exactly what I meant when I said her strategy was to intentionally remain silent.

"that's just lalalaland"

It's frustrating when people are condescending and wrong, and, you're such a dick. I think you belong in the Luciom, Playbig2000 grouping of people who exist, for me, just to fight with.

As someone who I guess supports health care and social security, but is wildly and irrationally angry about immigrants and trans people, you, rick, are certainly a problem for the Dumbocrats.

by microbet k

As someone who I guess supports health care and social security, but is wildly and irrationally angry about immigrants and trans people, you, rick, are certainly a problem for the Dumbocrats.

who is going to vote republican among democrats, if democrats stop catering to illegals and people who want free elective cosmetic surgery, ie if they go back to be the democrats of Clinton?

by Luciom k

who is going to vote republican among democrats, if democrats stop catering to illegals and people who want free elective cosmetic surgery, ie if they go back to be the democrats of Clinton?

As I explained (and I think is very clearly evident for immigration), policy and results don't matter. Going back to being the democrats of Clinton wouldn't help because, although he built walls and explicitly had policy to force migrants into the desert as a deterrent, he wasn't running around demonizing people. What Trump voters want is the demonization. And the trans issues were not very prominent at that time, but Clinton wouldn't have been talking about "abominations" or whatever your kind of people need to hear.

You are starting to hear a little grumbling about how deportation numbers are down and how the camps that Mexico built on their border to temporarily hold people are mostly empty. But, they could stay empty forever and as long as the Republicans say "rapists and murderers" often enough, they will get those votes.

And by the same token, Dumbocrats can say "immigrants built this nation" and send robot dogs to murder everyone at the border and not really lose any of their votes.

by microbet k

As I explained (and I think is very clearly evident for immigration), policy and results don't matter. Going back to being the democrats of Clinton wouldn't help because, although he built walls and explicitly had policy to force migrants into the desert as a deterrent, he wasn't running around demonizing people. What Trump voters want is the demonization. And the trans issues were not very prominent at that time, but Clinton wouldn't have been talking about "abominations" or whatever your ki

What the trump base wants is immaterial, election are won in the 3-5% at the margin in the middle, at THOSE people "after blood" so much? or they just don't want illegals to be pouring in, in big numbers?

Clinton did demonize criminals and welfare scammers actually, "normies" wanted a president who truly deeply despised "welfare queens", and he delivered.

He was a democrat runnin on (literally) "ending welfare as we know it", because "the belly of the people" at the time was sprouting hatred against welfare parasites. And it fixed that.

Anyway, i think this time democrats will get it and go back to that. Too much power too easy to grab just by being "republicans, but smarter and with some heart", and the losing coalition that included all the most extreme examples of college campus perversion won't go on in the same form
