RFK - Make America Healthy? again?
I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.
A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.
well, duh
“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”
Only difference between you and me is that i accept them refusing to use those tools because freedom is ALWAYS more important than anything else and life has no value absent freedom. They have a right to disagree with what i think is correct, a right to incur in higher risks because of a wrong interpretation of reality, a right to risk their lives or their children lives even if stupidly so.
You write that as if it is an axiom/tautology/self evident, which it is not.
In any case here is a question for you. About what percent of your posts on this site would no longer hold true if you didn't fully believe this precept you espouse?
Here's an interesting article about a mother who was an anti-vaxer that came to get senses. It also dispels the silliness BJ has been spreading recently (about hygiene being the primary driver for disease reduction instead of vaccines) with sources, as well as other good stuff.
Recommended for sure.
You write that as if it is an axiom/tautology/self evident, which it is not.
In any case here is a question for you. About what percent of your posts on this site would no longer hold true if you didn't fully believe this precept you espouse?
No I wrote it very clearly as a personal value statement, a preference I hold.
Most of my political preferences about tradeoffs come out of my preference for individual freedom so a high percentage of my posts about politics would change if I had completely different value priorities
It's unbelievable to me that people are dumb enough to even consider something like a "measles party" in 2025, but apparently it's at least being discussed online.
It's unclear if any measles parties are occurring in Gaines or elsewhere; "It's mostly been... social media talk," Cook said in response to a follow-up question from Ars. He noted that measles parties and chickenpox parties were more common practices decades ago, before vaccines for both diseases were available. But he again warned about the dangers today. "Please don't do that. It's just foolishness; it's playing roulette," he said.
Cook, along with Lubbock's director of public health, Katherine Wells, said they see no end in sight for the outbreak, which now spans nine counties in Texas, many of which have low vaccination rates. "This outbreak is going to continue to grow," Wells said, declining to forecast how high the final case count could go after a reporter raised the possibility of several hundred.
So far, 116 of the 146 cases are under the age of 18, with 46 being between the ages of 0 and 4. Only five of the 146 were vaccinated with at least one dose of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine.
That crap has been going on for years.
It's stunning in its stupidity.
Drain the swamp
More authoritarianism.
Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Friday released a policy prohibiting public comments during his department’s rulemaking process, ending more than 50 years of the public’s involvement in crafting his department’s rules.
rfk backs the measles vaccine
rfk backs the measles vaccine
The headline says "Backs" but honestly, his statements (written and on video in this link) do not endorse the MMR vaccine. The statements simply say that vaccinations are a choice..... which coming from the cabinet Secretary responsible for the nations health is continuing his usual nonsense about vaccinations. Disgusting.
That was fast
Corry’s departure comes fewer than two weeks after being sworn in as HHS’ assistant secretary for public affairs, making him the top spokesperson for Kennedy.
The headline says "Backs" but honestly, his statements (written and on video in this link) do not endorse the MMR vaccine. The statements simply say that vaccinations are a choice..... which coming from the cabinet Secretary responsible for the nations health is continuing his usual nonsense about vaccinations. Disgusting.
I mean it's an ultra-anti-trump source, so i thought they weren't lying given the 180 degree change by RFK they were reporting about.
He said those vaccines work according to CBS. That's a pivot given what he said previously. And it's an endorsement on efficacy.
Ofc he also said he is against mandates, that is completly irrelevant wrt endorsing efficacy or not.
Boom Booms still not realizing all the media they grew up on was filled with propaganda lol
Good thing we cut all that money from the budget so we could afford to run a vaccine/autism study!
Even just the conservative style homogenous nuclear families, lack of minorities, promotion of conformity, etc. functioned as propaganda.
Funny thing is measles was considered a mild illness up until the vaccine was introduced in the 1960s. Then it suddenly became this scary deadly disease. Go figure.
Funny thing is measles was considered a mild illness up until the vaccine was introduced in the 1960s. Then it suddenly became this scary deadly disease. Go figure.
Coauthor with Suzanne Humphries, MD,
Looking at the bio of this Roman fellow, one can deduce that he is almost certainly NOT a doctor. However, he IS canny enough to pay Elon Musk 8 dollars a month, and that's enough for the Twitter algorithm to elevate his profile to the point where 100,000 of the Brian Jameses of the world will spread Mr. Roman's sage wisdom on how medicine is bad alllll across the planet.
WOW Look at all this propaganda.
Measles, Back In The Days Before The Marketing Of The Vaccine
Looking at the bio of this Roman fellow, one can deduce that he is almost certainly NOT a doctor. However, he IS canny enough to pay Elon Musk 8 dollars a month, and that's enough for the Twitter algorithm to elevate his profile to the point where 100,000 of the Brian Jameses of the world will spread Mr. Roman's sage wisdom on how medicine is bad alllll across the planet.
He co-authored a best selling book on vaccines with an actual doctor.
If you believe the data is false feel free to correct it with evidence. The data is verified by the way, so good luck.
Funny thing is measles was considered a mild illness up until the vaccine was introduced in the 1960s. Then it suddenly became this scary deadly disease. Go figure.
Measles has never once been considered a mild illness except by the absolutely ignorant and the liars, liar. The lies you are spreading are killing people. Stop it.