RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

RFK - Make America Healthy? again?

I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.


A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.

well, duh

“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”

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14 February 2025 at 09:30 PM

561 Replies


by Gorgonian k

The difference is your opinion is uneducated and unwanted. Being vaccinated for covid and measles is smart. Being unvaccinated for either one is dumb. It's incredibly unlikely to get the measles if you are vaccinated (possible, yes). 97% effective if you are even exposed, and exposures are very rare due to the populations being at or near herd-immunity.

It's more likely to get covid if you vaccinated than measles because the effectiveness is nowhere near 97% anymore and the virus is rampant, lead


The difference is your opinion is uneducated and unwanted

by jalfrezi k


I am not sure why you address this to me. What i have said against the measles vaccine?

For the record, having studied it in detail when covid came around (remember measles is an RNA virus same as sars-cov-2, one of the few we succesfully know how to vaccine against), i know very well how (by luck probably) we ended up in a situation where the vaccine works exceptionally well even if the virus is exceptionally contagious.

Measles is basically the most contagious disease on the record (R = 12 in literature). Yet we can fix it because it's in a very peculiar evolutionary cul de sac. RNA virus mutation rates are extremely high, orders of magnitude more than basically any other biological living system. Yet, measles can't mutate in a way to overcome immunitary responses because all the directions it can mutate towards from where it is, are biological failure (failure to replicate, to survive enough to replicate, and so on). It is a super-well-crafted (by nature) "weapon" yet it lost it's biggest edge against us (the possibility of functionally mutate).

So vaccinating against it, exposing the body to the same pathogenic elements to teach it a response in case of future encounter of the same pathogen, works exceptionally well. With basically no side effects even, because we had decades to develop the best possible way to replicate exposure to the pathogen proteins, without almost any of the pathogen damage being generated in the body of the vaccinated individual.

So through a combination of luck, technology, and decades of fine-tuning, we basically have very effective tools to completly destroy this specific enemy of humanity.

And yet some people refuse to use those tools.

Only difference between you and me is that i accept them refusing to use those tools because freedom is ALWAYS more important than anything else and life has no value absent freedom. They have a right to disagree with what i think is correct, a right to incur in higher risks because of a wrong interpretation of reality, a right to risk their lives or their children lives even if stupidly so.

That right comes before and above anything else in society and that's it. You have to accept some people will use freedom badly at times. It's not freedom if they aren't free to do things you are horrified about. If you only allow things you agree with, that's fascism.

What to do given some people wrongly believe stuff that hurts them and their children? you try to persuade them freely. How? you start by sharing their values, you cannot convince them if you prove you deeply hate what they value (= freedom).

So leftists cannot fix the problem ever. Only rightwing pro freedom people can try to. Leftists by their mere existence can only make the problem worse. When people you correctly consider abnsolute moral monsters with values inimical to everything you care about (like rightwing people think of leftists) try to lecture you about something, it will never work.

Leftists are actually the problem and the cause of it.

hmm this is one of the most embarrassing threads on here in some time

by Shifty86 k


Were you under the mistaken assumption that my opinion is uneducated? I have a whole degree in the subject, how about you?

As for unwanted, I wasnt offering it to you, so I don't care what you want.

Glad we could have this chat.

by Gorgonian k

The vaccine is still excellent at preventing severe illness for both viruses.

Being a child is also excellent at preventing severe illness for covid.

by housenuts k

Being a child is also excellent at preventing severe illness for covid.

Quite true, but it's not perfect. Combining that with the vaccine makes it nearly perfect. However, it's not very good at preventing transmitting the virus to those without that advantage, though, while the vaccine is pretty good at that (not perfect). It's still dumb to not be vaccinated.

Being a child is also an excellent way of being more at risk from measles or the flu.

by Gorgonian k

Quite true, but it's not perfect. Combining that with the vaccine makes it nearly perfect. However, it's not very good at preventing transmitting the virus to those without that advantage, though, while the vaccine is pretty good at that (not perfect). It's still dumb to not be vaccinated.

COVID vaccine protection to third parties completly vanishes in a couple of months .

is your claim that a child should get yearly booster all his life uniquely to protect others, with absolutely 0 personal gain from it but while suffering the small but existent risks of adverse effects?

by Luciom k

COVID vaccine protection to third parties completly vanishes in a couple of months .

is your claim that a child should get yearly booster all his life uniquely to protect others, with absolutely 0 personal gain from it but while suffering the small but existent risks of adverse effects?

by Gorgonian k

It also only considers deaths, which is FAR from the only negative outcome of an infection. Even if the death rate falls significantly, with completely unchecked spread, the virus can kill MORE people with a lower death rate. Just a stupid, pointless chart that at best only tells us what everyone already knew.

The death rate did fall significantly WITH completely unchecked spread. That's the whole point of the chart ffs.

by Gorgonian k

He was talking about how much good the money he had put into global health had done, not how much he personally profited. It takes a special kind of stupid to not get that. You were lied to on purpose. And you swallowed it. Shocking.

Yeah, he did a lot of good alright.

The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted

by Luciom k

I am not sure why you address this to me. What i have said against the measles vaccine?

For the record, having studied it in detail when covid came around (remember measles is an RNA virus same as sars-cov-2, one of the few we succesfully know how to vaccine against), i know very well how (by luck probably) we ended up in a situation where the vaccine works exceptionally well even if the virus is exceptionally contagious.

Measles is basically the most contagious disease on the record (R = 12 in li

by jalfrezi k

The correct response.

by King Spew k

RFK Jr. disinformation.

Incorrect. There is a study (linked in the article) that verifies the information.

by Brian James k

Vaccines are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. Improvements in living conditions, hygiene and sanitation are by far the biggest factor.

Wanna take a wild guess which people were generally against going modern wrt indoor plumbing/outhouses etc? 😀

by wet work k

Wanna take a wild guess which people were generally against going modern wrt indoor plumbing/outhouses etc? 😀


by wet work k

Wanna take a wild guess which people were generally against going modern wrt indoor plumbing/outhouses etc? 😀

now do the places that are against natural gas

by Luckbox Inc k


We've already covered this ground in the past dude.

But, I don't think something like hook worm ran thru the South to the degree that it did by accident. And when some of the obv fixes were coming into play there were still many who were resistant to change. Call it whatever you want but rural&religious were def big parts of it--and there were plenty of conspiracy theories to go with it too.

by wet work k

We've already covered this ground in the past dude.

But, I don't think something like hook worm ran thru the South to the degree that it did by accident. And when some of the obv fixes were coming into play there were still many who were resistant to change. Call it whatever you want but rural&religious were def big parts of it--and there were plenty of conspiracy theories to go with it too.

This is definitely new territory for me.

by housenuts k

now do the places that are against natural gas

Big Surprise--it shakes out into the same basic demos with the anti-indoor plumbing peeps on the pro-gas side.

So on old-timey 2p2 you'd be the guy loling about dumdum hookworm prevention strats taking away your god-given right to walk around barefoot in your own **** 😀

by wet work k

So on old-timey 2p2 you'd be the guy loling about dumdum hookworm prevention strats taking away your god-given right to walk around barefoot in your own **** 😀

I actually have no idea what you're talking about but you do you. Praise jeebus.

by housenuts k

I actually have no idea what you're talking about

Perfectly on-brand.

by Gorgonian k

Meanwhile a child is dead because of the stupid misinformation brigade. Congratulations on that.


LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) — A child who wasn’t vaccinated died in a measles outbreak in rural West Texas, state officials said Wednesday, the first U.S. death from the highly contagious — but preventable — respiratory disease since 2015.

The school-aged child had been hospitalized and died Tuesday night amid the

An interesting update to this story.

I'm not necessarily doubting this, but one day you're going to learn not to just trust random tweets.

What you posted there is convincing to absolutely no one.
