POG Politics Thread Version 3

POG Politics Thread Version 3

Come on in! Since Dustin is taking his ball and going home, it's time to start a new politics thread.

) 4 Views 4
17 September 2020 at 09:34 PM

1678 Replies


by filthyvermin k


He died for our puns.

by eyebooger k

Also Rush Limbaugh has completed his 4th year of sobriety today!

This joke will never not be funny.

by filthyvermin k

crazy how Jesus was such a righteous dude, but Christianity has been the tool of such evil

Organized religion is the single most evil invention of the human race. It could never end up being a good thing, even if some good people were involved.

Irony is dead. Long live irony.

by amplify k

What comes to mind right now is the story that Augustine was the only person anyone had seen in antiquity who could read silently without moving his lips. Like it was a magic trick.

Close, in his Confessions he recalls being stunned at seeing his mentor Ambrose doing it first.

by rickroll k

in honor of which pharaoh though?

They JUST found the unopened tomb of Thutmose II, the first pharoah tomb found since King Tut.

Imma keep vaping, archeology needs me.

They can chain my wrists
But they cannot take my power
They can shackle my feet
But they cannot take my drip

I watch MSNBC sometimes for the humor but she was horrible. Good bye!

You're right. She was super racist.

by Mark_K k

You're right. She was super racist.

Do you have a quick example?

Her last show?

I don't have cable.

You could probably find it on youtube.

Oh, here's an example of AI at work! (lolol)

I'm not doing the research, if you don't have any one specific thing she has said that you want to stand behind being racist I'm just going to move forward with the assumption that you're simply regurgitating pablum from right-wing propaganda outlets as usual.

Not true. I just call it as I see it.

There's a reason why MSNBC as an audience of about a dining room table.

by Mark_K k

Not true. I just call it as I see it.

There's a reason why MSNBC as an audience of about a dining room table.

MSNBC is also a propaganda outlet, they are shifting right because while liberals are stupid, not many are stupid and bored enough to watch that garbage.

by amplify k

MSNBC is also a propaganda outlet, they are shifting right because while liberals are stupid, not many are stupid and bored enough to watch that garbage.

Meanwhile, Gutfeld is breaking all-time ratings numbers.

by Mark_K k

Meanwhile, Gutfeld is breaking all-time ratings numbers.

Plus he's like two slots away from being Secretary of Defense.

by amplify k

Plus he's like two slots away from being Secretary of Defense.

For the King of Late Night, a 2028 presidential run is just a few years away!

Maybe Trump could just appoint him?

I went to a new casino the other day, in Ventura county. every tv was on Fox.

at commerce they just play sports stuff. although, weirdly sometimes during the day they'll have on some random stuff like Mexican soaps, price is right, undercover boss

seeing mass consumer content makes me deeply disappointed in humans

People are obsessed with that guy

by pwnsall k

People are obsessed with that guy

I know! Why is this thread all about Filthy, Filthy Filthy?


by amplify k

Plus he's like two slots away from being Secretary of Defense.

Excellent prospicience! I saw Dan Bongino, the conservative talk radio host just got named Deputy Director of the FBI.
