POG Politics Thread Version 3
Come on in! Since Dustin is taking his ball and going home, it's time to start a new politics thread.
Has anyone read ANYTHING that would resemble an actual roadmap to victory for Ukraine that doesn't involve U.S. troops? I read a lot of expressions of support, there are commitments of money and weapons, but I can't recall seeing any articles anywhere saying "here's how Ukraine can win".
By win, obviously, I don't mean settling for the status quo right now. I'd like to read something like that, even if it's pure wishcasting.
Ukraine has withstood the Russian invasion and also pushed into Russia itself, without any US troops.
There is an argument that Ukraine has already "won" this war, and Russia has shown its ass as an incapable, sham of a military power. Yet again, Russia confronts a security conflict by throwing conscripts and faulty equipment at its enemy until the enemy exhausts. In Ukraine's situation, there is no exhaustion of will in sight - the only question is materials.
When US funnels armaments to Ukraine, US arms manufacturers are enriched, strengthening US' image abroad and advancing US military technological development. This is a clear "win" for the United States, regardless of Trump's whining about "fairness" (Ukrainians are being killed and kidnapped, not Americans, while they fight our proxy war - boohoo).
If Russia is suing for peace, through Trump, all the more indication that Ukraine has already effectively won. Notice how there were zero concessions to Russia being discussed, despite the absurd rhetoric leading up to that meeting.
Trump was being given the opportunity to claim mineral access in repayment for the armament assistance, but he blew it after he failed to muzzle his VP.
How embarrassing for Trump that he let this whelp take over and blow up his peace deal!
no different than usa vs vietnam - the ukrainians don't need to win, just need russia to finally believe it's not worth the cost - which could easily take another decade
ISW observed reports in late 2024 and January 2025 that the Russian military's monthly recruitment rate is likely equal to or below the quantity needed to replace Russia's monthly casualty rate one-to-one.[11] ISW also observed reports that select Russian federal subjects are failing to meet their monthly recruitment quotas as citizens are less willing to volunteer to fight.[12] The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) proposed a draft amendment on February 3 to reclassify some illnesses, diseases, and disorders for conscripts and those signing military service contracts.
Mike Myers' return to SNL as Elon Musk was the best political bit I've seen in years from them. He's got too much talent to waste away doing nothing imo. Myers I mean. Alas, the other characters weren't anything special.
Maybe he can return as producer once Lorne Michaels dies.
If Russia is suing for peace, through Trump, all the more indication that Ukraine has already effectively won. Notice how there were zero concessions to Russia being discussed, despite the absurd rhetoric leading up to that meeting.
There is plenty of absurd rhetoric, which is why it's a challenge to figure out what a peace deal looks like. Zelenskyy's public statements iirc are generally not one inch of prewar territory and return Crimea. Russia's public position iirc is LOL NO. I'd rate the chances that they give up Crimea as somewhat less likely than they give up Moscow. I have doubts that Putin's ego allows for any significant concessions, though he'd have to give up something to get Kursk back.
ISW observed reports in late 2024 and January 2025 that the Russian military's monthly recruitment rate is likely equal to or below the quantity needed to replace Russia's monthly casualty rate one-to-one.[11] ISW also observed reports that select Russian federal subjects are failing to meet their monthly recruitment quotas as citizens are less willing to volunteer to fight.[12] The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) proposed a draft amendment on February 3 to reclassify some illnesses, diseases,
we've been getting reports like this since day one of us involvement when all those fancy shoulder fired rockets dramatically turned the tide
they are meaningless as they assume "if nothing changes on the russian side"
so long as the determination is there, they can instead find new creative outlets to find more fresh recruits
it's also silly to ignore that ukraine has the same exact problems
russia has 4x the population, they can keep mustering troops so long as they really really want to
I haven't wished death on him or expended any psychic energy whatsoever engineering his downfall. I have merely abandoned him to the merciless will of God.
i agree, but you could ya know, just be like me and not watch saturday night live
could possibly find some joy by not viewing what you find distasteful - i don't even own a tv
I am referring to its permeating presence throughout what passes for our culture, obviously I don't watch television.
oh that i'm onboard with
I have a similar issue with Steven King. I have never read and will never read a Stephen King book, but his shittastic influence is everywhere. The one good thing to come out of his lame can't write ass, The Shining movie by Kubrick, King hates. Tells you everything you need to know.
May God be merciless.
The Shawshank Redemption is an amazing film.
I have a similar issue with Stephen King. I have never read and will never read a Stephen King book, but his shittastic influence is everywhere. The one good thing to come out of his lame can't write ass, The Shining movie by Kubrick, King hates. Tells you everything you need to know.
May God be merciless.
I'm totally on board with this
also i've never read any jack Kerouac, and never will. i've never even read any quotes of his. I just got the impression he was lame, and never even looked into it.
I like bukowski. i imagine bukowski would have hated kerouac, and probably even beat him up. but idk. for all I know bukowski loved kerouac, and i'd love him too if I ever bothered to read him, or even one sentence of his, but I never will
oh wait, I just remembered I read "firestarter" when I was in 5th grade, and thought it was meh
some of his tweets are good. but he's a lib
I'm totally on board with this
also i've never read any jack Kerouac, and never will. i've never even read any quotes of his. I just got the impression he was lame, and never even looked into it.
I like bukowski. i imagine bukowski would have hated kerouac, and probably even beat him up. but idk. for all I know bukowski loved kerouac, and i'd love him too if I ever bothered to read him, or even one sentence of his, but I never will
if you're going to read Kerouac, read Dharma Bums. On the Road is super overrated, Truman Capote's quote was "that's not writing, that's typing".
I remember Bukowski liked that Celine book, Journey to the End of Night.
My Bukowski period was 30+ years ago, I don't have many of his other literary preferences right at hand. Kerouac wasn't a pussy but he was a fake. What's the guy who drove the bus in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test? Neal Cassidy? He was in On the Road as well.
I'm just remembering that one part of On the Road they go down to Texas and Visit Old Bull something or other (edit Lee! Old Bull Lee!) who is William Burroughs. Not sure if it's in that book or another but his wife (who he shot in the head accidentally) used to take Benzedrine and rake lizards out of the trees.
Burroughs was playing William Tell with a glass on his wife's head down in Mexico. Burroughs was a dead shot. But he missed that time and shot her dead.
he's like those celebrities (just saw Elvira was the latest) who are selling their Teslas and giving the money to NPR. NPR! NPR!!
Like, whatever the solution to anything at all might be, it cannot possibly involve giving money to N P ****ing R.
sometimes I'll turn on NPR in the car, but always have to turn if off in a rage at the LIES!!! and they're supposed to be on the left?????
I guess they're to the left of mark KKK :p
but they're like "Israel is always getting attacked for no reason! Israel needs strong defense against these constant attacks!"
and they'll be like "glorious USA, bastion of freedom and justice"
The rats are fleeing the sinking ship!
it's crazy to me that anyone(besides rich white people) vote for Dems, and that the party survived the late 1800s after being pro slavery! lmao
I can't see the Dems surviving. but I couldnt' see them surviving before, and they thrived!
humans are very disappointing(for supporting Dems and repubs and amerikkka)
Lolol, turnabout is fair play!