POG Politics Thread Version 3

POG Politics Thread Version 3

Come on in! Since Dustin is taking his ball and going home, it's time to start a new politics thread.

) 4 Views 4
17 September 2020 at 09:34 PM

1677 Replies


by Mark_K k


btw, physical coupon's are virtually dead. Not much left.

This lady almost tore a hammy climbing into a dumpster looking for a jello coupon.

she got 1066 dollars of groceries she doesn't need, like 46 boxes of cake mix. she spent 60 hours gathering coupons to save 1065 dollars. that's like 15 bucks an hour. but she's buying items she doesn't need.

so maybe like 7 bucks an hour of real value

She's an inspiration to consumers everywhere.

by Mark_K k

NewsMax >>> Highlights Magazine >>> HuffPost

That was a good move.

"Moving forward, the White House press pool will be determined by the White House press team."

The hero we deserve.

Poll date 2/24/2025

let's guess trump's all time low for approval rating

I'm guessing 28%

Congress approval rating is still hovering in the upper 20's

I'm guessing people who can name their Congress rep is less than 5%

idk mine

Some ass hole

Mr *******

by amplify k

Some ass hole

Nailed it. You can smell the alcohol and rohypnol fumes steaming off him. Hobbies include wife beating, bible thumping, and boot licking.

[src: FEC]

checked out some of his sponsored bills, which include:

eliminating estate taxation
eliminating income taxation (proposed const. am.)
moving executive agencies out of DC (??)

he voted against the Violence Against Women Act and an act which would require the DOJ to issue a program that helps police officers train on conflict mitigation and special treatment in mental-health cases

bog-standard R afaict, focused on widening privilege gaps and destroying the nation-state

This press conference is insane.

the entire thing appeared designed to make Zelensky look bad

Trump repeatedly using the word "take" in reference to the "raw earth" (smh) in Ukraine was cringy enough, but after JD Vance needlessly tried to stan for Daddy and Zelensky fact-checked his ass, he just outright berated Zelensky and yelled over him - a visiting leader who just shared photos of his people being starved in Russian prisons and claiming 20,000 abducted children needing to be returned.

"diplomacy", gmafb

this is the side that our executive is taking

The Imminent Neoreactionary Threat to the American Republic

This evidence brief was iteratively and collectively compiled by a broad, bipartisan, and decentralized network of experts who wish to remain anonymous due to concerns about being targeted. The aim is to provide a central and comprehensive resource documenting and explaining the nature of the current political crisis to journalists who are attempting to inform the public.


(b/c it's a PDF, you may want to disable javascript before opening it in your browser; I recommend the free extension "Toggle JavaScript" from the Chrome store, which incidentally also breaks through many paywalls and obnoxious modals)

JD Vance in 2021: "Trump, if reelected, should “fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, [and] every civil servant in the administrative state … and when the courts stop you, stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did and say: ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”"

Ian Ward, Politico, 2/11/2025
I asked Vance if this was still his view.

“Yup,” he responded.

“For me, this is not a limited-government thing — this is a democracy thing,” he continued when I prompted him to explain. “Like, you need the bureaucracy to be responsive to the elected branches of government. The counterargument is, you know, ‘Aren’t you promoting a constitutional crisis?’ And my response is no — I’m recognizing a constitutional crisis. If the elected president says, ‘I get to control the staff of my own government,’ and the Supreme Court steps in and says, ‘You’re not allowed to do that’ — like, that is the constitutional crisis. It’s not whatever Trump or whoever else does in response. When the Supreme Court tells the president he can’t control the government anymore, we need to be honest about what’s actually going on.”

l'etat c'est moi did not work out very well...

I missed the Trump-Vance-Zelenskyy kerfuffle yesterday and just got a sampling of TAEKS on twitter last night, which ran the full spectrum. Decided I wasn't going to invest any mental energy at all on it, shut off the phone and went to live life.

Did have one question, though, and figured I may as well ask it here: Has anyone read ANYTHING that would resemble an actual roadmap to victory for Ukraine that doesn't involve U.S. troops? I read a lot of expressions of support, there are commitments of money and weapons, but I can't recall seeing any articles anywhere saying "here's how Ukraine can win". By win, obviously, I don't mean settling for the status quo right now. I'd like to read something like that, even if it's pure wishcasting.

I missed all the kerfuffle too, mostly intentionally.

speaking as an expert on global conflict, and the specifics of Ukraine/Russia militaries, and economies and global militaries and economies.... it's completely obvious that it's possible for Ukraine to soundly defeat Russia without US troops.. the west can do things like blow up nordstream pipeline, boycott/blockade Russia, pile money and weapons into Ukraine, send in polish troops.

Ukraine and russia both deserve freedom and security. USA threatens the freedom and security of both countries, for it's own financial gain. but I'm sure trump/musk will handle the situation with competence, benevolence, and justice

by filthyvermin k

I missed all the kerfuffle too, mostly intentionally.

speaking as an expert on global conflict, and the specifics of Ukraine/Russia militaries, and economies and global militaries and economies.... it's completely obvious that it's possible for Ukraine to soundly defeat Russia without US troops.. the west can do things like blow up nordstream pipeline, boycott/blockade Russia, pile money and weapons into Ukraine, send in polish troops.

Ukraine and russia both deserve freedom and security. USA th

Whoa! When did Filthy become Dick Cheney?

by filthyvermin k

it's completely obvious that it's possible for Ukraine to soundly defeat Russia without US troops.. the west can do things like blow up nordstream pipeline, boycott/blockade Russia, pile money and weapons into Ukraine, send in polish troops.

Blow up Nordstream? Possible, yes. But will it contribute materially to Ukraine winning? Doubtful. It would mostly piss off Germany, especially if it happened during cold weather.

Boycott/blockade? Maybe. The fact that China is on Team Russia makes it unlikely that it will be notably successful. And the efforts of the west have been tepid, at best, over the last three years.

Pile money and weapons in? Eh. That's something I'm very skeptical is going to be enough. At some point Ukraine just runs out of soldiers, no matter how good the weapons are.

Send in Polish troops? No chance. Poland isn't going to sign up for that.

There has to be someone out there in military blogworld who has some actual knowledge and a plan that will work in theory. I also don't know how you get around the threat of Russia going nuclear if the battlefield equation changes.

by Mark_K k

Whoa! When did Filthy become Dick Cheney?

There's a little dick in all of us.

Some are smaller than others.

I'm always getting confused for dick cheney! and visa versa!

by Booker Wolfbox k

I missed the Trump-Vance-Zelenskyy kerfuffle yesterday and just got a sampling of TAEKS on twitter last night, which ran the full spectrum. Decided I wasn't going to invest any mental energy at all on it, shut off the phone and went to live life.

Did have one question, though, and figured I may as well ask it here: Has anyone read ANYTHING that would resemble an actual roadmap to victory for Ukraine that doesn't involve U.S. troops? I read a lot of expressions of support, there are commitments

no different than usa vs vietnam - the ukrainians don't need to win, just need russia to finally believe it's not worth the cost - which could easily take another decade
