SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

Politics has one and its fun, so I figured I'd start one here and see how it goes. Obv you should, but are not requried to be, drunk if you want to post here, and its a LC thread.

Zeno close I guess if for some reaosn this is grossly inappropriate but I think it should be fine.

29 June 2009 at 02:20 AM

295 Replies


Never mind. I was feeling nostalgic for Drinking Birds.

They's who. That's who.

by lastcardcharlie k

Never mind. I was feeling nostalgic for Drinking Birds.

I have three of them

Mesmeric, aren't they?

We dream about what we need to dream about until we don't need to dream about it. Then we dream about something else.


by lastcardcharlie k

Mesmeric, aren't they?

They are. They also help me write statistical models by not talking at me while I am trying to work

Statistical models of what?

by lastcardcharlie k

Statistical models of what?

Financial instruments. Mostly VIX futures (premium at various price levels) and ETF (momentum/trend and trend reversal) stuff.

It is kind of fun. Teasing out very weak (but pervasive and persistent) effects of variables on probability distributions of returns.

Nothing remotely groundbreaking. Just practitioner stuff.

by lastcardcharlie k

Statistical models of what?

A random walk through London that also includes stopping at every bar you encounter. 24 hour time limit. Let me know the results.

I think you need a starting point. Make it parliament.

by BrianTheMick2 k

Financial instruments. Mostly VIX futures (premium at various price levels) and ETF (momentum/trend and trend reversal) stuff.

Aren't you up against supercomputers trying to do the same?

Computers are only as good as the programs that run them. All written by humans.

Is there a computer that writes its own programs and Thinks independently?

by Zeno k

Computers are only as good as the programs that run them. All written by humans.

Is there a computer that writes its own programs and Thinks independently?

No, but there are a lot of AI proponents that claim AI can do this. Ironically enough, they also argue against the idea that humans are capable of such a feat.

by lastcardcharlie k

Aren't you up against supercomputers trying to do the same?

Sort of. The successful machine learning trading is mostly doing high-frequency trading, which is a game I do not attempt to play.

Also, I'm (hopefully) still better than a supercomputer at determining whether a model makes theoretical sense.

I fast-forward through commercials because they're mostly re-runs.


This guy's whole deal is walking into dangerous places all alone with a camera.

He visited Dublin and tried his best to find trouble but it was underwhelming. He then moved onto London which was equally so.
I wish I was an advisor to this guy in advance. I could have sent him into neighborhoods that ironically would have been the best content he ever created, or so I imagine.
No knock to this guy, he has balls.

by MacOneDouble k

This guy's whole deal is walking into dangerous places all alone with a camera.

He visited Dublin and tried his best to find trouble but it was underwhelming. He then moved onto London which was equally so.
I wish I was an advisor to this guy in advance. I could have sent him into neighborhoods that ironically would have been the best content he ever created, or so I imagine.
No knock to this guy, he has balls.

This one is fun.

That's Bald. I've seen it. And actually posted this same video about 6 bullets ago.

But yeah, I got a thing for these free spirit guys.

I see two problems with lying down in a random place in public. However, they are debatable. There may be no good reason not to have bodies sprawled all over the place

If nothing's perfect then what is it a concept of when it is, as it must be, a flawed concept of perfect?


Some things are perfect. If you get all the questions right in a quiz or exam, for example, that's perfect.

300 at ten-pin bowling, hole-in-one at golf, 155 at snooker, 501 game in nine darts...

I got into crypto at the very top of the last bull cycle. Such a noob. What’s worse - I called the bottom and didn’t go balls to the wall. Why? Because I doubted the nature of time per se and that this thing is just a cycle. Will I get it right on the next cycle? Will there even be a next cycle? Aha

We’re only getting started actually. 7 trillion total market perhaps by q3 2025 some say.
