SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

Politics has one and its fun, so I figured I'd start one here and see how it goes. Obv you should, but are not requried to be, drunk if you want to post here, and its a LC thread.

Zeno close I guess if for some reaosn this is grossly inappropriate but I think it should be fine.

29 June 2009 at 02:20 AM

295 Replies


by MacOneDouble k

I’m trying this thing lately in social situations aka real life whereby I do the opposite of my biases.

Why only social situations? Why not also when you're alone?

by jason1990 k

Why only social situations? Why not also when you're alone?

He wouldn't be alone if he did the opposite of being alone, silly

You’re never alone if you have Jesus in your heart ❤️

Opposite George - Seinfeld


by BrianTheMick2 k

He wouldn't be alone if he did the opposite of being alone, silly

Youre quick!

by PairTheBoard k

Opposite George - Seinfeld


Woah..I never had an original idea yet. But IÂ’ll take it

It’s not a lie if you believe it.

The young are precisely suited for youth.


People seem to be good at noticing and recognizing an image of themselves, on a screen maybe 100 yards away that they weren't looking at to begin with, within a few seconds of the image appearing, and in a stadium full of 50,000 people.

What would be the evolutionary explanation of this skill?

by lastcardcharlie k

People seem to be good at noticing and recognizing an image of themselves, on a screen maybe 100 yards away that they weren't looking at to begin with, within a few seconds of the image appearing, and in a stadium full of 50,000 people.

What would be the evolutionary explanation of this skill?

Basically cocktail party effect but for pictures instead of sounds

Evolution is a disease!

It's not a skill, it's an ability.

Probably many of the great philosophers had something to say about personal identity. Hume, for example:

There are some philosophers, who imagine we are every moment intimately conscious of what we call our Self; that we feel its existence and its continuance in existence; and are certain, beyond the evidence of a demonstration, both of its perfect identity and simplicity. The strongest sensation, the most violent passion, say they, instead of distracting us from this view, only fix it the more intensely, and make us consider their influence on self either by their pain or pleasure. To attempt a farther proof of this were to weaken its evidence; since no proof can be deriv'd from any fact, of which we are so intimately conscious; nor is there any thing, of which we can be certain, if we doubt of this.

I presume they were trying to get at the evolutionary advantages.

The sense of self is important because without it you might accidentally eat your own arm instead of your lunch

Go Spain. ‘Cause England. Soz not soz.

You got to give props to Sam for trying to fill in the void that comes with scientific materialism. Dawkins however, Jesus Christ, he’s still lost and ‘tarded. Although not wrong I’m sure.

I fully support the work and effort, experiments. Though, The notion that the DMT realm is scientific is total nonsense.


Kings Day in Amsterdam was unlike anything I have ever witnessed.
I didn't visit for King's day, it was a coincidence which just shows my initial ignorance.
I visited for an actual music festival to make It worse. I didn't even go of course.

The night before, a barman said to me, 'Oh you're in for a treat. Everyone from the netherlands travels to Amsterdam for King's day. You won't be able to move out there on the streets.
It goes on for two days straight, without sleep'.

I did make it home King's night but did not sleep long. The hostel didn't have windows. Walking from my bedroom to the door to exit at 11am I could only imagine
what I would be walking out into. I look up the alley and sure enough, a crowd of dutch swarm buy with cans and plastic cups of Heineken in hand. The city was electrified by basically bedroom DJs
playing on the balconeys for miles. Where can I get breakfast? Here have a beer for free. Ok sure.

Some entrances to public streets, had barriers and security to enter, due to the stages and entertainers.
Will I be searched by the security with all this Molly in my pocket?
Does it cost money to enter? Enter? Enter what? And where? We're in public. What is happening right now?
Well no worries, they may as well have not been there or had barriers. No trouble happening..

The most surreal thing happened. AT some point I just happen to have inadvertently ended up outside the Anne Frank
House. It's dark. I notice others are also just realizing where they are too.

But we've got a plastic beer cup in hand. Music is playing. It's a an actual party outside.. I think there may have been people there intentionally queueing to go in. It's seemed late, though. **** knows.

Really something. I imagined St. Patricks day Dublin maybe, but Jesus no. I asked chatgpt to compare with Mardi Gras, but apparently that lasts for weeks not days.

They probably fight among themselves at times, cause 'America.

Some individual mid cap stocks looking like strong buys - ENVX, MOD, SG. If gambling on the stock market is your thing.

If non-local means far apart then nothing is non-local because no two things are "far apart" with respect to some frame of reference.


Vanity, vanity. It’s all only vanity.

by PairTheBoard k

If non-local means far apart then nothing is non-local because no two things are "far apart" with respect to some frame of reference.

I don't think it does mean far apart. It means every point has an open neighbourhood in which the good stuff happens; e.g. local compactness or a manifold being locally Euclidean.

by lastcardcharlie k

I don't think it does mean far apart. It means every point has an open neighbourhood in which the good stuff happens; e.g. local compactness or a manifold being locally Euclidean.

You're talking about properties of mathematical constructions. I'm thinking in the context of physics. e.g. Newton's gravity being a force acting "at a distance". Quantum theory being a "non-local" theory. Entanglement. Bell's theorem. etc.

Maybe, in the context of physics and relativity there's a problem with the concept of "locality" to begin with.

