SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

Politics has one and its fun, so I figured I'd start one here and see how it goes. Obv you should, but are not requried to be, drunk if you want to post here, and its a LC thread.

Zeno close I guess if for some reaosn this is grossly inappropriate but I think it should be fine.

29 June 2009 at 02:20 AM

295 Replies


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Im still taken aback thinking back about the not one but two kundalini awakenings i had one week apart as the massage place in my city. By two different practioners.

i figured the the first was simply a pyschotic break so i went back to reproduce it. Heres the thing though. on both occasions i had little to no sleep. So im wondering if i simply had two identical psychotic breaks after a build up of sexual energy that i couldn't release and it becomes well whats the difference.

Even if i go back on a full nights rest and try for a third it wont prove anything either way. But im sort of afraid to do it again.

i read everyones account on reddit and didnt believe any of them to be telling the truth. there was one account i read i believed.

i even heard ram dass randomly give an account of a supposed one that happened to him and i believed he was making it up . sounded contrived and not close.

When i simply google and read about it you have articles describe it very well but i get freaked out and also sense woo and also believe the authors are repeating all they learned out of a legitimate honest interest as they describe it in third person. with a touch of woo in there to boot. but i know know.

when i listened to surprise surprise alan watts describe it. he nailed it when it said its a though two bodies come together to form a single organism. Exactly. Again do i believe him, not sure. Im not suggesting im the only one. just its so powerful, it cant be said enough.

All I wanted was a handy not for every word of this woo woo to be utterly rational.

Im going to call them later and ask them what they know. Those Thai elderly women are pesky though. Theyll deny they know anything in broken english but drop a subtle hint to let me know they know without completely admitting in a way that holds up in court i suspect.

Sorry no. Ignore that article altogether which i'm sure any sensible person. a kundalini Awakening is a sudden brief event. Not something you "go through".

Also, i'm never taking time of work unless i leave this shithole. I left the house but what is one to do in my sorry excuse for a city. I don't mind my thoughts too much at all but it's not good being idle nor is work enjoyable. Retirement must be a ******g nightmare. Unless done young. The answer must be the gym regularly which you cant do working in IT and have to bring your work home and shifts.

Bring on the financial meltdown and make me redundant so i can go to Thailand, live fast, die young.

Or you know, the four noble truths of course.

I'm sober now. Whiskey and whores again, really? Sigh...

Get out and get breakfast. Get out into nature even if its just pissing rain and filled with beautiful people in wheelchairs and shiny happy people holding hands.
Or begging for money for wine or heroin.
They look down on them sorts as they walk by with their lives in order. But they're suffering. Everything only ever gets worse. You're born, then you start dying.

Enjoy samsara brother.

The only podcast i watch religiously. These two have life figured out.

You can plug things into a computer and charge them that way now? How long has that been a thing?

The kid did the Champagne Shot.

Just additional proof that old world people are moronic scum that need eradicated from the planet.

Skydiver Luke Aikins Jumps 25000 Feet Into Net With No Parachute


Nets are for whimps!

Roll on the summer

The hottest on record please

Don't wish your life away, Mac.

I wish I were in London, stuck in traffic, in an too expensive cab, with a chatty cabby that goes on about life; his fat wife; and his daughter that married an alcoholic Irishman.

Good drugs, kids.

Broken YouTube Link

And Bad drugs...

Katt Williams off stage and self righteous is pure gold.

The chemistry of life. It’s a wormhole to oblivion. Enjoy!

Sometimes while ruminating I find myself making plans for the past.


Broken YouTube Link

Dreaming that i'm back in school and ill-prepared for a math exam, specifically, for some reason, again.

Bad teachers, Mac. Not your fault. That's the philosophy these days.

God is a bad mathematician.

by lastcardcharlie k

Bad teachers, Mac. Not your fault. That's the philosophy these days.

Why is this common reoccurring dream always about maths. Why does it affect people regardless of their mathematical knowledge. I'm surprised I can't find anything from Carl Jung on this particular one.

by Zeno k

God is a bad mathematician.

You are Shiva too. How many times do i got to tell your jew ass.
