SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread
Politics has one and its fun, so I figured I'd start one here and see how it goes. Obv you should, but are not requried to be, drunk if you want to post here, and its a LC thread.
Zeno close I guess if for some reaosn this is grossly inappropriate but I think it should be fine.
Human sacrifice should be done on the 1st of the month. Figure out your silly timeline from there.
Godzilla versus God*. Who wins?
* The Old Testament God, the New Testament God is a whimp and would not stand a chance.
A lot of different cultures appear to have practiced human sacrifice.
That Old Testament god was a useful fiction. We are all God, its perfectly obvious.
Psalm 82:6-7
I am fully enlightened, can I say. I took no shortcuts as I never tried. It just happened.
How about this? Airbnb but for swingers.
The etiquette is. Two hosts aka a couple that own property, offer a room for cash, to a random coupleÂ…
This possibly multi million idea literally just came to me, so itÂ’s probably nothing.
I told you a few months back that the concept of AI is going to slowly but surely seap into our collective unconscious in a similar style to how Covid did us.
Five years away from our equals
Existence now on exhibit in the Infinity Room.
Jumped the gun. A weekend of debauchery. DidnÂ’t achieve anything but a lessened net worth. But money is a different although very much related topic.. IÂ’m sitting on a bench alone realizing there is nothing around here worth desiring.
Just as I write this, an attractive lady joins me. She is too young for me but I wouldnÂ’t want her anyway after a while is of course the point.
What’s going on with the formatting there
Don’t know why I overlooked this one. It’s a banger.
Does the butterfly effect get bigger or smaller if there's more butterflies?
I sort of knew this but didn’t look into it. But im a ****** for not taking one hour out of one day to know these bastards are everywhere where I’m from in autumn.
I’m flying direct to the Netherlands for kings day to buy truffles. William of orange.
Calming yourself and relaxing are two different things.
When a duvet cover together with some other laundry is put in a washing machine, how is it that by the end of the wash, the other laundry tends to end up inside the duvet cover?
Look up Centrifugal force. And centripetal force. The difference is important. The combination is an interesting cocktail.
Physics does my head in.
In classical mechanics, centrifugal force is an outward force associated with rotation. Centrifugal force is one of several so-called pseudo-forces (also known as inertial forces), so named because, unlike real forces, they do not originate in interactions with other bodies situated in the environment of the particle upon which they act. Instead, centrifugal force originates in the rotation of the frame of reference within which observations are made.
The String's the Thing
It is all done with mirrors. On a philosophical level, God is just a mirror of the human ego.
I don’t believe in Gravity. It’s just one of God’s deceptions to make you think He’s in control of the universe.
My crypto portfolio went from minus 80 percent to now break even. Because I bought the top of the last bull market and used myself ignorantly as someone else’s exit liquidity. Now it’s your turn my friend to be my exit liquidity.

I don’t believe in God; I believe in Gold. A more useful commodity.