SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread
Politics has one and its fun, so I figured I'd start one here and see how it goes. Obv you should, but are not requried to be, drunk if you want to post here, and its a LC thread.
Zeno close I guess if for some reaosn this is grossly inappropriate but I think it should be fine.
I'm reminded of someone who used to post here. I forget his name. He had a neanderthal for an avatar. We tried to outgay each other in that songs thread one time. RIP to him as well. This is for him.
Dreaming that i'm back in school and ill-prepared for a math exam, specifically, for some reason, again.
I have a reoccurring dream that old ladies like me a lot (they do irl) and that I am an alcoholic (I am irl) who makes bad bedding decisions while drunk (I do irl), but it turns out that my best friend's mom is just sex trafficking me to nursing homes.
"All I need is my artificially intelligent friend
There's no sex so there's no sin
Just good synthetic platonic love
It gets me like no one else does"
- The AI's
if i open this particular page on an android phone in firefox. i am able to play all these youtube clips at the same time and hear all the channels at once. can you. explain this.
At 30:57 Rupert asks the kid to try an experiment.
It didn't work on this kid.
I like this method. I found it easy to imagine i was newly born. To pretend i was in a state where i had yet no knowledge of the external world.
Really understanding the atman is the first step. It's super interesting once you do. Then the question of whether it's real arises. Only then, will this video make sense.
At 30:57 Rupert asks the kid to try an experiment.
It didn't work on this kid.
It's sort of a trick experiment to say, "pretend you are newborn with no past experience and are just here now. But of course you still have capability with language. Now describe your experience."
Any word you evoke evokes the entire complex of experiences you've had with that word. That is how you have your understanding of your meaning for that word. The experiment is self contradictory. Any word you utter automatically refers to past experience. The "experiment" is really a statement about the nature of language.
I like this method. I found it easy to imagine i was newly born. To pretend i was in a state where i had yet no knowledge of the external world.
Really understanding the atman is the first step. It's super interesting once you do. Then the question of whether it's real arises. Only then, will this video make sense.
Sometimes I wonder what it was like when I was still in the womb. I'll bet there's a memory of that buried in the deepest center of the psyche.
It's sort of a trick experiment to say, "pretend you are newborn with no past experience and are just here now. But of course you still have capability with language. Now describe your experience."
Any word you evoke evokes the entire complex of experiences you've had with that word. That is how you have your understanding of your meaning for that word. The experiment is self contradictory. Any word you utter automatically refers to past experience. The "experiment" is really a statement about th
I suspect you listened to enough of it then and are aware that you are clarifying his point which is the age old point, one of many from the upanishads that the supreme self can't be effed. Or maybe you just needed to listen a little longer?
Before that you are making a point and made it bold.
If you wish to argue against deep meditative states, it's a non-starter. So i don't think you're doing that.
If you disagree with this method, that is fine.
You can have an 'aha' moment. Most times i fail right out of the gate. I need to be tricked and caught off guard. I have had only two.
Finally, if you wish to argue a greater point....
The moment Spira said "imagine you've just being born" I noticed most ideas in my brain fly out the window.
i was left with darkness. But i don't know light. I'm not this thought. The thought I'm not this thought was a thought. But I'm not it..I'm Not the mind.
Not the body. Supposedly, I'm ananda or was just feeling good this one time.
Kastrup disagreed that 'sat' or pure being is aware of itself. But Kastrup arrived at advaita vedanta before learning about the atman or unatman. So that is cool per se.
I suspect you listened to enough of it then and are aware that you are clarifying his point which is the age old point, one of many from the upanishads that the supreme self can't be effed. Or maybe you just needed to listen a little longer?
Before that you are making a point and made it bold.
If you wish to argue against deep meditative states, it's a non-starter. So i don't think you're doing that.
If you disagree with this method, that is fine.
You can have an 'aha' moment. Most times i fail r
I don't mean to disparage the exercise. And it's probably a good idea to get the language thing out of the way up front. I also think there's merit in going back a little further to prebirth.
"In exploring time and maya, let's not forget the era before the eternal atman took center stage." The AIs
I know. I tried to get chatgpt to poetically highlight the irony i see. It's entertainment.
From Right out of the gate with closing our eyes to all that followed.
I thought god was an illusion and time was real one time. And so on.
I have a reoccurring dream that old ladies like me a lot (they do irl) and that I am an alcoholic (I am irl) who makes bad bedding decisions while drunk (I do irl), but it turns out that my best friend's mom is just sex trafficking me to nursing homes.
Old ladies go crazy for me.
You seem like a nice alcoholic, at least. Not one of the ones who turns into a different person after a drink.
Brian is only one person but he does have fifty shades of grey. Drinking brings out his best self.
In real life, it's mature and earns more respect to not brag, overshare.
No judging safe anon space here for consential old gilf loving. Anyone want to go first?
For the souls of mankind to be cleansed, the perceived filth at the depths of their unconcious was explored.
Post zero privacy, ultimate knowledge accessible and available about all to all was not the nightmare it was envisioned by some thinkers. Instead, in fact it ushered in the enlightenment. Exponential increased understanding of the one. All understood and forgiven at once.
No one was not loved.
no one..
[to be cont]
Rape God; Rape the universe; Rape 2+2: Rape yourself; kill yourself; Rape your family; beat yourself to death. Blood sucking death and destruction.
Enlightenment is just a moment away.