Superuser Caught on GGPoker - "MoneyTaker69" Thread
User "MoneyTaker69" is alleged to be superusing on GG Poker.
In December, Moneytaker won at 90bb/100 on GG Poker in 8,900 hands playing 53% VPIP. Soon after, he binked a $150 Sunday MTT for $47,586 while playing an extremely volatile strategy, which aroused a lot of suspicion. GG Poker has acknowledged the situation privately and is preparing to address it, but it's important for the public to know immediately due to the significance of superusing.
The Results
The following results graph comes from Smarthand, a site that tracks online poker results. MoneyTaker won at 90bb/100 in December playing 53/17.

Typically, a player with this VPIP/PFR ratio would be in the -50bb/100 range. Even if we were impossibly generous and said he was breakeven, this run would be a statical anomaly. For a -50bb recreational? Impossible.
Here is a primedope simulation of the probability of a breakeven player having this run.

The following is a simulation of possible runs for a player with a given winrate using primedope's variance calculator. The light blue line at the top of the graph represents the "Best" run, which is the luckiest run a person could have in 1,000 trials.
This is a -50bb player playing 9000 hands. Their luckiest run is around -10 buyins. Mokeytaker won 77 buy-ins.

Additionally, MoneyTaker won a $150 GG Masters Sunday MTT, which is a big open field tournament. This makes the possibility of chip dumping or targeting specific players with a virus much less likely.

The Hands
The following hands were collected by various users as examples of likely foul play.

How is he cheating?
Based off his play, the most natural explanation is that he can see the cards. He rarely puts in money significantly behind or calls the river with the worst hand. Also, his winrate is so high that RTA could not possibly explain it.
It's unclear how he's able to see others' cards, and it's possible he's not the only one exploiting a glitch in the system. A post on 2+2 highlighted a group of suspicious accounts that played for brief stints and won for >30bb/100, which is particularly difficult on GG due to their rake structure.
There is no clear evidence that the players highlighted in the above post are superusing, but it's not unreasonable to suspect that this could be a larger issue at scale if done by hackers that want to be less obvious than running >50% VPIP.
Hacker Group
"MoneyTaker" is a hacker group. It's unclear if this account is in any way associated with them or if it's just incidental, but worth mentioning.

What's Next?
As a community, we await GG Poker's response. I'm confident they'll do the right thing and share everything they know about this incident shortly.
1. gg doubling team - Since the only read 2+2 to patch bugs, they need more people to read 2+2 faster
2. see equity - Just put on youtube "sunday million replay pokerstars" watch any replay, and you will understand how this hacker worked, in the streamed replay, you can see equities, everytime one people fold, equity changes automatically, and on every seen card, equity changes also, so the hacker just needed to see river cheap, hoping their rivals go all in bluffing/be underdog in the post-river and he will take all the money
3. gg laundering - people talk about laundering as if it were an small issue, is a big issue, linked to crime, this is even worst than a hacker getting money from other players.
4. gg future problems - remember fifa, fifa scandal got seized because of the massive corruption... same to gg? dunno
5. moneytaker effect rips moneymakers- remember moneymaker boom (people coming massive to online poker)? now will this be moneytaker effect(people getting out massively from online poker)?
I would write a book to this and more ideas, just ask, i get 10 replys and sell my book lmao
1. gg doubling team - Since the only read 2+2 to patch bugs, they need more people to read 2+2 faster
2. see equity - Just put on youtube "sunday million replay pokerstars" watch any replay, and you will understand how this hacker worked, in the streamed replay, you can see equities, everytime one people fold, equity changes automatically, and on every seen card, equity changes also, so the hacker just needed to see river cheap, hoping their rivals go all in bluffing/be underdog in the post-river
can i get the book for free?
I attach here the results of the last Sunday tournaments played (I can only check a few tournaments because there are currently series, and the tool to check the placings is not there)
gg master $150 - Moneytaker69 49k - 25 dec
ggmaster 1k$ - StrongHold 1mtt played on ggpoker 79k - 1 jan
how disgusting
I can see that the Strong Hold guy has also played PLO cash games PLO100-PLO2k and possibly NL as well. I don't have statname or smarthand so i cant check his results but I am sure someone here can do it for us.
I attach here the results of the last Sunday tournaments played (I can only check a few tournaments because there are currently series, and the tool to check the placings is not there)
gg master $150 - Moneytaker69 49k - 25 dec
ggmaster 1k$ - StrongHold 1mtt played on ggpoker 79k - 1 jan
how disgusting
Oh man how is GG so clueless when it comes to cheaters? They actually don't care.
I thought they'd do a double check when a new account binks a high-roller mtt out of nowhere but no, they don't give a ****
So now you are cheating if you ship a random donkament? Random accusations just ruin the legitimacy of the thread.
I guess when so many recs think the RNG is rigged and still keep playing online, there wouldn't also be a player drop when proofed cheating is going on. Pretty sad affair.
love the dankness! thanks for posting. i instantly unsubscribed from Pav's channel and i suggest others do the same. **** that guy!
Thread is full of people who are just bitter because they lose. Now they claim they only lose because of cheaters when 99.9% of players have never been cheated on GG.
So only 1 in a thousand people have been cheated on GG lol. There are bots and super users everywhere. Wake up
So only 1 in a thousand people have been cheated on GG lol. There are bots and super users everywhere. Wake up
probably less than that considering there are millions of users. I played ~1mil hands last year on gg and never ran into anything fishy. Not saying they arent out their but the chances are you wont run into them.
I see superusers everywhere
50 staff in Stars' Game Integrity team. I wonder how this compares to GG's. I know they said somewhere they were doubling the team.
50 staff in Stars' Game Integrity team. I wonder how this compares to GG's. I know they said somewhere they were doubling the team.
I mean pokerstars i would say right now is the safest site to play on, but also funnily enough maybe not the most profitable depending on what game type/stakes you play
**GG shills have entered the chat**
I mean pokerstars i would say right now is the safest site to play on, but also funnily enough maybe not the most profitable depending on what game type/stakes you play
I mean, I agree that it's a good time for stars to capitalise on this, but it would've been nice to hear from GG about the safeguards they have in this area, you'd think some reassurance would be coming out from them. It says a lot that they haven't done that.
lol they decided to delete my messages
I mean, I agree that it's a good time for stars to capitalise on this, but it would've been nice to hear from GG about the safeguards they have in this area, you'd think some reassurance would be coming out from them. It says a lot that they haven't done that.
At this point its obvious why they can't reassure anything. Cheaters won't stop cheating just because one person got banned. It's been like that in every online game for years.
They know they can't control absolutely everything, thats why they can't come to their clients and say "You will never be cheated again, trust me". By doing that the damage will be worse when things go wrong again.
Its all about accepting the cheaters until someone finds a way to make cheating harder. At the moment its too easy.