Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!
Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.
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card being face up is a thing
Sounds right
yeah, card is the last one
i'll have writeup later, but I don't have some rule about not cluing to 8 words that was being discussed in the thread and that has nothing to do with ibd when it comes to me
heart+nurse = stethoscope so I never thought you'd guess that...don't trust ibd when he turbo bolds the final word without discussion
What was the other angioplasty word?
Or were we missing another wooden word?
I have no idea what our last word could be.
yeah, card is the last one
i'll have writeup later, but I don't have some rule about not cluing to 8 words that was being discussed in the thread and that has nothing to do with ibd when it comes to me
heart+nurse = stethoscope so I never thought you'd guess that...don't trust ibd when he turbo bolds the final word without discussion
Lol, ok bro. Show me one time in history you have ever clued to 7/8, or not guessed another word when somebody else has.
vacuum, the only other possibility I thought, which d1 mentioned
liposuction was blocked by nurse
ya'll did well on Pacific and neutral blocker was fine
on wooden, I used wooden over wood to avoid maple, but no discussion of why wooden over wood, but it was neutral so I didn't care much, and the other discussion was wrong, but didn't affect anything game-wise
So I thought we were gonna win, though, since nurse+heart is stethoscope or many other things than a complex word like angioplasty (they use vacuums to suck out clots etc. during it) and nurse+screen (assassin) is EKG, as you said; so with what was left on the board, seemed like angioplasty would lead you to vacuum...dunno of another connection for heart+vacuum but maybe there was something out there
weird board with tons of poker words in it, but spread out
Lol, ok bro. Show me one time in history you have ever clued to 7/8, or not guessed another word when somebody else has.
I don't have time for writeup right now, but I didn't clue to 7 or 8
cluing to 7 or 8 is the definition of n-1, but that's not what I did
unlimited means makeup the list you had + guess the new clue words
I HAVE said about 2 dozen times consistently over the past 3 years that I TRY to do 2+makeup on 2nd turn when I do unlimited there because I want to ensure you get the right 2 words and then get through the makeup list, so we are well positioned to win in turn 3...but if there are 3 great hits, then I'll do that, or 4 or 5...unlimited doesn't mean a set number, just makeup the list...but the one thing I have repeatedly said was it's best if it's 2+makeup on turn 2
D1iab, what were you thinking instead of nurse?
Pump = heart+vacuum?
I don't have time for writeup right now, but I didn't clue to 7 or 8
cluing to 7 or 8 is the definition of n-1, but that's not what I did
unlimited means makeup the list you had + guess the new clue words
I HAVE said about 2 dozen times consistently over the past 3 years that I TRY to do 2+makeup on 2nd turn when I do unlimited there because I want to ensure you get the right 2 words and then get through the makeup list, so we are well positioned to win in turn 3...but if there are 3 great hits, th
Right, like I said, it was either going to be for 2+2 words or 4+2 words, which was correct. We had no way of knowing which it was, and since you always talk about only using unlimited when it's necessary since it muddies the waters on how many words the new clue was for, I thought it was most likely for 4 words. I feel like if you did clue for 4 words there and we stopped at 2 or 3, then you would have a very different view of the situation.
I was vaguely on vacuum just because it seemed like the only other word up there that made sense. But I was hoping to discuss it a bit because I wasn't sure exactly what it was, just that nurse seemed wrong.
Yeah, sorry again. I’m still not sure why I jumped on it so quickly other than I suck at codenames right now. For proof, look no further than the picture game!
No it can be for 1/2/3/4/5/6 words + makeup
I use deductive logic, not conventions, so I don’t have a set convention for that…just logically it makes sense to clue for 1-2 words if I want you to makeup the list because a clue for 3/4/5/6 words is unlikely to be fully correct and for you to get to the makeups
If we have 6 words left and I have a great 3 clue plus 2 makeups then I’ll clue that 3 clue as unlimited and you’ll get them plus makeups and then stop and we finish easy the next turn…I’m not afraid to end with 1 word left and that is not what n-1 is or means
N-1 is simple deduction that if I clue 3 and there are 4 words left then our top word is right…and if I clue 4 then it’s not…if I clue 1 or 2 then that doesn’t mean top word is right or wrong; it’s not logically connected to n-1
If we need 4 words and your top word is correct, why would I clue 4 even if it’s a great fit when cluing 3 tells you 100% the top word is correct?
And then that has a bonus benefit of when I go 4 you know 100% top word is not right, even if top word was Superman and I clue comic-4
N-1 is super clear and uses deduction so there should never be any confusion over it
I'm standing by that you never have and never would end a clue leaving 1 word left unclued for.
gj team
GG all
Thought on a poker forum someone would have heard of an upcard before :p
I probably should have clued fast for 4 too, you got 2 of the new ones I wanted but I was also hoping to get unicorn with it and forgot it sorta worked for wind
I'm standing by that you never have and never would end a clue leaving 1 word left unclued for.
I would and I’m sure I have
What you may be thinking of is if I have 3 words left and can’t do a 3 clue then I’ll usually do 1 clue first and then 2 clue because if I do 2 clue first, then that is n-1 and you’ll guess next on list
If I do 1 clue, then I can end on 2 clue
HOWEVER, I know I’ve done a 2 clue there which got my team to guess top of list, but it was neutral and not blocking opponent so I decided I’d rather ensure my team had the right 2…if they had 3 options and picked 1 good and one bad then we can makeup the next turn with n-1…so that’s a scenario where I end with 1 word left unclued
But that wasn’t even this scenario; in this scenario I clued unlimited, which just means “guess down the list”…and the number I clue for new can be any number; just depends on what the clue hits…my most common by far is 2+ list on turn 2 bc more likely to get correct, but that is more of a “try for easy clue if possible when making up list” reasoning than a “I like this number” reasoning
I mean, even in the scenario you mentioned (which I have never seen you do btw), you are still expecting your team to guess another word, so it's really no different.
The entire basis of the n-1 rule is that you don't leave the board with 1 word doesn't matter if it's a number or unlimited. Either we stop at 6 or guess to 8. That's how it's always been and always will be.
Haha I'm lovin this
that is not the basis of n-1
the basis of n-1 is simply the deductive logic that if I clue you to 1 less than what we need, then you should guess the top word
it has nothing to do with leaving the board with 1 word left; an unlimited clue can leave the board with 1 left or 2 left or ... that's the WHOLE downside of unlimited clues, is you don't know how many the person is cluing for; we are trading that clarity for making up the words on the list because we think that is faster than being precise with our clue number
but nothing to do with n-1
at the end of the day, you use unlimited differently from me; you use it to indicate top word only is correct, which makes no sense to me, but you and ervin like that
but I've been consistent on here for 3 years nonstop now that I use n-1 for guess top word of list and unlimited is to makeup more than just the top word of the list...anything you want to say about how many words I'm cluing for in unlimited is you putting words in my mouth that just aren't true...I will clue unlimited where the clue hits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 (on red) words + your prior list
at the end of the day, you use unlimited differently from me; you use it to indicate top word only is correct, which makes no sense to me, but you and ervin like that
I'd like to clarify(at least for me, I would guess for D1 too) unlimited means AT LEAST top word is correct, not necessarily top word ONLY, though it could be. Gotta figure it out based on situation but it's generally pretty clear imo
and that's the problem
why make your team figure it out when n-1 is 100% clear?
you have 2 words on list and 4 total left to get
if both words on list are correct, we both clue unlimited and the team knows to guess 2 for clue and makeup both words
if only top word is correct, I clue 3 and team knows only top word is right and guesses 3 for my new clue....but you clue unlimited and team doesn't know if the new clue is for 2 and 2 makeups or 3 and 1 makeup
why introduce that uncertainty? why clue the same way for 2 very different intents at the same point of the game when a clear path is available instead?
unlimited is a bad option because you lose communication of how many words your clue is for...that is made up for by getting multiple on the list, so we use it for makeups, but using it when only top word is correct is just getting the bad with no benefit and adding confusion for your team