Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

Nima Jooyandeh is a scammer and a thief

mod note: This post is a cliffnotes of the actions of Nima Jooyandeh on these and other forums.

Nima Jooyandeh, who also goes by "the bay area beast" (and dozens of other names over a 10+ year history posting on the internet on various sites) stole $14,500 from poster Fubster. He has repaid $10,000 of it so far.

Some of the circumstances of the theft include taking sports bets from him acting as both a middleman for another bookie, and acting directly as a bookie himself. Stealing winnings paid out by other bookie, and scamming Fubster by not paying out the winnings from bets he booked himself after previously collecting money from losing bets that he had booked for Fubster. He also attempted to vehemently deny being the actual bet taker, and instead used a fake name of an alleged associate, who it was discovered was a fake persona used to steal (by having this fake bookie "disappear" during California wild fires).

In addition to that, here are other activities this person has participated in that have been admitted to by him on this forum, or have links posted to him being caught on other forums

1. Tried to start a book with poster HIV. Owes poster HIV ~$5K and is paying him back at a rate of $5/week.

2. Ran bets/money for Fubs.

3. Ran his own book and took bets/money as fake identity Sterling.

4. Stiffed Fub for $6k+ as Sterling.

5. Stiffed iceminers on SBR $500. Created fake identity to defend himself etc.

6. Stiffed a guy for $800 or $1000 on Rxforum.

7. Has had many accounts banned on Pickmonitor.

He spent many years pretending to be a sports tout and often started subscription services to sports picks. These subscriptions always flamed out as soon as he hit a losing streak. He would often claim things like "100% guaranteed winning picks", and "complete transparency".

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30 November 2015 at 07:33 PM

403 Replies


Are you so impressed by people being baseline nice to you that you drop all discernment of what they are? Can you not differentiate even a little bit? Have you never felt that a person who liked you and was nice to you was actually kind of a vile person anyway? Or does a smattering of cheap flattery effectively serve as a skeleton key to your soul?

I believe HIV and Babs are friendly these days for some reason, so it seems that Babs is not man enough to say what he has to say himself, rather than doing it through a proxy. When you look at the original threads back in the day, TBAB was given a lot of consideration, advice, and generally people acted much, much nicer toward him than his behavior warranted. Still, he was something of an entertaining court jester, so things did not yet get out of hand. It was when you got caught stealing that things seriously started going downhill. Your behavior, not only here but also on other websites, showed that you just saw this place as another opportunity to scam people. Unfortunately for you, 2p2 not just a site full of easy marks, and you somewhat had to pay for your actions. Frankly, you got off easy.

by Neil S k

That's a weak cop out. If 100% of people don't treat you perfectly, you're going to engage in the worst behavior? This is why the sites about you aren't coming down, ever, Nima. And why you're having to change your name away from your own family's name, because you have brought so much shame to it. You refuse to man up to what you've done, admit your past failings, and work to change.

You're confusing what I said with an excuse or justification.

It wasn't. I just explained the situation. If you want to say it's bad, I wont argue with you.

But it remains the case that he was reacting.

by LKJ k

Are you so impressed by people being baseline nice to you that you drop all discernment of what they are? Can you not differentiate even a little bit? Have you never felt that a person who liked you and was nice to you was actually kind of a vile person anyway? Or does a smattering of cheap flattery effectively serve as a skeleton key to your soul?

'nice' was probably not the right word. i just mean not being rude. so all of this is irrelevant. it's not about that. i just don't like people being a dick to me. and this is also Nima's framework. he's extremely sensitive to people offending his ego.

by DonkJr k

I believe HIV and Babs are friendly these days for some reason, so it seems that Babs is not man enough to say what he has to say himself, rather than doing it through a proxy. When you look at the original threads back in the day, TBAB was given a lot of consideration, advice, and generally people acted much, much nicer toward him than his behavior warranted. Still, he was something of an entertaining court jester, so things did not yet get out of hand. It was when you got caught stealing th

outside of some very brief social media stuff, i haven't even spoken to nima in like two years.

he and i have never discussed my posting in this thread in any way. not even the possibility of it. nothing.

you guys can keep accusing me of **** but it just makes you look like delusional conspiracy theorists. this thread is one big witch hunt and now you're trying to turn that witch hunt on me. it's not so hard to believe that one person on the planet doesn't agree with you.

by ethbtc88 k

'nice' was probably not the right word. i just mean not being rude. so all of this is irrelevant. it's not about that. i just don't like people being a dick to me. and this is also Nima's framework. he's extremely sensitive to people offending his ego.

What I'm getting at is that you're confidently attributing our dislike of him to **** he's said to us, and in doing so you're making an error.

Nobody cares about the wishing death on us, wishing cancer on us, calling us names, etc. I will say that the one thing that ever did actually offend me about his behavior toward others ITT is when he would lash out at people who were legitimately trying to help him; he's an utter ingrate, and regardless of this false notion that you get back from him exactly what you put in, he has been shitty to any number of people who were doing nothing but trying to help him.

Me personally? I was never one of those people. I read the tea leaves early and was not about to try to help this ****ing guy. I understand him not liking me; I never coddled his bullshit as others did. So I really don't care what he has said to me. My judgment of him as being what he is exists quite independently of anything he has said to me. Disbelieving me won't make it less true.

Of course, I've also never done anything to him, anything at all. But I realize you subscribe to his ridiculous framework that people who simply post in a thread that exists not of their making are nonetheless responsible for it existing.

by ethbtc88 k

this thread is one big witch hunt and now you're trying to turn that witch hunt on me.

I gather that you don't know what witch hunt means. I guess it's either that or you're misidentifying things on purpose, but I imagine it's the former.

by ethbtc88 k

he's extremely sensitive to people offending his ego.

That's a Nima problem. Not for anyone else to do something about it.

nima has certain major weaknesses including a gambling problem, a drinking problem and some sort of mild brain ******ation problem, but i still find there to be something sympathetic about him and i really hope he finds a honus wagner 10 in his collection or that some other dumb scheme of his pays off huge

What gets me is looking back at his first posts under the Sup Hezbollah name, it was clear he was running a scam from the get go. He wanted to portray himself as desperate (needing a loanshark, needing to quit his job), having a scheme to get rich, but just needing some seed money to make it happen.

And eventually he was going to run with the money just like he did to Fubster.

I think y'all's reads of eth are wrong. He's not Nima. He may, or may not be HIV, IDK, but if I had to guess based on posting style, I'd say dchg. Not going to check it out, though. If he can remain under the radar, whatevs.

He's too cool headed to be Nima, but he's clearly posting on Nima's behalf.

It's clearly not Babs himself. I don't think most people are thinking that even though a couple have tried to imply it. I do think there's a good chance it's HIV. It doesn't make much of a difference since it's just the same tired self-appointed public defender act without any good arguments.

I do find it maddening that nobody taking up the Babs defense is willing to just speak plainly and say, "Look: he's really stupid, and because of that I feel bad for him in spite of his many, many horrible flaws, because smarter people are picking on him and that rubs me the wrong way." Just say that! Give it a try. How could that be worse than running with the already-defeated Babs talking points over and over again?

by Neil S k

He's too cool headed to be Nima, but he's clearly posting on Nima's behalf.

1. Doubt he's Nima or that he's posting on his behalf. Guy is just a Nima apologist.

2. Highly doubt he's dchg, who has never posted itt.
3. He's not exactly cool headed, he was super argumentative in SE at one time and when I infracted him he replied back "**** you". Which earned him a 2 day temp-ban.
4. ?????
5. Profit

I thought it was confirmed years ago that it was HIV.

I don't know when it would have been confirmed. He always does the Babs thing where he no-sells the questions he doesn't like, and the HIV question is always ignored.

by Didace k

That's a Nima problem. Not for anyone else to do something about it.

This is victim blaming.

If the victim responds by doing bad things, then both sides are at fault. Which was what I was attempting to convey with the cop analogy.

by LKJ k

I do find it maddening that nobody taking up the Babs defense is willing to just speak plainly and say, "Look: he's really stupid, and because of that I feel bad for him in spite of his many, many horrible flaws, because smarter people are picking on him and that rubs me the wrong way." Just say that! Give it a try. How could that be worse than running with the already-defeated Babs talking points over and over again?

I don't feel anything close to that so I can't say it. I'm not doing this out of pity.

A lot of people know Nima in real life. How many of them have shown up here and joined the circlejerk of what a piece of **** he is? I'm guessing none. That should tell you something. All those people understand this thread. Nima has a hot head and can be a dick and him being a troll that riled you all up is not surprising at all. The piece that is missing is all of you don't understand he doesn't walk through life as a troll. Just as each of you is probably different in real life than you are in this thread - so is he.

McMuffin is as real as it gets.

by LKJ k

"Look: he's really stupid, and because of that I feel bad for him in spite of his many, many horrible flaws, because smarter people are picking on him and that rubs me the wrong way."

Actually if you phrased this differently, I may agree with it. It needs to be framed around this thread. You're attempting to define him as a human being and you're not in a position to do that. You are definitely in a position to define him as a poster in this thread though. So make it about how he behaved stupid in this thread and I'm on board.

What about real life events that were shared by him/others itt? Are those fair game?

by ethbtc88 k

Just as each of you is probably different in real life than you are in this thread


this thread is real life, all internet activity is real life

stop saying stupid things

by ethbtc88 k

You're attempting to define him as a human being and you're not in a position to do that.

I am

You are definitely in a position to define him as a poster in this thread though. So make it about how he behaved stupid in this thread and I'm on board.


by All-inMcLovin k

What about real life events that were shared by him/others itt? Are those fair game?

only if we get to pick isolated real life events from your life, have them written here in biased and inaccurate ways, and then unilaterally decide who you are as a human being.

bonus round: we ban you, so you can't defend yourself. and then have the mob gang up on anybody who ever defends you.

by LKJ k


this thread is real life, all internet activity is real life

The fact that you keep interpreting my words incorrectly, leads me to believe you are not engaging in good faith. This is one just so egregious, I see no other possibility. You know very well what I meant by 'real life''. It's so obvious, I refuse to even placate you by saying it.

I hope one day your life is filled with good and positive things and you don't need to waste so much of it on the internet, trying to feel superior treating people this way.

It's clear as day what happened. Nima came in being arrogant and brash and a bunch of LKJ's went at him over a year or more and finally he snapped.

Does that make it all his fault? Is everything the fault of the person who snapped?

Not in my opinion. The people who antagonized him share blame. LKJ has a lot of blame in this thread for deliberately antagonizing me.
