Favorite Candy

Favorite Candy


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19 January 2024 at 02:09 PM

154 Replies


by madlex k

High quality licorice is awesome.

Unfortunately, there's no licorice culture in the US. Same goes for fizzy candy.

Stores like WorldMarket sell the good stuff from Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Germany though.

What’s a fizzy candy?

by Dr. Meh k

Maybe Egypt still uses the original formula for Coca-Cola, complete with actual Coca.

I've had Coca-Cola in Egypt and didn't notice a big difference in taste. But I think most of the African Coke products are even sweeter than in the US? At Coca-Cola World in Atlanta they have a tasting area where you can try various products from all over the world including different versions of Coca-Cola and "Mezzo-Mix", a mix of Coke and orange soda, which was my favorite softdrink growing up. I don't really drink soda anymore but occasionally I buy a can of that (or Paulaner Spezi) at the WorldMarket.

by Dr. Meh k

What’s a fizzy candy?

Exactly 😀

All the stuff from "Ahoi Brause" in my pic in post #3 falls into that category. Some of them you can buy at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Frigeo

by madlex k

I've had Coca-Cola in Egypt and didn't notice a big difference in taste. But I think most of the African Coke products are even sweeter than in the US? At Coca-Cola World in Atlanta they have a tasting area where you can try various products from all over the world including different versions of Coca-Cola and "Mezzo-Mix", a mix of Coke and orange soda, which was my favorite softdrink growing up. I don't really drink soda anymore but occasionally I buy a can of that (or Paulaner Spezi) at the Wo

In the name of scientific research, I just ordered some fizzy candy. I zoomed in on your picture and saw a salty licorice candy by Katjes. I ordered that, too.

I really don’t care for licorice but I’m willing to give it a try to see if maybe it’s just American licorice that’s gross to me. I’ll let you know when I sample them.

by madlex k

There are a lot of food items that are better in the US than in Europe. Candy/chocolate certainly aren't among them.

High-end European chocolate is very good. But almost everything else (candy and chocolate) leaves me thinking I just tasted a rumor of something that might be good.

yeah dollar store european candy is garbage

these, which are priced accordingly though are fire

and the best one of all is anything by ritter sport

reminds me of when i biked through switzerland, was only doing a brief forary there as the road took me into the country for just one town and then back into austria

at the town was a big "welcome to switzerland" gas station that was also a massive tourist shop selling swiss army knives, all kinds of clothes with the swiss flag, fondue kits to go (fun fact, fondue is a modern invention because after wwII they had a massive surplus of that kind of cheese and no idea what to do with it so they invented fondue in order to create a market for it and it worked out because it's delicious) but i go in there wanting to get some swiss chocolate and am greeted by the infamous "swiss hospitality"

they have like two aisles of chocolate like this

so i'm a bit overwhelmed by this all and the place is absolutely empty so I ask the clerk

excuse me, can you recommend anything here?

clerk goes

just get what you want

i respond

well i want everything, that's the problem, so you have anything you'd recommend, what here is the most popular chocolate for swiss people?


these are all swiss chocolate


yes i understand that, but there are like 100 options, i'm trying to narrow it down, is there anything you can recommend for me as I'd like to buy some swiss chocolate, what is the most typical?

clerk *scowling and visibly annoyed with me*

they are all swiss chocolate, just get what you like


ok then what's the most popular?


they are all swiss chocolate, they are all popular, they are all good

she was visibly upset at this point so i just said **** it and walked out and resumed my ride into Austria

All you Reese’s peanut butter cups fans need to do yourself a favor, and try a Reese’s Fast Break.

GOAT candy bar

by Dr. Meh k

In the name of scientific research, I just ordered some fizzy candy. I zoomed in on your picture and saw a salty licorice candy by Katjes. I ordered that, too.

I really don’t care for licorice but I’m willing to give it a try to see if maybe it’s just American licorice that’s gross to me. I’ll let you know when I sample them.

Excited to hear what you think about it 😀
Katjes Salzige Heringe is perfect for people who are new to salty licorice. Good consistency and significantly less licorice and salt than a lot of the stuff from Holland or Denmark.

by Didace k

High-end European chocolate is very good. But almost everything else (candy and chocolate) leaves me thinking I just tasted a rumor of something that might be good.

Candy/chocolate (except for super high cocoa ones) is way too unhealthy anyway to eat anything other than high-end.

by rickroll k

and the best one of all is anything by ritter sport

There's definitely levels to Ritter Sport.

Everything nuts is superior to everything without nuts, except for Marzipan. My favorite flavor is Honig-Salzmandel, that one is always in stock in my drawer. Also have a dark chocolate almond one right now:

(Ritter Sport headquarters are roughly 50miles from my hometown so I went there a couple times as a kid)

by madlex k

Candy/chocolate (except for super high cocoa ones) is way too unhealthy anyway to eat anything other than high-end.

This is all high-end?

by madlex k

by Didace k

This is all high-end?

Most of that stuff is vegan and contains no artificial flavors or colors.

When you Google for Twizzler ingredients you get this:

In other words: Sugar + crap.

The packaging of Katjes Salzige Heringe that Dr. Meh ordered says: vegan, natural colors and flavors, no palm oil, no animal gelatin, no gluten, carbon-neutral.


Says the guy eating basically chocolate covered gummy worms.

by AzOther1 k

Says the guy eating basically chocolate covered gummy worms.

if you order that online and don't like it i'll paypal the cost of purchase and shipping

offer only for you, i'm not feed 2p2 imported candy kind of rich



the quality of 'murican twizzler is quite similar to our selection of black licorice
as madlex said it's so gross sugar plus crap

by rickroll k

if you order that online and don't like it i'll paypal the cost of purchase and shipping

I accept. Candy should arrive Saturday. I'll let you know my honest opinion.

by madlex k

Excited to hear what you think about it 😀
Katjes Salzige Heringe is perfect for people who are new to salty licorice. Good consistency and significantly less licorice and salt than a lot of the stuff from Holland or Denmark.

Candy/chocolate (except for super high cocoa ones) is way too unhealthy anyway to eat anything other than high-end.

There's definitely levels to Ritter Sport.

Everything nuts is superior to everything without nuts, except for Marzipan. My favorite flavor is Honig-Salzmandel,

Ok, tried my first salty licorice and fizzy candy. Here’s the verdict:

Salty licorice - definitely better than American licorice but still don’t care for licorice flavor. This one was more anise in flavor and the salt was an interesting twist. It was tolerable but not for me.

Fizzy candy - reminded me of SweetTarts mixed with Pez. They were good but the best things about them was they seemed to last a long time. Worst thing was the price. I don’t know if it was because they were imported or what but $7 for a very small container of them was a bit much.

by Dr. Meh k

Ok, tried my first salty licorice and fizzy candy. Here’s the verdict:

Salty licorice - definitely better than American licorice but still don’t care for licorice flavor. This one was more anise in flavor and the salt was an interesting twist. It was tolerable but not for me.

Fizzy candy - reminded me of SweetTarts mixed with Pez. They were good but the best things about them was they seemed to last a long time. Worst thing was the price. I don’t know if it was because they were

There's definitely some similarities in taste between licorice and anis.

Not sure which Ahoj Brause Item you ordered but they retail for roughly $1-2 in their German online shop. Last time I ordered 15-20 items from them to reach 25€ for free shipping. Did you have anything woodruff flavored in there?

Thanks for giving it a shot! 😀

I got Ahoj Brause Brause-Stabchen. Ordered it on Amazon. Maybe it would have been cheaper to buy direct.

Thanks for the recommendations! My daughter liked the licorice one more than I did but we all liked the Ahoj Brause

by Dr. Meh k

I got Ahoj Brause Brause-Stabchen. Ordered it on Amazon. Maybe it would have been cheaper to buy direct.

Thanks for the recommendations! My daughter liked the licorice one more than I did but we all liked the Ahoj Brause

I don't think they even sell directly in the US. The manufacturer is owned by Katjes. FWIW, the Brausestäbchen retail for 1,29€ in their German online shop. I mostly buy their gummy candy (there's Brause-Ringe and Kaubonbons on the picture) and their bonbons that are filled with the fizzy candy.

Fun fact: Vodka Ahoj (powdered fizzy candy and a shot) was pretty popular when I grew up. No idea if kids still do that these days.

I thought the best liquorice came from Pontefract.

a lastcard charlie post is like a herman hesse novel, i don't get it now, but i appreciate its intangible beauty and hope to one day have the wisdom to comprehend when i'm older

by lastcardcharlie k

I thought the best liquorice came from Pontefract.

My mother wholeheartedly agrees with you here.. i can't stand the stuff mind.

I'm torn. I think I like it. Got 4 bars from Amazon delivered Saturday. Ate a couple of pieces of the first bar without thinking much of it. Then I remembered how to eat chocolate. Suck on it, don't chew it. Don't really care for the mini Dots but I like the pop rocks in the chocolate.

$10 for the four bars, free delivery.

i'm glad you tried it and didn't find it disgusting

but... torn qualifies for a refund imo, dm me your paypal when you see this please

very happy you tried it 😀

Buy ec_outlaw a $10 sq, for him, from me. Otherwise, don't worry about it. I like 'em good enough. After the 1st two, I took a couple of days off. But just started on the 3rd after lunch while posting this. They were better than anticipated. Puts 'chocolate covered gummy worms' to shame (I hope these aren't actually a thing)
