Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11553 Replies


by prev k

People will think he's harmless because of the way he looks but he is legit just not a good person.

It's wild because after daily vlogs and the way Rice responds to the comments, this is the sentiment that a few dozen people here have come to the conclusion of on him.

by Koshka k

I love how in that video, Bikeking once again casually drops he played poker professionally. Lol.

Sorry, playing dailies only when they had overlays and a $20 tourneys on a private club is NOT playing professionally.

I don't even consider Diesel a professional poker player even though he derives the bulk of his income from poker thus qualifying as a professional by definition. He's more of a panhandler than professional. He sits in a game and hopes recs donate to his stack before picking up and

He could get more money by talking about that stuff until they pay him to shut up about it.

by prev k

He has shown that he is a compulsive liar so any claims he makes it probably a straight up lie or highly embellished.

Him saying he lost footage due to a hard drive failure is very convenient.

There seems to be so many of these unfortunate events happening to him over and over again.

People will think he's harmless because of the way he looks but he is legit just not a good person.

I agree with what you said but idk i see him as very insecure and trying to fit in. I don’t see any harm in him pretending to be a very advanced hockey bettor after buying picks from a tour service for 1k, I don’t see him as a bad person for pretending he is better at poker than he is. I think it’s funny the way he acts on Twitter where he pretends to be like a harlabob type sometimes, but he’s not the only one. The only victim I see is himself in the way he acts. I don’t know him though, so maybe there’s things I don’t know, he just seems like a guy who wants to be famous for some reason but sucks at everything so he is what he is

by prev k

People will think he's harmless because of the way he looks but he is legit just not a good person.

Right, so Diesel is harmless but Bike King isnt? What makes someone legit a good or not good person in your books?

by angle_shooter k

Right, so Diesel is harmless but Bike King isnt? What makes someone legit a good or not good person in your books?

Are u not aware of the countless lies that bikeking has told?

Has Diesel ever lied about anything?

Do you disagree with this?

by prev k

Are u not aware of the countless lies that bikeking has told?

Has Diesel ever lied about anything?

Do you disagree with this?

Diesels whole life is a lie... one big massive dose of copium after the other.

by LuvDaVlogs k

I agree with what you said but idk i see him as very insecure and trying to fit in. I don’t see any harm in him pretending to be a very advanced hockey bettor after buying picks from a tour service for 1k, I don’t see him as a bad person for pretending he is better at poker than he is. I think it’s funny the way he acts on Twitter where he pretends to be like a harlabob type sometimes, but he’s not the only one. The only victim I see is himself in the way he acts. I don’t know him though, so

He straight up lied about where he got his funds when he first started as a "professional poker player". To some people he said he binked an online tourney and to others he said he got an inheritance.

He also lied about losing his bankroll to bank account hack.

The other stuff about him making 6 figures working for aviation companies, him claiming to be a profitable poker player, him acting like he's a pro sports bettor, those are all things he embellishes to make himself look better than he is.

Anyone that is a compulsive liar is capable of way worse.

by angle_shooter k

Diesels whole life is a lie... one big massive dose of copium after the other.

His actions have never negatively affected others around him.

He is just a highly functioning autist that has anti social tendencies.

I don't think that makes him a bad person, he's certainly not a liar.

never seen a bk vlog before

but... prev is not wrong

typically in those spots you're only catching the tip of the iceberg, the most obvious of the lies, there's far more lies laying hidden under the surface that are so innocous you'd never even know it was a lie because it literally served no purpose

things like "i've been to montana" or "my neighbor was a landscaper" or "i like playing ping pong"

it's a pathological thing, often the lies are incentivized, other times it's just the default setting

dated one for a while, it would blow my mind the things she'd casually lie about to strangers for no reason, there was a lot of stuff done to make her seem more impressive, but a lot of it made no sense whatsoever and was so incredibly easy to be uncovered

I do think bikeking's lies have mostly been harmless and i agree with luvdavlogs that it's mostly due to insecurity and wanting to fit in.

But we don't know what else is going on behind the scenes and what else he's capable of in the future.

At the very least we know he has lied about alot of things, that enough should make people weary of him as a person.

and back to Diesel, he is clearly not winning in life, he rubs people the wrong way, he has alot of weird quirks that makes him unlikable, I get that

But if we're to assume he is autistic then he should get a pass for alot of his quirks imo.

I think berating him and being hyper critical of him is the same as going up to someone with down syndrome and berating their actions and being annoyed that they don't make the ideal life decisions.

You wouldn't heckle athletes at the special olympics for not being as good as you are at some sport or compared to others, you wouldn't hate on them for being excited about winning the gold medal.

He is definitely highly functioning so it's hard to see him as someone that's autistic which is why I think he will always have issues with how people perceive him.

half of 2p2 is autistic

bad things happen when you get carte blanche

everyone is accountable for themselves regardless of the handicap they are given

by prev k

He also lied about losing his bankroll to bank account hack.

That was hilarious. Like a bank is going to allow a $9500 withdrawal via Western Union to Nigeria, then try to contact you to verify. But he said he was out of the country somewhere so didn't get the message. So the bank just shrugs it's shoulders and allows another 3-4 $9500 withdrawals via Western Union to another third world country.

Then when you find out, the bank shrugs it's shoulders and says sorry, we aren't reimbursing you. You should have contacted us back when we inquired if this was a legit transaction.

by prev k

His actions have never negatively affected others around him.

He is just a highly functioning autist that has anti social tendencies.

I don't think that makes him a bad person, he's certainly not a liar.

So who exactly has BK hurt then?

by Turdzilla k

Classic "I don't like it " saves money.

If she is counting on T to keep a roof over her head and pay for her Veozah a plan B is in order.

The Sphere can provide him with some awesome thumbnails but he prefers to use his face.

The Super Bowl is coming up and if you go by Allegiant Stadium, they are changing the look of the stadium. More awesome thumbnails available if he wants them, but instead he will pretend the Super Bowl isn’t in Vegas.

Using better thumbnails (in addition to doing something different and interesting in his videos) would help promote his candy business. So of course he isn’t going to do that.

Yeah prev i know about his lies believe me, you werent here when he first started his sports betting thing i dont think, i had VERY long posts about how it was all BS and why i thought it was BS, i know in the thread he made, in the first post he says he came across 20k from an inheritance

and in his vlog,

at the 2:20 mark, he claims he hit a 20k score

Everything about his story has been lies after lie and its always about stuff that is so stupid and nobody would care about. Nobody cares you went broke, ok big deal, everyone has been there, just tell us the real version where everything isnt perfect. Its so frustrating to see, because itd be so cool if he wasnt trying to fit in and was more honest, like when he won the big pot on the stones stream and said hes never won a pot that big, he didnt know how to act, that stuff is what people want, not acting like youre some great player, nobody cares about that, we want to see the real journey. His original vlogs were so good, i loved them because i thought they were so real except for some parts, but the emotions of going through it, trying to make it, ive never seen any vlog even close to that and thats the content i really want and would like to watch. I go back and watch his from time to time because i think theyre so great. But he just doubles down on every lie every time, even when we can point to the one above where its as clear as day, one of them has to be a lie, i imagine both of them are

I just see a guy in bike who comes from a small town and was probably picked on lets be honest, small quirky guy, either has a speech impediment or is just unable to speak correctly because of anxiety or whatever it is that is going on with him, he sees poker players and maybe watched the solve for why stuff thats why hes infatuated with them, he loves Chase Bianchi too, which is so ****ing funny to me, but he was also popular for a time. Hes just trying to be in like they were and live like they sort of portray or other poker players portray this sort of carefree lifestyle where they just kindve print at everything and its all so great, but thats really not the reality. Im lucky enough to know and be coached by some really amazing players, some guys who were in the evil empire, guys who have won millions of dollars, i think almost every one of them is a coach on a major coaching site, have won at very high stakes in very tough games, and i spill my heart out to all of them in the same way i detail every way BK is lying or why i think trooper is dumb or why el diesels whole life is cope, and every single one of them has told me about how theyve dealt with hard times, times theyve lost, times theyve been cheated, times theyve thought their world was crumbling down, even now, when at worst theyd always be able to be staked and be able to make a living from poker, they all deal with it even still as accomplished players, but nobody talks about this stuff, and to me, thats really what is interesting. Sadly the cost to hear their stories is you have to know them for years, however not the case with vloggers. Trooper touched on it, but at the end his ego wouldnt really let us in, he maintained this veneer where he was actually really good at poker, he was almost defiant in how he wouldnt show you the real him, either from his ego or from embarrassment or his obsession to not let the haters win, and its ultimately why he failed at poker during his time in las vegas. Because he had all of the tools, he had an audience that would help him, he had the mental capacity to win at at least 1-2 and 2-5 in my opinion, hes a winner even now over the life of his vlog at 1-2 and 2-5 even if its not for much, and he had a BR at times to support himself, and the time to do it, whether he managed his time correctly is a different story. Of course he didnt fail at marketing himself and selling enough things to survive, but he did fail at poker. Not even el diesel could make it work with troopers hourly or total income from poker in almost 10 years.

I just read Billy Walters book, hes an ultimate god of gambling, he moved to vegas from Louisville, near where i was, around 35 i think, he was broke, had been divorced twice i think, was a total degen, and degened several more times since moving, but just shows you even people like that who are really seen as super heroes of gambling who have all this money, even for them it wasnt a smooth path, and i just want to go on a journey with bike king the same way you go through the journey with Billy in his book. The thing is its cool for BIlly to do it now, because hes a billionaire and its cool to tell the tale, whereas someone like bike king who lives in a car and has nothing, its not as cool to be seen as a degen or a loser like el diesel. But thats the reality man, everybody comes from somehwere. Ultimately hes cheating himself because he doesnt realize that his story and in a larger sense, him as a person is already good enough to be liked and appreciated and able to have fans without the lying and the BS. And isnt it a shame if in fact he is telling the truth about his record breaking bike ride, and nobody believes him.

I dont see anything malicious in what he does outside of some emotional tweets, which just make me think hes immature, but also i dont know him, never met him, so maybe he is a bad person i dont know.

by Steve00007 k

Trooper called the Sphere an eyesore. Interesting that Lady Trooper likes being with someone that is constantly so negative.

The more her family points out all the negative things about Tim the closer Christina was drawn to him, Her Mom is heartbroken over this idiot and she agreed to keep supporting them in hopes of her business taking off and Tim STOPS WASTING MONEY GAMBLING, which they all agreed to.

by drewtroopsdaughter k

The more her family points out all the negative things about Tim the closer Christina was drawn to him, Her Mom is heartbroken over this idiot and she agreed to keep supporting them in hopes of her business taking off and Tim STOPS WASTING MONEY GAMBLING, which they all agreed to.

Very interesting stuff. I had my thoughts earlier, so it isnt that surprising to hear this but still interesting to hear it from a source like you that clearly have a good insight into what is going on.

Especially its a classic what you describe about Lady T being just more drawn to Trooper the more her family dislikes him. Its like a kid, the more you say no to candy he just wants the candy even more.

by drewtroopsdaughter k

The more her family points out all the negative things about Tim the closer Christina was drawn to him, Her Mom is heartbroken over this idiot and she agreed to keep supporting them in hopes of her business taking off and Tim STOPS WASTING MONEY GAMBLING, which they all agreed to.

This actually makes a lot of sense with the timeline of Trooper stopping all poker (aside from the Westgate game) so suddenly. Most here suspected it was because he was busto.

by Turdzilla k

Nope, they being audited to the tenth of a cent by Deloitte.

I know it doesn’t need said in here but it’s wild that we have vlogs about everything from plastic cutlery to the length of a casino and yet the thing that his subscribers will be most interested in has been completely blanked.

by angle_shooter k

This actually makes a lot of sense with the timeline of Trooper stopping all poker (aside from the Westgate game) so suddenly. Most here suspected it was because he was busto.

Imo that may still very well be the case, or a contributing factor at least.

Trooper playing poker/gambling is only gonna be a problem for Lady T and her family IF he loses money over time,wich very likely has been the case- also with poker/gambling that he doesent show in the vlogs.

The sessions that Trooper vlogged dropped alot even the months before the famous 2023 summer where he pulled off the 10K main event freeroll paid for by his fans.

I dont doubt that the final plug in the bottle was due to the writing on the wall from Lady T and/or her family, but that doesnt mean he didnt struggle with money in the period of time leading up to this-infact its likely that Trooper gambling himself broke was the final plug in the bottle for them.

by Petrucci k

Imo that may still very well be the case, or a contributing factor at least.

Trooper playing poker/gambling is only gonna be a problem for Lady T and her family IF he loses money over time,wich very likely has been the case- also with poker/gambling that he doesn't show in the vlogs.

The sessions that Trooper vlogged dropped alot even the months before the famous 2023 summer where he pulled off the 10K main event freeroll paid for by his fans.

I dont doubt that the final plug in the bottle was due

Like I said at the time, there was more than one possible explanation for his stopping poker. I even speculated that a possible reason could have been due to pressure from Lady Trooper to stop wasting time and money at something he clearly wasn't good at.

There really was nothing else in his lifestyle to suggest he was broke. They still live in a nice place with decent furniture/appliances and he drives a semi newish car. They have invested heavily into the Sprkli business. Sure he could still be broke but there's no rational reason to draw that conclusion.

As much as I think that they were better of keeping Sprkli as a side hustle it's still a far better investment of his time and money than playing poker ever was.

Let's face it, he was too stubborn/proud to ever get help and improve his game so the best thing for him was to pivot away from poker altogether, which is what it appears he's done.

by Steve00007 k

The Sphere can provide him with some awesome thumbnails but he prefers to use his face.

The Super Bowl is coming up and if you go by Allegiant Stadium, they are changing the look of the stadium. More awesome thumbnails available if he wants them, but instead he will pretend the Super Bowl isn’t in Vegas.

Using better thumbnails (in addition to doing something different and interesting in his videos) would help promote his candy business. So of course he isn’t going to do that.

Yep, a little thought on the name and pic for a vlog would increase views.

A continuous headshot documenting his physical decline over the years is not entertaining.

Why doesn't he include a short snippet of the line to get into a club when the hopefuls are wearing as little as possible?

by drewtroopsdaughter k

The more her family points out all the negative things about Tim the closer Christina was drawn to him, Her Mom is heartbroken over this idiot and she agreed to keep supporting them in hopes of her business taking off and Tim STOPS WASTING MONEY GAMBLING, which they all agreed to.

Hopefully, they have a deadline to terminate support if the pop business turns out to be a typical T-style failure.

She deserves better.
