Holdem Manager Support
Our internal developer ticket IMP-843 regarding this has been resolved internally with version HM3.1.32.9228 and our latest internal beta import DLL files. Our current public beta release HM3.1.32.9226 will soon be renumbered and released as our public stable version After that, the developers will check in those new import DLL files and other pending bug fixes, and then release a new public beta HM3.1.33.9228+ to support those new Party RIT hands. Once that is released you will be
Hi Fozzy is the issue supposed to be fixed? I am on v3.1.34.0 and it still isn't working. I have allow reimport clicked and have manually tried reimporting the folders. Thanks
Hi Fozzy is the issue supposed to be fixed? I am on v3.1.34.0 and it still isn't working. I have allow reimport clicked and have manually tried reimporting the folders. Thanks
Yes, but they are incomplete hand histories so they will still not appear in the database. Previously the incomplete hands would not be reported as errors. Importing these hands now produces the "Encountered unexpected end of hand history" error.
The only way to get the hands into the database is to request complete hand history files for all hands played those days from the Party client or support and import those. If your Party client has a 'My Game' section you should be able to download them from there, or you can email their support and request them.
Once you get the complete hand history files try to toggle on the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import - [x] 'Allow reimport of hand histories' then import the recent files again from C:\HM3Archive using the HM3 - File - Import Folder/Files options. See the linked FAQ for more details here - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
How do I see iggnition hands that I have downloaded from the client with all hole cards?
How do I see iggnition hands that I have downloaded from the client with all hole cards?
You have to make sure you toggle on the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import - [x] 'Allow reimport of hand histories' and then download the hands from the Ignition poker client and manually import the files using the HM3 - File - Import Folder/Files options as explained in this section of our Ignition Setup Guide - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...
See the linked images below:
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/yujpcyhyrwh3ut...
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/kj3awmnpgcra65...
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/nltkm7iln0s2f7...
in the stat 'W$SD (excl small)' what is the bb of pot which makes it small or big?
They are >=5bb.
Percentage of time player wins at showdown excluding small pots (pot size >= 5 big blinds)
You can find the definition of any stat in the Stats Pickers or by hovering over the stat column header in the reports.

Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
I mentioned that HEM3 doesn't record net winnings/losses correctly because it doesn't record rebuys and addons correctly on stars. What exactly do you want me to send you?
So say after finishing a stars session, what do I send you? After a stars session, I would click on file and then import files and click on all the tournaments I played for the session and then HEM3 would take a short while to import it. Then when I go to the tournament overall for the session, it would show all the tournaments I played for the day but the rebuys and addons for many tournaments would be incorrect.
Is there a way to have the hud turn off when hole cards are revealed in an all in? Or when cards are revealed at showdown and then the hud immediately comes back?
I mentioned that HEM3 doesn't record net winnings/losses correctly because it doesn't record rebuys and addons correctly on stars. What exactly do you want me to send you?
So say after finishing a stars session, what do I send you? After a stars session, I would click on file and then import files and click on all the tournaments I played for the session and then HEM3 would take a short while to import it. Then when I go to the tournament overall for the session, it would show all the tournam
We need you to send us the original hand history files and tournament summary files, with screenshots and details of the errors, as instructed at the end of this guide so that we can import the same files and reproduce the issue for our developers.
Is there a way to have the hud turn off when hole cards are revealed in an all in? Or when cards are revealed at showdown and then the hud immediately comes back?
No, there are no such features in HM3.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Okay so say after a session. Let say I played a total of 20 tournaments. I then go on HEM3 and import all the tournament histories from that HEM3 folder. So after I do that and check tournament overall, it would show all the tournaments I played for the session and show the overall win and loss for each tournament and overall. I mention that for certain tournaments it would show addons incorrectly as it would be either incorrect or some some weird number for a rebuy which isn't correct.
So you need me to send you those 20 tournament history files from HEM3 folder? Then show the screenshots of the HEM3 where I would say okay this isn't correct with these tournaments as it would show a tournament buyin of say 22 but then addon is 12 which is obviously incorrect? Is that all I would send? Or I have to request all the tournaments I played in the session from stars? I know there is a hh but there is also a tournament result history from stars that you could request?
Or is everything going to be in the HEM3 files?
Okay so say after a session. Let say I played a total of 20 tournaments. I then go on HEM3 and import all the tournament histories from that HEM3 folder. So after I do that and check tournament overall, it would show all the tournaments I played for the session and show the overall win and loss for each tournament and overall. I mention that for certain tournaments it would show addons incorrectly as it would be either incorrect or some some weird number for a rebuy which isn't correct.
So you
You need to send us the same Hand History Files and Tournament Summary Files that you imported, with screenshots and details of the errors/discrepancies, so that we can import the same HH/TS files to try and reproduce the issue for our developers.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
I have been out of the poker world since Black Friday but am back and playing small stakes on global poker. I know it’s not supported by Holdem manager but are there any features that would be of use to me? Like an equity calculator or solver or anything?
Like I said I’ve been out of the game for over 10 years and I’m looking for some study tools.
I have been out of the poker world since Black Friday but am back and playing small stakes on global poker. I know it’s not supported by Holdem manager but are there any features that would be of use to me? Like an equity calculator or solver or anything?
Like I said I’ve been out of the game for over 10 years and I’m looking for some study tools.
No, HM3 does not support Global Poker as they do not write local hand history files that are required for HM3 to import.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
They are >=5bb.
Percentage of time player wins at showdown excluding small pots (pot size >= 5 big blinds)
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
thanks, didnt know that.
But this does confuse me because basically every pot that goes to showdown is 5 big blinds or more, but i did see a player with 40% W@SD but 60% W@SD (ex small)
the times i see a pot of less than 5bb go to showdown is 3% or something
thanks, didnt know that.
But this does confuse me because basically every pot that goes to showdown is 5 big blinds or more, but i did see a player with 40% W@SD but 60% W@SD (ex small)
the times i see a pot of less than 5bb go to showdown is 3% or something
- My most recent alias has a 25,018 hand sample.
- 14,841 of those hands were over 5.00 BB
- 1,091 of those Saw SD.
My sample is ~4% = SawSD so your numbers make sense to me. There are ~13k other pots over 5BB in my DB that did not see a SD.
Edit: What does this mean?
but i did see a player with 40% W@SD but 60% W@SD (ex small)
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Thats not the 4% i mean, you are talking about 4% of hands saw a showdown.. thats not what i mean becuase the W$SD stat (which i mislabeled w@sd last post) doesnt take into account pots that didnt see a showdown
I was saying that of ALL the pots that go to showdown (and qualify for the W$SD stat) only 4% are actually less than 5bb.
Therefore the stat W$SD and W$SD (ex small) should differ so less that it doesnt tell anything and the cutoff for 'excluding small pots' shouldnt be as low as 5
Now it basically only doesnt take into account limped pots that are checked down
Thats not the 4% i mean, you are talking about 4% of hands saw a showdown.. thats not what i mean becuase the W$SD stat (which i mislabeled w@sd last post) doesnt take into account pots that didnt see a showdown
I was saying that of ALL the pots that go to showdown (and qualify for the W$SD stat) only 4% are actually less than 5bb.
Therefore the stat W$SD and W$SD (ex small) should differ so less that it doesnt tell anything and the cutoff for 'excluding small pots' shouldnt be as low as 5
Now it b
I am sorry, I should have forwarded your question to our QA/Testing Manager before replying as I was incorrect in what I said.
- It's (saw showdown + over 5bb + won hands) / (saw showdown + over 5bb).
- So, if its 1 limper + bb it wont count. That's the point, it excludes small pots.
- Are you wanting another wonsd (no small) that would exclude under 10bb ? or something like that?
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Is the free trial version intended to have a working live hud?
I installed and am looking through the sample data
I just assumed i could try the HUD live (ignition casino)
Please let me know and direct me to instructions for first timers, ( i am most likely buying the $60 version shortly)
Is the free trial version intended to have a working live hud?
I installed and am looking through the sample data
I just assumed i could try the HUD live (ignition casino)
Please let me know and direct me to instructions for first timers, ( i am most likely buying the $60 version shortly)
Unfortunately, to use the Ignition Hand Grabber (IHG) app, you must own an HM3 license with an active Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan. The Apps cannot be used if HM3 is in Trial or Free mode. This is a security restriction imposed by our app licensing system. If you wish to try the App, you will need to purchase HM3 and use our 14-day refund period as a 'Trial' time to test the trial version of the Ignition Hand Grabber (IHG) app.
Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
cool thank you
working w a tiny bankroll now so will be within the next 30 days for sure
Can others who currently have a subscription to HEM3 tell me if HEM3 records stars tournament results correctly? By that I mean it record rebuys and reentries and addons correctly to show the correct profit or loss?
Also does anyone here still use HEM2 and if so, does it record stars results correctly?
Can others who currently have a subscription to HEM3 tell me if HEM3 records stars tournament results correctly? By that I mean it record rebuys and reentries and addons correctly to show the correct profit or loss?
Also does anyone here still use HEM2 and if so, does it record stars results correctly?
I don't remember which version you are restricted to but we have released lots of PokerStars rela... over the past 10 versions of HM3, and are in the middle of another big fix for improving rebuy and add-on detection for all sites.
I played a Turbo Rebuy the other day testing something HUD related and my rebuy and results were recorded properly and automatically.
*Edit: I saw you asked the same basic things in the PT4 thread. HM3 and PT4 are owned by the same company and we both use the exact same tournament detection code, so the results should generally be the same or very close.

Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
I'm using version for HEM3.
After my HEM3 subscription expired, I know there has been several HEM3 updates after that. But I wanted to know from others if that fixed the stars tournament results recording correctly with the rebuys and reentries and addons.
Did you ever tested stars tournaments that are reentries? I should have used that word instead as not many tournaments on stars are rebuys these days I believe. It's all reentries.
So I wanted to know if HEM3 records everything correctly or not for stars tournaments from other users here. I did recall HEM2 recorded tournament results correctly the last time I used it a while back though.
Okay I did not know HEM3 and PT4 are the same company.