Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
If BLM is right and police actually targets unarmed non violent blacks for point blank assassinations (hint: it absolutely doesn't) much more often than others, then violent rioting against police buildings and cars would have been justified.
That's why BLM leadership and all politicians who supported it are each individually legally responsible for all the damage caused by those riots, and the deaths.
See how it works?
Imho it's insane to consider someone responsible for the purported effects of s
So when a mob boss ask somebody to kill a person, the mob boss shouldn’t be condemn for it because he only uses speech and the killer has free will ?
See how it works ?
A lot depends on the extent to which Trump believes his claims.
There is no reason to think the election was stolen and thinking it was a landslide the other way is on par with a loch Ness monster sighting.
But, if it was true that a landslide presidential victory was simply stolen by the other party, a riot might be an appropriate response. Since your votes no longer matter, what else can you do?
If he knew these claims were false, I think he must have known he was likely inciting violence.
This is the second time I read the idea that if the election is actually stolen then a riot is justified and I am a little terrified at reading that.
If the election is actually stolen you act in court to redress it, the idea that if you are victim of a tort by some public entity then you are right to be violent is incredible.
You need much more than that to justify violence or otherwise unlawful acts (the "right to resist") against the state
I don't know what's going on in this conversation; it's like you're just skimming my posts are something. I'll try one more time...
The case against Trump consist of a whole lot of things that, on their own, many would find dismissible. Each individual circumstance of Trump saying the election was stolen? No big deal. Come on down to the Capitol, it'll be wild? No big deal. Telling people to fight like hell? No big deal. Dragged his feet putting out messages to keep the protest peaceful? No big d
It's not about skimming. Firstly I disagree as I think there has been some notion that 'fight like hell' implies violence. It doesn't. If we can all agree on that then good.
I'm mostly concerned with the impact on left wing protesters which you laugh at but nolt unrelated I also totally disagree that the legal cases against trump need to be or should be built on such flimsy bricks.
Yeah. I share these concerns.
Lefties are very bad at realizing that things like restrictions on speech will ultimately be used against them.
My argument could apply for something like "these people are destroying the planet." I..e. that would be a pretty good reason to riot or even kill.
I really don't know the extent to which Trump believes what he says. But, if you could document him saying that he knew he lost, but wanted to cause violence and chaos by using false claims, maybe that would be
Speaking as a lefty who support hate speech laws I dont totally agree. I do agree that the less formal attacks on people for what they say based on dubious interpretations is a disaster for the left. We also need court cases to be built on substantive evidence otherwise we are ****ed.
Yeah. I share these concerns.
Lefties are very bad at realizing that things like restrictions on speech will ultimately be used against them.
My argument could apply for something like "these people are destroying the planet." I..e. that would be a pretty good reason to riot or even kill.
The indictment transparently claims that Trump knew he was lying and dedicates a lot of space to clarify why prosecutors know he knew he was lying.
The indictment is about conspiracy to obstruct legal proceedings, the "incitement to violence" isn't even there (although it is implied) as a listed crime, the riot is only a small part of what prosecutors list as a series of acts planned with the intention of fraudulently (according to them) subvert election results.
The indictment is very well written and not predicated upon a purported crime inherently linked only to motivating a crowd to commit violence. That part is actually minor. I know the public probably thinks of that riot as "the" major crime trump committed but that's not what prosecutors are claiming in court.
Speaking as a lefty who support hate speech laws I dont totally agree. I do agree that the less formal attacks on people for what they say based on dubious interpretations is a disaster for the left. We also need court cases to be built on substantive evidence otherwise we are ****ed.
You support hate speech laws in general when the constitution of a country allows them, or you support hate speech laws even when blatantly against constitutional principles like in the USA?
You support hate speech laws in general when the constitution of a country allows them, or you support hate speech laws even when blatantly against constitutional principles like in the USA?
I dont know how well you represent the usa consitution.
I'm defnitely not a supporter of the old piece of paper interpreted by 'wise men' principle.
I dont know how well you represent the usa consitution.
I'm defnitely not a supporter of the old piece of paper interpreted by 'wise men' principle.
Matal vs Tam was decided 9-0, there is no hate speech exception to the first amendment, it's not about interpreting anything and even the most radical leftist judge in several generations (Sotomayor) agrees
Could be. 300 years ago I'd gave been against as well
You support hate speech laws in general when the constitution of a country allows them, or you support hate speech laws even when blatantly against constitutional principles like in the USA?
the media is allowed to hate speech and then everyone is allowed to participate. then its cool. only when the powerful media does it.
how many people did they attack unjust with no justice? too many.
donny is one of them. but now it backfires, because people see right through it. lol
did not get you liked kevin spacey. Idk if he drugged minors or not,
but he forced himself on younger actors than him and did the weinstein thing. never liked him guess anyways, but I liked bill cosby. welcome to the club.
vice kamala harris supports BLM protests. how many people did she get killed?
left: " uumm idk, maybe 10?
right: thats more than 1
left: well maybe...
right: lol
Left’s political violence tied to dangerous Democrat rhetoric
Top Democrats including Biden, Schumer and Pelosi have all encouraged violent leftists
Lara Trump vows ‘every single penny’ of RNC funds will go to Trump.
Forget other Republican party candidates', forget about election funding, forget about the
concerns of Republican voters. Just dump all you funds into the rabbit hole called Donald Trump.
she can be your vice president.
or tucker carlson as vice. lol lol lol
thats actually true. lmao
trump wants to make her be head of the GOP.
well, she has my blessings. I think she would do a great job.
tucker can still be vice if he wants. Id prefer rand paul just as much.
It was CNN and it was Ellie Honing that said there was doubts she would show up for trial . I got reminded as he appeared on Smerconish this morning and said the exact same thing as he did earlier in the week . I have no clue whom his source is
Most of the time, this sort of thing is just a bunch of newsroom people talking to each other and coming up with things. If there was an actual source they'd mention it.
I’m very curious if you’re a hardcore trump supporter or a closet case trump supporter what exactly are you getting out of a trump presidency? Like, does what you imagine to be perpetual cruelty to people who don’t subscribe to what you think are white Christian values get you hard? Let’s be absolutely clear, this man is a mouthbreathing imbecile with no capacity to handle the economy or geopolitics. His shot at sleepwalking his way to a second term came completely undone by the first sign of adversity his presidency faced (which he addressed with colossal incompetence) And his incessant tweeting during his term about how stonks are all their all time high apparently now that’s irrelevant cuz he’s not president during the all time high?
There’s literally nothing but white angst
It's a combination of things. I do agree that agnst / fear / aversion to change are a big driver for many -- especially the older Trumper/ettes. There's also those who want society to collapse, the uninformed, racists, criminals, etc ...
I’m very curious if you’re a hardcore trump supporter or a closet case trump supporter what exactly are you getting out of a trump presidency? Like, does what you imagine to be perpetual cruelty to people who don’t subscribe to what you think are white Christian values get you hard? Let’s be absolutely clear, this man is a mouthbreathing imbecile with no capacity to handle the economy or geopolitics. His shot at sleepwalking his way to a second term came completely undone
I would not vote Trump but this is the reason I think they vote for him and some of the reasons I could not vote for Biden
Open Borders
Defund the Police
Men can get pregnant
President that cognitive decline and lies repeatedly and just recently with the documents presser
Foreign policy
Biden Cares more about Ukrainians and Israel than his own people
Political Persecution of Trump
- Stormy Daniels Case
- 95 million $ award
-355 Million $ award no victims and never a case like this tried
- Documents case which Biden gets a pass on
Society didn't collapse the first time and will not the second . Baffles me how much a cult there is for Biden as there is for Trump Both sides are just crazy
Lara Trump running the RNC is just nuts it will become more corrupt than the DNC
Quite a lot of ridiculous stuff on that list, but Trump losing in court being somehow Biden's fault is a good one!
Quite a lot of ridiculous stuff on that list, but Trump losing in court being somehow Biden's fault is a good one!
Its not Biden's fault that he lost in court but I think Trumpster's look at those cases as political prosecutions
Answer me this If Biden is not fit to stand trial how can he be fit to run the country?
The man is clearly guilty of knowingly possessing classified documents and not returning them He admitted it.
If justice is blind than both are charged as their both guilty
Its not Biden's fault that he lost in court but I think Trumpster's look at those cases as political prosecutions
Answer me this If Biden is not fit to stand trial how can he be fit to run the country?
The man is clearly guilty of knowingly possessing classified documents and not returning them He admitted it.
If justice is blind than both are charged as their both guilty
I haven't really been following the documents case, but I thought he returned them, just like Pence, which is why neither of them faced prosecution, but Trump didn't return them, which is why he did.
Trump is an idiot who consistently and very publically sticks his middle finger up at the justice department and judges and claims that laws don't apply to him. Of course they're going to go after him, just like they do rappers who post pics of bundles of cash and AKs on instagram. Don't poke the bear.