Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33193 Replies


by PointlessWords k

Started with nakba no?


Started with the Palestinians and arab nations not accepting the partition plan and now pretending that did and that Israel is occupying the the land that they agreed to

Biden may actually lose the Jewish Vote

by rafiki k

My best friend's cousin :(


by metsandfinsfan k

In your greatly esteemed opinion, should hamas stay in power?

I don't think they should, but I guarantee you it will be the shittiest, most violent human beings that will be the ones who suffer the least from an extended siege.

by Trolly McTrollson k

I don't think they should, but I guarantee you it will be the shittiest, most violent human beings that will be the ones who suffer the least from an extended siege.

you don't think Hamas people still on Gaza will be mostly exterminated?

by metsandfinsfan k

Biden may actually lose the Jewish Vote

It's one of the most pro-Democrat constituencies there is. He might lose some points but that's it.

by metsandfinsfan k

What would you think if a Jew had that avatar?

by Luciom k

you don't think Hamas people still on Gaza will be mostly exterminated?

Maybe in 2 or 3 years at this rate

by microbet k

What would you think if a Jew had that avatar?

It would depend if they opposed Israel continuing the war until hamas is out of power

That's not a hamas flag right?

by Victor k

Maybe in 2 or 3 years at this rate

Yeah 35000 in 9 months extrapolates to 2.5 million in 2 years

You failed Math i assume?

by Luckbox Inc k

It's one of the most pro-Democrat constituencies there is. He might lose some points but that's it.

We shall see

My libtard dad may have had enough

by Luckbox Inc k

It's one of the most pro-Democrat constituencies there is. He might lose some points but that's it.

Mets the Jewish vote is 70-73% democrat (last 4 elections average, and historical average since 1916).

even if it shifts dramatically for the right (like with Reagan who plausibly got like 55% of Jewish votes), can you please tell me which states in this map where Jews are a meaningful % of voters would switch from Biden to Trump?

a very significant shift of the Jewish vote would be insignificant given where they are concentrated.

does that mean Biden isn't going to pay a price for this? ofc not.

why? because of money and influence. Jews will be able to move the needle in purple areas and purple states if they so choose against Biden, and antisemite candidates for Congress.

But please remind that the biggest Jewish democrat donors are anti-Israel Jews (like Soros)

by metsandfinsfan k

Yeah 35000 in 9 months extrapolates to 2.5 million in 2 years

You failed Math i assume?

the original post was referring to "Hamas people" so that is what I was extrapolating. nice that you went mask off and consider them all Hamas. finally some honesty from the culture of lies.

by Victor k

the original post was referring to "Hamas people" so that is what I was extrapolating. nice that you went mask off and consider them all Hamas. finally some honesty from the culture of lies.

what numbers do you have in mind, something like 10k already killed out of 40-50k total?

seems reasonable I dunno. I have no idea. they are still operating with impunity throughout he area.

by Victor k

seems reasonable I dunno. I have no idea. they are still operating with impunity throughout he area.

which completely justifies Israel doing more until they fully stop forever, and which causes civilian deaths, thanks for confirming Hamas is directly the cause of every single civilian death and has been since day one.

it is a moral imperative above all (including preserving Palestinian civilian lives) to stop Hamas (and any other group or individual sharing any of Hamas ideology) operating with impunity, forever, at any cost. Exactly that.

by metsandfinsfan k

Biden may actually lose the Jewish Vote


by Luciom k

which completely justifies Israel doing more until they fully stop forever, and which causes civilian deaths, thanks for confirming Hamas is directly the cause of every single civilian death and has been since day one.

it is a moral imperative above all (including preserving Palestinian civilian lives) to stop Hamas (and any other group or individual sharing any of Hamas ideology) operating with impunity, forever, at any cost. Exactly that.

the ideology for freedom will remain forever until you murder every single one of them.

regardless, Israel is not targeting Hamas. this has been clear since early Oct.

I get that you think it is acceptable to murder civilians in an attempt to force changes, but that historically almost never works and it has not worked so far.

the degradation of the Palestinian forces is shockingly small. and that ofc is bc they arent really targeting the Resistance factions but rather going for the soft targets of toddlers in the hopes that it will motivate the Resistance to give up.

this, like most things from Empire and Capitalism and fascism, exposes a blatant contradiction. the Hasbara that even 57onRed repeats would have you believe that Hamas benefits from dead kids and therefore welcomes them. and yet Israel continually murders those kids expecting the war to end.

if Israel wanted to actually achieve the goals that they expressed, then they would go into the tunnels and fight and lose a ton of soldiers. they wont do that and are hoping that if they murder enough babies that Hamas, who they characterize as heartless nihilistic cowards, will quit.

its funny, no one really talks about the tunnels anymore. first they were going to flood them lol. and then gas them lol. (altho the gassing did succeed in killing at least one hostage). now it seems they have just given up and attack hospitals and starving people waiting for aid.

by Luciom k

Mets the Jewish vote is 70-73% democrat (last 4 elections average, and historical average since 1916).

even if it shifts dramatically for the right (like with Reagan who plausibly got like 55% of Jewish votes), can you please tell me which states in this map where Jews are a meaningful % of voters would switch from Biden to Trump?

a very significant shift of the Jewish vote would be insignificant given where they are concentrated.

does that mean Biden isn't going to pay a price for this? ofc not.

I'm agreeing that it won't have much pull in this election

I might vote repube if it wasn't for Trump, having voted dem my whole life: for Clinton 2nd term, Gore, Kerry, Obamna, etc

The far left are an absolute joke, but not quite as bad as MAGA.

genocideJoe is almost not genocidal enough for Schlitz. just the best people these Zionists are.

anyway, just in case anyone forgot. this is what you guys exist to do.

We exist to call out your lies and misuse of the word genocide
