Who would you like to see in HCL Million Dollar Cash Game
Some time ago HCL announced that they will be streaming a cash game with minium buy-in of million dollars.
Who would you like to see playing in it?
My list:
1. Rick Salomon
Absolutely fearless, plays fast and loose and puts people in tough spots all the time. Has good feel for the live game.
2. Andrew Robl
Nice to have some super pro also in the mix. Robl is entertaining and fearless.
3. Alan Keating
Well, Keating is Keating. Guaranteed action.
4. Hanz
That huge bluff against Keating earned Hanz a spot in my line up.
5. Eric Persson
I don’t like his antics that much but Eric creates a very unpredictable dynamic to the table. He can throw players off their game or just punt his stack in one hand.
6. Nik Airball
It’s good to have few villains in the table also. Loose and aggressive, can win or lose big. I don’t know how much he would play his villain image in this group though.
7. Tony G drunk
I just remember one Triton cash game from Montenegro when Tony G was hammered and he was just super funny and loosy goosy. If he is sober, he just is fasting and nitting it up drinking his bone broth.
8. Rui Cao
Action, action, action. Funny guy and brings good energy to the game.
9. JRB drunk
JRB is not a good player and his poker is not that interesting but he is funny and can keep the atmosphere in the table. Player like this is also needed.
(10.) Garret Addelstein
I have mixed feelings about Garret. He is a legend but I feel too much focus would go on the Robbi drama so I would leave him out from this one.
Who's gonna win all that money off peter? They must be drooling
That recent hand where Peter rivered Dan was fishy. From the commentary, it felt like Tuchman knew it was coming, heck, I knew it was coming.
And Steve folded 64 on the flop which would have become trips on the turn.
Action: Dan raises 11 pre UTG, Peter calls OTB, Steve calls in the BB. Dan cbets 18, Peter raises to 68, Steve folds, Dan calls. Dan xc 150k in the turn. Dan xc 250k on the river (not sure why).
Dan has semi come unglued
Dan about to go on monkey tilt

literally the first pot of meaningful size that Peter has lost in the two days. Doug called f+t and bluffed river.

Peter racked up and left because he had an obligation to attend to. will be back tomorrow.
nothing Action Dan does today is going his way. Handz hero calls river.

Players on a stream should have to stay for most of the session. If Peter has an “obligation” or “meeting”, don’t turn up. I presume players and viewers were not made aware at the start of the stream that Peter would only play 3 hours.
Could be 4-handed before long.
Ooof, that hit and run was wild. He was barely even at the table but at least his stack was there to give the others hope. Every now and then he'd waltz back in to the game just in time to cooler somebody. What a savage beat for Dan especially.
Steve has got to be one of the worst players to have on stream. Constantly donk betting $1k into a 50k or 100k pot in hopes of getting raised. He is constantly talking about the most mundane things just to get air time. And then they have him on Day 2. Amazing find there Feldman, you've been promoting this for months and this is your diamond in the rough.
Day 2 we have some good hands and Peter is crushing again. Then sits out and protects his winnings, and wins some more. Then racks up and leaves an already short handed game. Lame.
These games started with 7 players and today we have one missing and not a replacement to be found. Then Peter leaves and it's 5 handed and will probably break as the chip leader left.
So, basically the same problems as last year, shocking.
why are they 4 handed i just tuned in? what happened chat is typing stuff
4 hrs in and the game about to break. same trainwreck as last year, when they lowered buy ins from 1 milly to "buy in for whatever the f you want". guess it's time to overthink the concept and structure, as it clearly doesn't check out. oh and have you guys checked out polymarket?
did players know peter had obligation or meeting prior?
I’m like an hour behind, but are they purposely I guess muting Doug’s mic because he’s talking about the logistics of his poker rooms?
That’s so much more interesting than Tuchman saying Polymarket for the 400th time
Why do they pretend like there isn't infinite players who would willingly fill up that table instantly lol. Just say it'd break the game if they let people sit because it'd be full of dry super pros. But noo instead it's "there aren't people willing to put up a million just like that" YES THERE IS LOL
Day 2 should break now and give crew the rest before rest of the days instead.
What Veronica’s sideline commentary adds can’t be quantified

game over.
before someone ungrateful complains, that's the only screenshot i had time to take.
Steve has certainly played a lot of poker by the style of his play and donk betting trying to induce. However, most players know not to talk about the hand while it is multi-way. Saying that I have an 8 when it's 4 handed is clearly out of bounds even in most home games. He's done this multiple times and none of the other players are even telling him to keep quiet.
He just loves to talk while he's in the hand regardless if it's head up or not. Any decent poker stream would have told him to stop after the first stream, but nope.
Day 2 was an entire interview with Doug Polk and Steve promoting the new Lodge room in San Antonio and business details.
Now I hear he's going to be back for Day 3. Just how desperate for players is HCL that this is their player pool?
Idk, maybe Steve is a HCL prop player for this stream.
steve is bumhunting santos he said its the only reason he played tonight. lol I guess him and ryan made a deal
That was about what I would expect from HCL lol. Tough spot when your two whales leave the game though
i'm multi-tabling HU PLO at the same time as taking screen shots and cropping them in MS Paint. i did not have time to take a screenshot of all of the stats. are you always this much of an *******? wtf.
and you're welcome, once again.
I don’t get the hate for the stream so far because imo it’s been great. The storyline of a huge whale at the table running super hot at the highest stakes and having the better players on edge is timeless, and there’s been plenty of huge pots overall since it’s been far from nitty.
If you want to call Peter leaving when he did a hit n run, I’m not sure about that. He came back for a second stream after being up huge the first stream. Not really a hit n run imo. Him leaving when he did tho kinda adds to the hilarity if anything.
I guess the dwan/polk/actiondan fanbois are just mad their heroes are down heaps and look a little silly at the moment…
Good news is that Tuchman doesn't have table talk to ruin since the lineups are awful in terms of banter and the sound quality of the first 2 days has been atrocious. Why can I hear the outside tables better then the players with a mic 6 inches away from their mouths?
What I said a few pages back about Airball applies to Doug as well. You cant just have 1 person willing to talk with no one else bouncing different comments out there. Zero rivalries at the table. Steve constantly bringing the convo back to Doug's cardrooms. Bleh. Rather see a 500k buyin and a more interesting lineup tbh. Cant expect every day to be a winner but day 2 was really bad. Im still praying for that day 4 haralabob miracle arrival.