100k Profit at MTT's

100k Profit at MTT's

Hello All,

This is a simple thread. Make 100k profit from mtt's. I got laid off from my job a couple of months ago and ha

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15 April 2024 at 05:54 PM

297 Replies


IM trying to figure out what this mystery site is u mentioned , hahah - i think i know but will not say


It's been a while since I posted. Going to be playing the Global series starting tomorrow and may chase the leaderboards depending how the first week goes. I'm not normally a night schedule guy but will likely commit for this series.

Today ended up being a good sunday. Managed to ship the $33 mystery bounty turbo on global for $1177.50. Only 10 places paid and managed to scoop 8 of the 10 bounties. Had another 6th in an ft in a $20 turbo for $254. A I just bust the $99 15k on Global for $ 940.51. Obviously a great result but would have been nice to get a W in a $100 buyin. Was over $4k up top in that one. I'm left one tabling the $11 5k gtd with $975 up top. Currently 30/41 out of 520 entrants.

nice ones !

n GL GL in the series - go after those LB points ( n the overall 4 series LB that is running 24 / 25 , over the next 4 series starts today !

im not playing much if any series events - me n my backer both agree that for me starting out its better to stick to the smaller fields , n keep building , w/o adding more variance

down the road sure

was looking at the schedule ( and yeah see what u mean have to switch up your time , griding I play night shift anyways for Iggy, n small fields Party ( . com )

I see u had some good finishes w/ some members in my group - ( they all play higher then me , and the americans all play Global ) so they are in the streets w you
( i just noticed some of their names in the pics above )

GL GL - hope u crush this series n keep doing what ur doing

by Canadian85 k

nice ones !

n GL GL in the series - go after those LB points ( n the overall 4 series LB that is running 24 / 25 , over the next 4 series starts today !

im not playing much if any series events - me n my backer both agree that for me starting out its better to stick to the smaller fields , n keep building , w/o adding more variance

down the road sure

was looking at the schedule ( and yeah see what u mean have to switch up your time , griding I play night shift anyways for Iggy, n small fields Pa

Hey there. Thank you for the well GL's. I totally agree with the not adding variance part. Best to build up confidence and a roll in smaller fields first. It also has the added benefit of you being on more ft's which means more icm spots to study. You'll be much more comfortable then when it comes down to big ft's.

As for day 1 of The GOAT Series on global : Cashed 2 out of the 4 series events today. Just bust the $11 in 32nd/973 runners. Also went deep in the $33. Bust out of the $109 with AJo vs Q9hh on J73hhx flop for 100 bb stack. Was looking like a losing day until the $33 turbo dug me out of the hole to make it a winning day. 1/52 for $507. Also went deep in the $99 12,500 gtd. 9th for $268.75. Lost KQ

Tomorrow evening will be 4 plo events which i'm excited for. The only thing is that it will be slow as there are no antes. I kinda like that better though as i never really learned plo mtt ranges. Just studied cash coupke of years ago so should be able to wing it 😀 Gambuuuul


Iv been following your thread for a while now, and your results are simply astonishing! Your graph is porn for the weak minded, let me tell you!

Im a struggling $7 ABI, marginally profitable over 10k MTTs over the past 18months, I play alot, trying to learn as much as I can, only reason why I mention this is because I dont wanna come off as a complete rookie when asking:
Where the hell is your lost flips mate... I mean your chart should reflect those days where you loose all of your: All in pre AK v QQ/JJ/TT pre and vice versa, all of the BB jam v BTN open with 99/88/77 short stacked etc but it doesnt seem to be there?

Its basic fundamentals (or at least so I thought) but simple scenario:

EP open, flat, your in LP with sub 30 BB with AK,TT+

Disregard ICM, bounties etc, im talking very general "push scenarios", if you'd ask me, its a clean and clear shove every single time in this spot, but your charts doesn't reflect any form of variance what so ever in flip situations, so im asking, have I got some of the basic fundamentals of short/mid stacking completely wrong?
Do you for example EVER just call a 3bet with AK with the sole purpose just to evaluate flop, apart from a final table ( I know the example is very rudimentary but considering my line of questioning, im sure you understand what I mean).

What is your average field size of the MTTs you regularly play?

Best of luck!

by Aliestra k


Iv been following your thread for a while now, and your results are simply astonishing! Your graph is porn for the weak minded, let me tell you!

Im a struggling $7 ABI, marginally profitable over 10k MTTs over the past 18months, I play alot, trying to learn as much as I can, only reason why I mention this is because I dont wanna come off as a complete rookie when asking:
Where the hell is your lost flips mate... I mean your chart should reflect those days where you loose all of your: All in

Did you see his June graph? Last 30% of that looks like losing all your flips to me lol

by Aliestra k


Iv been following your thread for a while now, and your results are simply astonishing! Your graph is porn for the weak minded, let me tell you!

Im a struggling $7 ABI, marginally profitable over 10k MTTs over the past 18months, I play alot, trying to learn as much as I can, only reason why I mention this is because I dont wanna come off as a complete rookie when asking:
Where the hell is your lost flips mate... I mean your chart should reflect those days where you loose all of your: All in

Hi Mike,

Average entrants is 110. That's why there is way less variance involved than playing big field mtt's. Gonna make more ft's this way. Another reason is that i'm winning ~ev10bb/100 and running slightly above ev at 13bb/100. So i'm crushing the games i'm playing plus running good on top means a nice graph. Lately have been running not so hot. Last month I won $1,500 compared to ~10k the months before. This month has also been a struggle. Up $500-1k in mtt's. But I am up ~2k usd in cash games. Playing the GOAT series on global atm so those fields are much bigger. Haven't come close to any ft's in those events yet just a few cashes.

As for ever flat calling a 3b with AK. Yea sure If deep i'll mix in the odd flat instead of 4b. Or i'll mix just flatting an open if there's some shove stacks behind rather than 3b.

I have started to move up slightly in stakes now and i'm noticing that i'm not winning as consistently as I was. But i'm putting myself in more spots with way more money up top. Just haven't hit any big scores yet. But they are coming.


by PJA k

Did you see his June graph? Last 30% of that looks like losing all your flips to me lol

Yea June I ran pretty bad compared to March/April/May. This month also not going too great . Just finished up a session down ~$500. Had a 5th, 8th, 12th and 15th place finish. The 5th and 8th were both in my smallest buyins of the day though so that's just how it goes sometimes. Back tomorrow for a big sesh

exactly what is said above - its all about Avg fields size , playing fields 100-120 , with a bb/100 of 10 is , variance is very very minimal , especially on the softest sites there is

I know alot of guys who do NOT have loosing months, ever - which most cannot say in MTTs

plus he is a crusher

by Canadian85 k

exactly what is said above - its all about Avg fields size , playing fields 100-120 , with a bb/100 of 10 is , variance is very very minimal , especially on the softest sites there is

I know alot of guys who do NOT have loosing months, ever - which most cannot say in MTTs

plus he is a crusher

Yea it's tough to go on much of a downswing on global lol. A lot of the good regs there have similar graphs with very little downturn.

However, there's prob higher ev in playing all the big field events like on gg or pokerstars with huge fields as there will be infinite buyins up top in those mtt's. It's just the short term variance will be huge. I'm somewhat of a mental game fish(constantly working on this side of the game) and tend to shy away from variance. So even though in theory i'm giving up some ev playing much smaller fields, I think my overall level of play will be higher netting me better results. Once I reach a bankroll where i'm more comfortable with swings, then i'll likely look to play more of those big field series events on tougher sites

I fired everything today. Highest $$$ buyins in one day for me today. Early on it was looking good. Some cashes and an ft in a $5r+a. 4th for $160 ish after q9 my KQo) rejams. SWEEEET!!!! He has KK. LOL. Flop 10 4 3 rainbow. Turn 6. River ......King.


Good ol' loss on the day. Back again tomorrow.

Going through a bad bout of variance right now after sun running the first couple of months. Today's session was looking very promising half way through with a bunch of deep runs but still couldn't book a win.

10th in the $22 5k on chico. Lost 77
KO'd in 18th in the 16.50 4k on ACR. Lost a flip
9th in the $22 2k gtd mystery bounty on global. No bounties so basically broke even

Best finish was a 4th in the $55 pko on global. $359 including bounties. 4 handed I got 4b in the BB vs BTN with AA. I flatted and villain jammed the 853 flop. I snap he has JJ. J on the turn. For 75% of the chips in play. Was ~$400 in EV . Nasty one. Gotta keep working on my mental game so that I can deal better when these inevitable downswings come.

Been studying some spots in HRC as I want to sharpen up my ICM game. HRC pro is an awesome tool that I would recommend to any aspiring mtt players.

Back at it again tomorrow

A better day at the tables today. 4 final tables to book a decent win on the day.

Started with a 5th in the $16.50 2k on ACR for $184.50. 5 handed a I open jammed btn for 17bb effective (sb had 11bb and bb 17bb) 15with KQo. Will run this spot in HRC later. I had 22bb and one shorty had 8bb. Chipleader had 40ish. Not sure if raise/fold is better but I bet it's close. BB has to call very tight given the 2 shorties. We block AQ and AK and only other hands we are crushed against is AA and KK. So I think this combo plays well as a jam. We fold out even A2-A9 which is a big win for us. Flip versus all the other pairs. Anyways they woke up with AQ and I bust a few hands later as short stack.

Finished 5th in the $22 5k on chico for $358. Another tough icm spot where I called off chipleader's co open jam with AJo for 10bb when btn and bb were also very short. We all had similar stacks so I may actually be supposed to fold that one. Will run it later.

Finished 2nd in the $5 r+a on global for $170. Final hand of heads up was special sauce. Villain calls a 3b w 74o and calls my overbet jam on flop of J98. I jammed AQhh w bdfd for value. Not a play I make often but vs this guy it was more than fine. He called it off with very little equity but the miracle j9856 run out books him the W. GG M8.

Lastly we had the $33 2.5k gtd on global. 3rd for $356. 3b jammed 15bb w AKo from sb and btn 3x/calls A5o and gets there. Gotta love it.

Although I couldn't book a 1st place, I'm at least happy to have a winning day and feel like it's possible to actually win some flips again lol. Hopefully this is the start of another heater.

I bought a new monitor. If i'm going to do this full time, i'm going to have to be able to adjust to playing well with a high table count. There's no way around it. I'm just gonna have to be a good multitabler bc there's way too much variance in mtt's.So for an hour or so today I was 10 tabling(very high for me). Felt ok tbh. But still a lot of practice will have to be put in. I just feel like you miss out on a lot of nuance stuff you can pick up when you only have a couple of tables in front of you . Can almost feel when guy s are gonna tilt or when the light 3b is going to work out. Can pick up some small timing tells in game. That kinda stuff is very difficult with a high table count. But if it's only for a couple of hours during the session, then that's fine with me.

Heavy icm work to be done.

i would stick to what ur doing - why add more variance ? ,

i know alot i mean alot of guys that play " off peak " small fields n DO NOT have loosing months at all ( barely loosing weeks the ones that 24 table ),lol which is insane for a MTT player

guys that play 50 - 70 abi small fields global , iggy , n others n make 100K / year - every month is in the green

large fields stars , gg sure bigger chance of bigger returns - but the variance is brutal plus stars is not nearly as soft as iggy gloabl , ,

even coin poker i tried out, small fields 30-60 runners, later in the day

but not nearly as soft as global Iggy

The KQo jam was indeed a punt. Prefer to jam suited hands.

As for the AJo hand, it was definitely a call. I thought I would have to call much tighter in this spot, but can call as low as A7o k9s A4s type hands. The BTN would have to fold AJo here though with 2 uncapped ranges behind.

I think i'm definitely calling too tight in these spots so it's something to study going forward.

I just ran the same spot but changed my stack to 11bb to barely cover the other 2 shorties. We still call ATo+ A9s+ 88+ KQs. So definitely a leak found here for me. Valuing the ladders too much over the double and chance of winning the mtt.

by Canadian85 k

i would stick to what ur doing - why add more variance ? ,

i know alot i mean alot of guys that play " off peak " small fields n DO NOT have loosing months at all ( barely loosing weeks the ones that 24 table ),lol which is insane for a MTT player

guys that play 50 - 70 abi small fields global , iggy , n others n make 100K / year - every month is in the green

large fields stars , gg sure bigger chance of bigger returns - but the variance is brutal plus stars is not nearly as so

Yep all solid points. Global and ignition defo the nuts. Chico pretty decent also. Yea I think it's best to grind out the lower field sizes and may just mix in some big field guarantees on a sunday for fun. At the lower end of the buyins so that it doesn't affect the overall results too much.

Well today absolutely sucked results wise again. However, I feel i'm playing pretty good for the most part. Even better than when I was sunrunning for a couple months. Game feels pretty sharp. Had a few really good spots today but just didn't work out.

5th in the $55 pko on global for $213.12

In a $33 freezeout on global I 3b jammed 22bbwith 88 from sb vs good aggro btn opener who I had covered by 0.5bb. He called off 77 for chiplead pot. 7 in the window. Very frustating yet again. Out in 9th for $81

Went very deep in the $22 7k gtd on chico with $1,585 up top. Found a a great spot 10 handed when an aggro CO opened and SB whale just flats. I 3b jammed 17bb with KTs with 6bb in the middle. CO snaps with JJ and out in 10th for $100.37.

Just have to keep grinding it out and the money will follow. This month i'm getting crushed in the $55+ which is ruining the month unfortunately. But there's still a few days to make it a winning month. Only down a couple 100 bucks mtd so hoping for a good sunday and get this graph back on an upward curve.


Day off tomorrow heading to the beach to sun my @ss then big grind on sunday. Onwards and upwards

i know all about running bad at top of bi range and breaking even for a long ass time lol.

Got a week left to win a GOAT. gl

by Dizzy^ k

i know all about running bad at top of bi range and breaking even for a long ass time lol.

Got a week left to win a GOAT. gl

Yeah it sucks but I'm happy this is happening now and I'm learning a lot from it. Was getting super tilted the first few weeks but now it's annoying but I just focus on playing well as best I can. Being able to focus on the things we CAN control is the key. If you focus on the short term results too much, it'll be impossible to last a a pro long term. Or at least itll come with ridiculous amounts of unnecessary stress.

As for the GOAT series, I decided to stop chasing that. Ultimately my goal here is to get to a high ABI and increase my hourly to ~100/hr. So instead of focusing on mass multitabling and playing a bunch of series, I'm gonna stick to the following:

1. Afternoon schedule. I play my best during these hours. My sleep schedule is best while grinding these hours rather than nighttime. Every so often I'll mix in a nighttime session.

2. Spend a higher % of my time studying . Most grinders don't study enough and are stuck at the same stakes for a long time. When they do eventually build up a roll, they can't make it at the higher buyins bc of skill level. It's pointless building up a 50k roll and be able to play a 70$ ABI if you can't beat those games(I can beat 55's but I'm not at a high enough level to absolutely crush them yet).It's fine if you wanna grind the same stakes but I'm more interested in becoming a high stakes mtt player.

3. I'm going to play a lower table count and focus on making really good decisions as best I can. It'll be easier to implement stuff I have studied when it comes to game time. I find it difficult when 10 tabling to make high quality decisions and I don't enjoy the game as much. Just autopiloting. Imo this is not the best way to make really big improvements to your game. I know people say you make more money (which can be true), but for the long term I think it's better to lower the table count and focus on high quality play.

As a continuation to the last post: I was getting lost in the sauce a little bit for the past few weeks. I thought climbing the ranks had to be done a la Patrick 'pads' Leonard 20 tabling. In reality, it's totally dependent on the person.For example, in that stable of coaches with Pads, Samuel 'European' Vousden is also considered one of the best mtters ever. He says anything more than 8 tables for him is not gonna work. Both these guys are up there for GOAT status yet both have very different approaches. I have tried both ways and am gonna go with the latter. Study as hard as possible, keep table count low, have a higher roi in the games I play. This will hopefully mean that the variance i experience will be akin to if I was 16 tabling but operating with a lower roi.

Do whatever you are comfortable with. If I have to sacrifice a little bit of ev now but can make it up in the long run, then so be it

Just finished up a session. 5th in the $55 marauder pko on global for $224. Had a really gross spot 5 handed where the sb and bb were the chipleaders with 85 and 70bb. I was button with 15bb. CO and HJ had 13 and 16bb. Folded to me on the btn with AJo. A double up is good but I would still be in clear 3rd place and in icm jail vs the other 2 big stack. Busting out in 5th obv a disaster vs the other 2 short stacks. Saying that it is a PKO and the bounties are also up for grabs if I cover the other 2. Anyways I jammed and ran into KK as has been the usual lately.

Also just bust 5th in the $33 Mini Deep Nine $5,500gtd for $367. I made a punt 3b jam 5 handed. I 3b jammed 9bb btn with 33 vs hj chipleader open. Just ran the sim now and it's saying 55+. BTN very good pro woke up with TT and out.

But the big sweat was on another site with 3.5k up top for a $20 buyin. It was to be a 7 handed ft and I got in AQo vs A7o for clear 2nd in chips to put me 2/7 and in a great spot for a decent score. 7 in the window. Went to 8/8 and shoved bvb for 5bb vs the other shorty and his k9o flop a full house on k99...

FT bubbling all the bigger spots lately. It's getting pretty frustrating but what can you do. Sometimes I look up other regs graphs on sharkscope and i'll see a 1,000 game breakeven/down stretch and then see they climb out the other side with some big scores. Well i'm waiting to climb out 😀 I'm up ~25k since the start of the thread with no scores over 3k. Just gotta keep grinding. Today was much better in terms of focus, table count and decision making (for the most part). I butchered a few spots but that's ok too.

I know the above sim doesn't have min r as an option but this is just a simple sim with one 3b jam so didn't need to . The hj opened 2.5x anyways.

5 final tables today. Lost 4 heads up matches. Gotta do some work on my hu game lol. Made about 1k profit


First losing month of the challenge. I had another ~300 games on another untracked site losing $1,018. So total for the month -$1,175.

I did have +$2k in PLO cash and ~$500 in rb but won't count it towards this challenge.

Last month was my highest volume month. I tried to become comfortable with 8 tabling and that didn't turn out to be such a good idea. On average, I'd say I was playing my C-game. My decision making was not as sharp and I missed out on a lot of spots that I would normally find if <4 tabling. On top of that, I ran horribly for the most part. So all in all, to lose 1k on the month, I'm completely fine with the result. A lot of lessons were learned. Moving forward, I will play as many tables as i'm comfortable with while still maintaining my A/B game. In order to up my table count, I think it's important to take it slow. I have only been doing this for 5 months now and it's not a race. Another thing to note is that if I can really sharpen up my preflop/flop ranges/decisions, then it'll be easier to act faster and up the table count. This is achieved thru study. I notice a lot of sng players are able to mass multitable bc they have their ranges down to a tee. I 6 tabled yesterday and felt super comfortable. I'm proud of that bc 5 months ago I was barely able to 4 table without getting flustered 😀 May sound ridiculous to most grinders, but that's the reality for someone who just isn't used to a high table count. So if I can keep improving at the same pace, I think i'll be able to 8 table by next year and achieve a high quality of play at the same time. This is the most important thing for me.

The following is the main reason why I lost on the month:

As you can see, the $33's and below were very good as usual. I just got crushed in the $44+. I had one $940 score and one $420 score in the $44+ mtt's. Just a bunch of near misses otherwise. Yesterday for example, I finished 17th in the $55 30k on ACR with just under $7k up top. Obv if I run well for 2 hours in the latter part of that mtt, the month takes on a whole new complexion and it becomes a huge success. But it wasn't meant to be. I haven't had a score greater than $2800 yet in the challenge but they are coming soon. With the BR at $25k, I'm gonna drop all the shots at $109's for now. I'll play a few satties maybe on a sunday but that's it(I do actually have an entry into the global main event 250k on sunday which is nice). I'm gonna try to grind the roll to 40k playing at the lower buyins and then start upping the abi again later.



Focus on high quality decision making in game
Keep table count at a number where i'm comfortable and playing at a high level
Eat healthy
Quality Sleep
Keep alcohol to a minimum
Meditation/breathwork daily practice
Try to enjoy the game even when things aren't going my way. It's a privilege to play this game for a living and it's important not to forget that

GL to all on the grind this month

Small winning session to start August. Had 4 ft's but no wins.

Had a good shot in the $55 6k on chico but bust with 16 left. Aggro reg opened co super aggro sb cl 3b to 8bb I cold 4b jam 99 for 22bb he calls it off with JTs and wins.

Came 4th in a $5 rebuy and addon on global for $137.38

5th in the $55 marauder pko on global for $179.25. Lost a gross one here for joint chiplead pot. I opened JJ in hj, btn jammed 9 bb and bb reshove 22bb just covering me. I snap. Btn had AQ and bb 77. 7 on the flop and i'm out in 5th. At least I got the ladder.

3rd in another $5 rebuy and addon for $139.

Finally I just had an 8th place in the 16.50 4k gtd on ACR. I had 4 close decisions on the ft. I just ran all the sims for them and only got one wrong. But it was quite costly so gonna keep up the HRC study and really get good at ICM play.

Positive start to August

I was goofing around on sharkscope checking out some stats. There is a 'find' tab and I clicked it by mistake. It shows all the mtt's the player group is currently playing and/or registered for. So I took a look and saw today's $99 global goat main event which I sattied for which is cool. However, I also saw i'm registered for the $215 chico main event $250k gtd. So I opened the client to see if I can unregister. I can't bc I won via a ticket. Thing is I can't remember playing a satty or anything. Anyways it's a great surprise to receive! I really am freerolling this one. I think I must have won it via some freeoll or something but cannot find out via sharkscope nor account history on chico. Weird. Anyways i'll take it lol. GL to all on the grind today.

Nice start to the month! Playing fewer tables makes a lot of sense when you're at a stage where you're focusing so much on studying and making a lot of adjustments to your game. It's probably good when you're playing smaller field sizes too, since you're getting deep and facing higher-stakes decisions more frequently than you would be in massive fields.
