Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33750 Replies


by Bill Haywood k
by Victor k

anyway, vote blue no matter who

we can push them left after the genocide is complete or something

by Luciom k

From river to the sea means to give all that land to palestinians and to eliminate Israel as a state yes.

It isn't technically necessarily a call for genocide, but at least for deportations of all jews from the area. And no i don't believe they don't know that is the meaning, as they talk about intifada as well and so on.

By that standard the number is very high yes.

And no i don't believe they don't know that is the meaning, as they talk about intifada as well and so on.

It's irrelevant what you believe. There's tons of videos out there where they are asking protestors if they could name the river and the sea and they have absolutely no clue. Again, people can be ignorant and say anti-Semitic stuff, sure, doesn't mean they're part of the group that ACTUALLY wants to destroy Israel and/or deport all the Jews. I'd say that's a far more extreme group that very few people in the USA are part of.

I dunno, he could just do the equivalent of handing it off to Marshawn Lynch rather than going for the hail mary

by Betraisefold22 k

There's tons of videos out there where they are asking protestors if they could name the river and the sea and they have absolutely no clue. Again, people can be ignorant and say anti-Semitic stuff, sure, doesn't mean they're part of the group that ACTUALLY wants to destroy Israel and/or deport all the Jews. I'd say that's a far more extreme group that very few people in the USA are part of.

True, but, if you don't know what you're saying, you probably shouldn't say it.

maybe you shouldn't but it's never stopped most people

by 57 On Red k

True, but, if you don't know what you're saying, you probably shouldn't say it.

Couldn't agree more.

by Victor k

i assume it's actually an attempt by the biden admin to help israel assassinate more negotiators

by 72off k

i assume it's actually an attempt by the biden admin to help israel assassinate more negotiators

1000s of posts spilled in this thread about which side was negotiating in good faith. it was obv in Oct and its now its just beyond dispute. will they eat crow? no, they have just pivoted to "its actually good to kill negotiators."

by Betraisefold22 k

It's irrelevant what you believe. There's tons of videos out there where they are asking protestors if they could name the river and the sea and they have absolutely no clue. Again, people can be ignorant and say anti-Semitic stuff, sure, doesn't mean they're part of the group that ACTUALLY wants to destroy Israel and/or deport all the Jews. I'd say that's a far more extreme group that very few people in the USA are part of.

brother, I couldnt name any rivers in Rwanda, Bosnia, Germany, and Sudan either

it's also extrordinary arrogant to expect peopel to accept israels behavior wihtout retaliating by saying such stuff

israel can kill at whim, ignore the law, massacre the people, hold them collectively responsible etc etc. What arrogance to expect a polite resoonse.

why would israelis expect politeness from people who want their country to be destroyed

they dont

The monstrous israeli policy you support as good is an attempt to legitimise destruction of a people, collective punishment, mass murder, destruction of a country.

You need to fail. For israel's sake as much as anyone else.

you are gonna need to ask them

by Victor k

brother, I couldnt name any rivers in Rwanda, Bosnia, Germany, and Sudan either

Do you just argue for every side or what am I missing here.

by chezlaw k

The monstrous israeli policy you support as good is an attempt to legitimise destruction of a people, collective punishment, mass murder, destruction of a country.

no, you are hysterical, try to calm down

its this sort of rhetoric which led people itt to convince themselves that israel has murdered 500,000 palestinians since oct 7 and that the country is uniquely evil. i'd be happy to go into the natural consequences of such thinking, but the mod policy is that any intersection between israel and any specific ethnic group is purely coincidental and so i wont

by Betraisefold22 k

Do you just argue for every side or what am I missing here.

I was against the genocides in those countries despite not knowing the geography.

probably a minimum of 200k, but we all know they're counting backwards to 0

they were proly Hamas amirite

by 72off k

probably a minimum of 200k, but we all know they're counting backwards to 0

200k does not conform with current thinking, comrade. i suggest you engage in a period of reflection

a mainstream Israeli press outlet wrote about speculation that it was 200k in like Feb. before the Rafah invasion and subsequent siege.

so, its the low end. we can hope its only 200k. well some of us hope that.

by BOIDS k

no, you are hysterical, try to calm down

its this sort of rhetoric which led people itt to convince themselves that israel has murdered 500,000 palestinians since oct 7 and that the country is uniquely evil. i'd be happy to go into the natural consequences of such thinking, but the mod policy is that any intersection between israel and any specific ethnic group is purely coincidental and so i wont

No that's you making things up to defend supporting a monster.

You should perhaps really consider what is it is you are supporting and whether you would still support if if you were on the other end of it.

another hamas commander got clipped while casually driving around lebanon. you'd think they would learn

no word on whether he was one of the moderate terrorists attempting to achieve holocaust 2.0, or one of the bad ones (relatively speaking)

Those doctors are proly KHamas
