Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Undermining support rather than bolstering it. Strong defenses, intelligence, rule of law, political solutions etc etc.
That's what terrorists and extremists causes really dislike.
It's not about playing nice with the terrorists or extremists
I do think we should do our best to defeat them. Maybe that's too moral or somefing
Are you like literally 7-years-old or something? LOL, I know I've already laughed at how you quite literally offer NOTHING to this discussion, but come on, man. Seriously? You're reciting "World peace!" at the Miss Useful Idiot pageant.
"What do you suggest they do different?!"
HOW do you think they should do these things, pal? Please solve eradicating an enemy like Hamas that involves 0 civilian causalities or whatever fantasy you think is possible. You're criticizing an army that does more to reduce civilian casualties than any other country, by the way.
Yes I know you've already exposed yourself with that nonsnese
Undermining support rather than bolstering it. Strong defenses, intelligence, rule of law, political solutions etc etc.
That's what terrorists and extremists causes really dislike.
Support comes with money so yes i agree we should stop funding the UNRWA, from which hamas gets a lot of funding.
Which political solutions do you propose for people who want you, your family, everyone who isn't like them, dead? for people who kill MODERATES of their own ethnic groups more than they kill us, because they don't want any political solutions?
Islamic terrorists dislike everyone of us, starting with muslims that aren't radical enough for their tastes. And they killed a ton of them. By far the most victimized group by islamic terror is non-terrorist muslims.
I mentioned Pakistan, are you familiar with what happened there recently? huge terrorist attack against a conservative muslim party gathering, killing their leader as well. Why? because it was a party that accepted compromises, that's untolerable for the radicals, and they kill you.
What's the solution to that i ask, because i think what you have in mind is, like, separatist movements in the past who could be appeased by giving them a state (perhaps, maybe, depends on the specific cases).
Here we are talking a global , fractioned movement of ultra-religious , fully irrational terrorist zealots that live to kill the infidels. Of which Hamas is just a small part.
Chezlaw do you think that if Israel immediatly stopped everything it does in Gaza removing all presence there, and forced all settlers to go away from the west bank, that would decrease the odds of a terrorist attack on Israel soil in the next 10 years vs Gaza stays under military occupation for 10 years and settlements stay where they are?
It depends on if they did it morally with intelligence and the rule of lawfully intelligent morals, of course. If Hamas attacks them after, obviously it was unintelligent and immorally unlawful.
In any war, if asked "do you think your odds of winning will be higher or lower if all the leaders of the opposite army got assassinated", everyone would say "higher".
Except when it's Israel vs Hamas where they go with lower lol.
I certainly think they should have gone after the funding for terrorists/extremists. The pressure on qatar among others should have been massive.
Undermining support rather than further radicalisation is vital. i dont know what a solution will look like but nor do you. Nor does anyone.
But if netanyahu continues to make it existential then they may win 99% of the time and Israel will still lose.
Yep. You kill a Hamas leader and 3 come back. It's best to just die morally in your bed, you know? No defense without exacerbating the issue. They're like stink bugs, I guess. This double-standard is that A.S. phrase I shant speak aloud. Rudy Rochman has a lot more hope for the Arabs than I do. He's got some great vids.
You keep offering results they should obtain without any explanation on how to achieve it. Please add some detail. How do you think they can just go after the funding? And what about the arsenal they already have? What kind of "pressure" should they be doing that they aren't? I'd say murdering tons of the terrorists responsible is pretty effective pressure. Do you not think the sanctions on them are pressuring Hamas? At least you're admitting you don't know wtf any of this looks like. The next step is being silent when criticizing the people neutralizing the genocidal maniacs, I think.
Undermining support rather than bolstering it. Strong defenses, intelligence, rule of law, political solutions etc etc.
That's what terrorists and extremists causes really dislike.
Hamas and the Palestinians have been begging Israel to follow the "rule of law" for decades.
The rule of law is pro-Palestine.
I certainly think they should have gone after the funding for terrorists/extremists. The pressure on qatar among others should have been massive.
Undermining support rather than further radicalisation is vital. i dont know what a solution will look like but nor do you. Nor does anyone.
But if netanyahu continues to make it existential then they may win 99% of the time and Israel will still lose.
They do regularly, to a great extent. What do you propose to do when the funding is by the Iran state though? some state (even states that are, on their own, victim of terrorist islamist attacks) weaponize terrorism for various reasons. Probably Russia does the same.
What's the solution there, if not killing every terrorist who takes the money ? do you really think those terrorist exist because of political grieviances lol?
I don't think there is a solution to avoid , among 8 billion people, ever having a minuscule portion of them willing to commit acts of terror. I know we should kill as many of them we can find and that will generate fewer acts of terror.
Chezlaw do you think that if Israel immediatly stopped everything it does in Gaza removing all presence there, and forced all settlers to go away from the west bank, that would decrease the odds of a terrorist attack on Israel soil in the next 10 years vs Gaza stays under military occupation for 10 years and settlements stay where they are?
No. The threat is very real and Israel need strong defenses. You think better defenses couldn't have stopped 10/7? That's even assuming better intelliogence etc couldn't have.
re your other post. We need a way forward with Iran as well. It's all tough but Israel progress bit by bit. Once mortal foes aren't anymore although they maybe again soon
You're not going to kill every terrorist. You need a major war engulfing the middle east to even attempt that fantasy and it's not a great bet. USA ****s places up but they get to **** off home - Israel are home.
It depends on if they did it morally with intelligence and the rule of lawfully intelligent morals, of course. If Hamas attacks them after, obviously it was unintelligent and immorally unlawful.
Hamas and Palestinians are allowed armed resistance under the rule of law. That's bc Israel is an illegal apartheid occupation state.
imagine the boost to hamas and hez recruitment if israel's response to the coordinated rape and murder spree of oct 7 had been to phone qatar
Yep. You kill a Hamas leader and 3 come back. It's best to just die morally in your bed, you know? No defense without exacerbating the issue. They're like stink bugs, I guess. This double-standard is that A.S. phrase I shant speak aloud. Rudy Rochman has a lot more hope for the Arabs than I do. He's got some great vids.
You keep offering results they should obtain without any explanation on how to achieve it. Please add some detail. How do you think they can just go after the funding? And wh
I have
you offer something to achive peace and security for israel. So far we have 'kill em all' and various nonsensical attacks about morals etc
Kill all of the Hamas terrorists who are actively trying to destroy Israel and murder Jews.* What is the problem with that? They should email a strongly worded cease and desist to them instead?
Officially ignoring everything from Victor now that he's confirmed braindead NPC. Shoving a gun in some dude's ass as a totally non-rapey form of sexual violence = armed resistance, I guess. I don't understand how people can be so wrong about literally everything involving this conflict. The "apartheid" crap is hilarious. Do people know you can Google definitions to not sound so foolish? Whatever.
You can't do it. You may end the name 'hamas' I suppose but the threats to Israel go way way beyond that. You need a solution - what is it?
Anyway phresh you dont need to be so defensive. You're getting the netanyahu approach you want and that you claim will sort out everything for Israel. I'm not on the winning side of this argument in the real world.
Kill all of the Hamas terrorists who are actively trying to destroy Israel and murder Jews.* What is the problem with that? They should email a strongly worded cease and desist to them instead?
Officially ignoring everything from Victor now that he's confirmed braindead NPC. Shoving a gun in some dude's ass as a totally non-rapey form of sexual violence = armed resistance, I guess. I don't understand how people can be so wrong about literally everything involving this conflict. The "apartheid" cr
hmm just googled it and found this. weird.

Kill all of the Hamas terrorists who are actively trying to destroy Israel and murder Jews.* What is the problem with that? They should email a strongly worded cease and desist to them instead?
Officially ignoring everything from Victor now that he's confirmed braindead NPC. Shoving a gun in some dude's ass as a totally non-rapey form of sexual violence = armed resistance, I guess. I don't understand how people can be so wrong about literally everything involving this conflict. The "apartheid" cr
Agreed and here you are, continuing to be wrong. It's quite impressive.
You can't do it. You may end the name 'hamas' I suppose but the threats to Israel go way way beyond that. You need a solution - what is it?
Anyway phresh you dont need to be so defensive. You're getting the netanyahu approach you want and that you claim will sort out everything for Israel. I'm not on the winning side of this argument in the real world.
He's impossible to reason with. You can't hold the views that Hamas needs to go AND Israel is doing something wrong. The only correct view is Israel is morally right, justified to kill as many Gazans as necessary whilst killing Hamas because such is war.
Undermining support rather than bolstering it. Strong defenses, intelligence, rule of law, political solutions etc etc.
That's what terrorists and extremists causes really dislike.
With all due respect, none of that can happen with Hamas in power.
Again, historically, violence got Israel better outcomes. That those outcomes aren’t good enough for you is more of a naïveté problem.
If most of Hamas are dead why is the bombing still going on?
Hamas aren't in power because your side believes most of them to be dead.
Unless the bombing's about something else such as a genocide of a people.
He's impossible to reason with. You can't hold the views that Hamas needs to go AND Israel is doing something wrong. The only correct view is Israel is morally right, justified to kill as many Gazans as necessary whilst killing Hamas because such is war.
Israel can be doing something wrong, but only under the lens of "eradicating Hamas is the main goal".
They aren't killing enough people for sure, for one.
But your criticism is from the opposite side, fore sure Israel isn't doing "too much".
There is not "too much" until no one alive agrees with Hamas
He's impossible to reason with. You can't hold the views that Hamas needs to go AND Israel is doing something wrong. The only correct view is Israel is morally right, justified to kill as many Gazans as necessary whilst killing Hamas because such is war.
This isn't a description of a war when you have easily identified military combatants with their own uniforms.
"Kill anyone who might be Hamas or might be related to or a neighbour of someone in Hamas" is an excuse for genocide, clearly.
With all due respect, none of that can happen with Hamas in power.
Again, historically, violence got Israel better outcomes. That those outcomes aren’t good enough for you is more of a naïveté problem.
Probably nor with Netanyahu in power. We work with what we've got. I'd agree a decent leader would have been working for a political solution that excluded hamas.
I'm afraid the naivety if anything is yours. We're all unhappy with the outcome of so much of your historical violence. If only we had killed so many more .... just kill a few more terrorist and others, just a few more ...