Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33715 Replies


by PointlessWords k

The British didn’t just leave tho. They were forced out by the pre IDF

Why did all these European Jews feel like they had the moral right to take Palestinian land?

You live on settled land. What gives you the moral right?

by PointlessWords k

The British didn’t just leave tho. They were forced out by the pre IDF

Why did all these European Jews feel like they had the moral right to take Palestinian land?

Lol? they left peacefully (on their side), voluntarily, there was nothing of value for them there to keep

by 57 On Red k

Different Jews, with a radically different religion (they don't practise Temple Judaism with a Levite priestly caste and animal sacrifice any more), and that was 2,000 years ago. You might as well reclaim the territory for the Roman Empire, which definitely, objectively ruled that area at one time.

sure so let's drop the "who was there before" for both sides.

But anyway "palestinians" don't even have that remote connection to that land. They never ruled there even a day lol

by Dunyain k

You live on settled land. What gives you the moral right?

Nothing. I’m living immorally like most Americans

by Luciom k

Lol? they left peacefully (on their side), voluntarily, there was nothing of value for them there to keep

No , pre IDF killed 50-100 British soldiers/people

This has been posted here many times. Do you need the wiki link?

How will this change in your understanding of history change your position?

by PointlessWords k

Nothing. IÂ’m living immorally like most Americans

Well, just be glad the early Americans were much more ruthless than the early Israelis, so you dont have to worry about natives fighting to take back their land from you.

by PointlessWords k

No , pre IDF killed 50-100 British soldiers/people

This has been posted here many times. Do you need the wiki link?

How will this change in your understanding of history change your position?

Yes, there were Israeli Jewish terrorist acts; but the main reason Britain washed their hands of the whole thing when they did was the UN (dominated by the US) decided on settling most of the Jewish refugees from WWII in the Mandate and implement a 2 state solution, which the British opposed because they knew the Arabs wouldn't accept it.

And here we are.

by Dunyain k

Well, just be glad the early Americans were much more ruthless than the early Israelis, so you dont have to worry about natives fighting to take back their land from you.

I’d rather they be alive

Of course the real story of the creation of modern day Israel is how horribly incompetent Arabs are at modern warfare. Whatever you think of their personal bravery and penchant for violence, Arabs are spectacularly ineffective in conducting modern war; and their stupendous ineptitude in 1948, 1967 and 1973* really set the stage for Israel, and later the US and Iran, dominating the region as they have.

* On top of this you could include SA performing poorly against Houthis and Saddam Iraq against Iran.

Hamas seems pretty good at war tbh. me, a propagandized Westerner expected them to fall in a matter of weeks at most. I did not expect them to remain an effective and coherent fighting force nearly a year in.

dudes in flip fops and homemade rpgs are holding off one of the most well equipped armies in history. remarkable stuff that will be studied for decades.

by Victor k

Hamas seems pretty good at war tbh. me, a propagandized Westerner expected them to fall in a matter of weeks at most. I did not expect them to remain an effective and coherent fighting force nearly a year in.

dudes in flip fops and homemade rpgs are holding off one of the most well equipped armies in history. remarkable stuff that will be studied for decades.

Hamas seems 6/10 at guerrilla, 2/10 at war.

They have lost all capabilities to strike in size vs the IDF or Israel, that's having lost everything for war.

For guerrilla, i've seen worse

by Luciom k

sure so let's drop the "who was there before" for both sides.

But anyway "palestinians" don't even have that remote connection to that land. They never ruled there even a day lol

It's crazy that almost anytime you need to justify some nonsensical thought, you lead with ''but Palestine doesn't exist''.

''Palestinians'' don't have any claim to the land cause Palestine never existed. Who cares if the people lived there for hundreds of years.

Raping Palestinian POWs is totally fine because Palestine never existed, you need to be from a recognized state to be protected by the Geneva convention.

You can kill all Palestinians in this war because they're a stateless people protected by nothing.

by Victor k

Hamas seems pretty good at war tbh. me, a propagandized Westerner expected them to fall in a matter of weeks at most. I did not expect them to remain an effective and coherent fighting force nearly a year in.

dudes in flip fops and homemade rpgs are holding off one of the most well equipped armies in history. remarkable stuff that will be studied for decades.

You have a pretty skewed point of view if you think Hamas is good at war. They’re good at hiding in holes and letting their people suffer. I’ll give them that at least. Their biggest victory of the conflict was the IDF friendly firing like 2 soldiers.

Judaism is thousands of years older than Islam, so of course, Jews were around in the Middle East long before Muslims. This is uncontroversial and should be irrelevant.

by Victor k

Hamas seems pretty good at war tbh. me, a propagandized Westerner expected them to fall in a matter of weeks at most. I did not expect them to remain an effective and coherent fighting force nearly a year in.

dudes in flip fops and homemade rpgs are holding off one of the most well equipped armies in history. remarkable stuff that will be studied for decades.

I think Hamas is good at war in the sense that palestinians are treated so poorly and there is always an avenue to basically go out guns blazing for the folks who feel rightfully vixtimized.

But hamas has no real mechanism other than taking turns diving head first into the meat grinder while iran reaps the rewards from a voluntary military draft.

Im sure youd agree that there are a lot of Palestinians from age 16-25 seeing this **** and ready to sign up not knowing theve got no real shot at anything or than getting killed. That is an epic failure that rests on the part of everyone around this.

by The Horror k

Judaism is thousands of years older than Islam, so of course, Jews were around in the Middle East long before Muslims. This is uncontroversial and should be irrelevant.

Not really. 900 tops.

by The Horror k

Judaism is thousands of years older than Islam, so of course, Jews were around in the Middle East long before Muslims. This is uncontroversial and should be irrelevant.

Many Palestinians are recent immigrants from other places, such as Saudi and Egypt; but of those Palestinians that have family roots going back thousands of years, most of them are probably descendants of Israelites that stayed and converted first to Christianity and later Islam.

During their conquests, the Muslim Arabs didn't do a lot of population replacement. Mostly the local populations converted. So a lot of Muslims of today are descendants of Christians, Copts, Jews, Zooastrians, Buddhists, etc.

I dont know how familiar you are with Pointlesswords, but he views the world through a very reductive racial lens of "whites" versus everyone else, where whites are always the bad guy. And Jews are a subset of "whites" according to his ideology, regardless of their history or place of origin. And he is comically underinformed and uninterested about actual historical events.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Not really. 900 tops.

Well, they have found Jewish manuscripts dating back to 1000 BC, so that would put it at 1600 years minimum. But I understand your point is the Old Testament is fiction and we shouldn't be using it as a timeline for actual history*.

*As an aside if you look in Wikipedia they actually cite the Koran as the main source to explain what actually happened in Saudi Arabia circa 600 AD (and before). And chances are much of it is fictional too, but obviously the Saudis aren't letting in real archeologists to dig around Mecca and Medina to properly analyze these things, so the Koran is pretty much all we got to go from.

**The following information is from Israeli sources. So if you are inclined to believe (((Zionists))) lie about everything, then go ahead and dismiss this post.

--In other news Hezbollah was planning a major attack on Israel with thousands of missiles at once to avenge the assassination of Shukr. Israel intelligence was ready for it and preemptively destroyed most of the missiles. It isn't clear whether there was any damage at all to Israel.

--In their official statement Hezbollah is just pretending the attack went as planned and a lot of damage was perpetrated on Israel. It isn't unclear whether they are planning more, or if they are just going to say they have gotten their revenge and go back to the low level tit for tat back and forth.

--Obviously if Hezbollah had done a major attack Israel would probably respond with a ground invasion. So if you are real conspiratorial minded you could imagine Hezbollah intentionally tipped their attack and let it be preemptively destroyed, so they could claim vengeance without having a tactical success that would precipitate a full war with Israel that there is no rational reason for them to undertake at this time.

Don't think we need any CTs on this one. Hezbullah clearly planning responses to its commander being killed

Doesn't look like much was damaged.

Nice try jerkoffs

These pics of terrorist rockets getting blown up in mid air are almost as good as those firework displays when one of their weapons depots gets rocked

by BOIDS k

Nice try jerkoffs

These pics of terrorist rockets getting blown up in mid air are almost as good as those firework displays when one of their weapons depots gets rocked

Never even the slightest blip from 72o, victor, PW and all the rest of the crowd, about Hezbolla having absolutely no justification to even attempt to touch Israel.

The narrative fails completly there, there is no justification under any model, so magically those events simply aren't discussed. Not a word against completly unprovoked violence against a sovereign state.

But ofc if Israel responds, that, as usual, is a war crime for them

I think the justification is that some hez jerkoff got got by israel a while back. 23,000 journalists also died in that attack

There is also the general failsafe justification that there are Jews in control of some land in the middle East, which is a very terrible and intolerable state of affairs indeed
