Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33638 Replies


Israel literally bombed this **** out of like 10 villages last night. They have killed 100s of civilians the last few months. Hez has every right to attack their military infrastructure which is killing civilians nearly every day.

One thing to note, Hez has not targeted civilians yet. That is likely bc they are morally superior.

by Victor k

Israel literally bombed this **** out of like 10 villages last night. They have killed 100s of civilians the last few months. Hez has every right to attack their military infrastructure which is killing civilians nearly every day.

One thing to note, Hez has not targeted civilians yet. That is likely bc they are morally superior.

Ah wait to hezbollah didn't start sending rockets unprovoked on october 8 ? you truly live in a fantasy alternate reality.

You make up stuff on the go.

Hezbollah is targeting civilians all the times, they just can't hit them.

its really easy to see what Hezbollah is targeting and hitting. its widely reported by themselves, the OSINT channels, and to some extent the Israelis. they have not targeted civilians.

and yes ofc they had every right to defend their allies and Resistance fighters on Oct 8th.

They will hit a lot of civilians at some point, because they are prepared to send their society into the abyss in pursuit of dead jews, and defensive measures that work 99.99% of the time will fail eventually.

And the very online will blame it on Israel's response to the Hamas rape and murder spree, rather than the fact that these jerkoffs think and act like killing jews is God's highest calling

they have been extremely cautious and measured in the face of the typical murderous provocations from Western Supremacists.

it seems they are doing all they can to avoid the abyss that Israel is begging for.

If firing 300 unguided rockets at their neighbour is 'doing all they can', what would firing merely 299 unguided rockets at their neighbor be classed as

they arent unguided

by BOIDS k

They will hit a lot of civilians at some point, because they are prepared to send their society into the abyss in pursuit of dead jews, and defensive measures that work 99.99% of the time will fail eventually.

And the very online will blame it on Israel's response to the Hamas rape and murder spree, rather than the fact that these jerkoffs think and act like killing jews is God's highest calling

Think they will kill more civilians than IDF has over the last 20 years?

I don't know, but if not then it won't be through lack of effort

cant even count the number of times this happens. I think the resistance withholds these videos just so they can drop them immediately after Israel lies.

by BOIDS k

I don't know, but if not then it won't be through lack of effort

You don’t know what you think? Easy fix mate, just ask your self what you think about an issue

by BOIDS k

They will hit a lot of civilians at some point, because they are prepared to send their society into the abyss in pursuit of dead jews, and defensive measures that work 99.99% of the time will fail eventually.

And the very online will blame it on Israel's response to the Hamas rape and murder spree, rather than the fact that these jerkoffs think and act like killing jews is God's highest calling

I dont think this bit really features as a difference in the current debate. Israel have to focus on defense and it will inevitably not be perfect. Longer term a solution is required. Whether netanyahu is focused enough on maximising these defenses in the short term it's impossible to say (although he would not be the chap I would want to entrust).

Blame goes much further back. Not completey ****ing Iran would have helped. Chalk up one for the brits.

by chezlaw k

Blame goes much further back. Not completey ****ing Iran would have helped. Chalk up one for the brits.

The mullah's first day in the office they said the #1 priority was destruction of Israel and the US. And they have done a lot of horrible stuff the last 40 years. These are not good people.

If you are going to spend your time, energy and money saying and doing horrible things; it shouldn't be the job of your avowed enemies you promise to destroy not to **** you over.

I get it. Colonialism happened, and a lot of what is going on today is backlash from that. But at some point the Western world has to stop blaming itself for the horrible behavior and rhetoric of Islamists. Especially for **** that happened before anyone alive today was even born.

And I personally believe the the whole "evil white British colonialists" narrative is way overblown. Its not like all last 1400 years of Islamic conquest (still ongoing) was a walk in the park.

And rewriting history to make the British, and later Americans, the bad guys, often to excuse horrible behavior by Islamists, isn't doing anyone any good.

They aren't good people. If we dont want to be facing bad people then we need to a lot more to oppose rather than enabling the bad people

There is no rewriting and it's very much about the future.

There is no 'once and for all'. Decisions made n ow are shaping the future. They will also have plenty of people complaining about blaming the past to those wanting to defeat the bad people.

part of the long term solution is to capture or kill the people who committed the rapes and murders of a thousand plus civilians on oct 7 (and shortly after doing so announced that they were planning to do it again but bigger)

Justice is good.

Terrorist organisations, war, political solutions, state actions and far greater events will determine the shape of the future.

by Victor k

Israel literally bombed this **** out of like 10 villages last night. They have killed 100s of civilians the last few months. Hez has every right to attack their military infrastructure which is killing civilians nearly every day.

One thing to note, Hez has not targeted civilians yet. That is likely bc they are morally superior.

As long as it's in the name of Allah Right?

by BOIDS k

part of the long term solution is to capture or kill the people who committed the rapes and murders of a thousand plus civilians on oct 7 (and shortly after doing so announced that they were planning to do it again but bigger)

Oh rly? So Israel is going to after their commanders now?

by The Horror k

Judaism is thousands of years older than Islam, so of course, Jews were around in the Middle East long before Muslims. This is uncontroversial and should be irrelevant.

Throughout history civilizations conquered other civilizations. The Jews were conquered and sent fleeing and now they are back. The Arabs would love to wipe out all of the Jews but they are too weak. Israel is now displacing the Arabs in the name of security. If there was no social media Israel would wipe out the Arabs. It's the nature of how the world works. What's interesting to me is how the woke people think Israel is the bad guy's when the Arabs would happily murder every one of them if they could.

by mongidig k

As long as it's in the name of Allah Right?

vic has declared itt that the events of oct 7, in which about a thousand civilians were successfully targeted for rape and murder by hamas, was a massive success and a military victory by the brave resistance (direct quotes), so idk why he's trying to draw a distinction now between the morality of targeting civilians or otherwise

Address the content, not the poster, or there will be timeouts. Thank you 😀

is that at me?

It’s specific to the last several pages, which I have cleaned up.

by chezlaw k

Blame goes much further back. Not completey ****ing Iran would have helped. Chalk up one for the brits.

The 1953 coup against the dubiously elected Mosaddegh was actually carried out by pro-Shah Iranians. The CIA, encouraged by the British whose Iranian oil interests had just been forcibly nationalised, did some orchestration and funding, but I think it's now recognised that their role was not as great as Kermit Roosevelt Jr, who claimed to be the CIA officer in charge, suggested in his much-disputed memoir. The really bad thing about it is that it gave the CIA ideas above its station, and the agency kept on trying to arrange coups, generally with bad results even when they 'succeeded' as in Chile in 1973. And Iran became infected with anti-Shah, anti-Western religious nationalism which since 1979 has reduced the country to a kind of abysmal medieval tyranny -- with nuclear ambitions.

by BOIDS k

vic has declared itt that the events of oct 7, in which about a thousand civilians were successfully targeted for rape and murder by hamas, was a massive success and a military victory by the brave resistance (direct quotes), so idk why he's trying to draw a distinction now between the morality of targeting civilians or otherwise

Are you going to condemn Israel for killing tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians?
