The fitness well
Ask anything, I'll answer. OP is jacked.
Im bumping this thread for anyones interest.
Ask anything and I will answer to the greatest extent of my capability.
Wow. This guy went from being trolled with a physique worse than mine to actually being able to take on Evoken and Bdiddy!! Crazy.
He is actually more aesthetic. Unfortunately probably does not lower body so we can't give him H&Fs GOAT title.
I always wondered about Men's Bikini. Why wear those terrible shorts??!!! They should wear 5" shorts, such a shame. The lower body muscles are the biggest in the body, let's cover them with knee high shorts?!!!! WTF.
Shoulders look too boulderish so definitely on something.
Help me bro, I want that upperbody but I am pushing 50. I definitely had a better physique at 40 than your wimpy 160lb physique in 2016. So I do have some potential.
What should I stack for that upperbody? Looks facking perfect to me. I love that you don't have crazy vascularity. Please tell me all I need is clomid and 150mg test + anavar or primo. Or some safe Sarm.
Damn, both back and chest shoulders are perfect. You seriously got me drooling bro. TEACH US.
biggest training and nutrition tweaks for mature/experienced trainers?
Wow. This guy went from being trolled with a physique worse than mine to actually being able to take on Evoken and Bdiddy!! Crazy.
He is actually more aesthetic. Unfortunately probably does not lower body so we can't give him H&Fs GOAT title.
I always wondered about Men's Bikini. Why wear those terrible shorts??!!! They should wear 5" shorts, such a shame. The lower body muscles are the biggest in the body, let's cover them with knee high shorts?!!!! WTF.
Thanks bro.
I do train lower body but they are definitely slacking behind my upper body.
Mens Physique is about having an aesthetic upper body basically. If you want to watch some beefy legs just watch normal bodybuilding?
Shoulders look too boulderish so definitely on something.
Help me bro, I want that upperbody but I am pushing 50. I definitely had a better physique at 40 than your wimpy 160lb physique in 2016. So I do have some potential.
What should I stack for that upperbody? Looks facking perfect to me. I love that you don't have crazy vascularity. Please tell me all I need is clomid and 150mg test + anavar or primo. Or some safe Sarm.
I trained naturally for 10 years, now on my 12th year. I did the whole pharmacy of gear, and honestly I regret it. Test is fine, but I am not the right guy to ask.
Anavar is fine too.
There are no safe SARMS even Ostarine which is considered the safest has been linked to cardiotoxicity. If you want me to recommend one I would go for low dosage Ligandrol.
Why is it that water walking calorie counter calculators figure body weight in so prominently to calorie burn when obviously the effect of weight bearing is radically reduced by buoyancy? Is it related to the body volume having to displace different amounts of water according to size more so than the actual weight? I find it a great calorie and sugar burning exercise but have wondered about this.
Why is it that water walking calorie counter calculators figure body weight in so prominently to calorie burn when obviously the effect of weight bearing is radically reduced by buoyancy? Is it related to the body volume having to displace different amounts of water according to size more so than the actual weight? I find it a great calorie and sugar burning exercise but have wondered about this.
Honestly I cant understand.
Can you please rephrase your question?
In calculating calories burned when walking or running on land, body weight is a key factor that influences the calculation heavily. When walking or running in water as an exercise, the buoyancy of the water negates body weight, yet the formula to calculate the calorie burn still includes body weight.
So I'm wondering if the body weight is still included in the formula as an approximation of body volume (the body volume being a factor in how much water is displaced in walking, thus influencing calorie expenditure).
It's a crazy question. But I did the water walking religiously in Florida for years and I know from experience that it burns sugar and calories more intensely than land based walking/running.
You look great, homie. You mog TF out of me and I've done 2 classic physique shows. I am not an IFBB pro yet.
What exercises do you like to do for back? It's a very good bodypart for you.
I focused my back/pull training around pullups/chins as the first exercise for years and I can do 16-18 strict chinups weighing around 100kg, but it's still a fairly poor bodypart for me. I'm thinking about maybe centering my workouts around a different back/lat exercise for back width and curious about recommendations.

you can see my back shot is all erectors and delts, relatively poor lat development.
You look great, homie. You mog TF out of me and I've done 2 classic physique shows. I am not an IFBB pro yet.
What exercises do you like to do for back? It's a very good bodypart for you.
I focused my back/pull training around pullups/chins as the first exercise for years and I can do 16-18 strict chinups weighing around 100kg, but it's still a fairly poor bodypart for me. I'm thinking about maybe centering my workouts around a different back/lat exercise for back width and curious about recomme
How the f did you get those erectors like that? I'm claiming photo shop in lieu of proof. 😀 I have a problem with them being weak and pulling. Boy, when they pull you just can't rise from a lying position it takes like 5 minutes.
How the f did you get those erectors like that? I'm claiming photo shop in lieu of proof. 😀 I have a problem with them being weak and pulling. Boy, when they pull you just can't rise from a lying position it takes like 5 minutes.
When I deadlifted it was all erectors and my glutes and hams never turned on. I was able to keep an extended spine but still have it be like 80% erectors 15% abs 5% glutes/hams. Just my body structure.
Unfortunately bodybuilding judges give 0 ****s about erectors and have a fetish for glutes and hams and for lats.
Loving the Chan vs Evo nood off.
Those erectors are truly ridiculous. I don't think I ever noticed them before.
Let me ask a serious question about the mens bikini division.
So basically it's an upperbody only competition? So why isn't there just a lower body competition? Thought there was more muscle in the lowerbody.
Mens bikini would make sense only if you were in a wheelchair.
Let me ask a serious question about the mens bikini division.
So basically it's an upperbody only competition? So why isn't there just a lower body competition? Thought there was more muscle in the lowerbody.
Mens bikini would make sense only if you were in a wheelchair.
A lot of guys lift to have nice bodies that girls like and give gina tingles and want to do blowjobs. Girls don't give a **** about huge treetrunk legs or butts. When they say they like it, it's just fake counter-signalling. They like defined arms/shoulders/abs/lats on a low bodyfat physique. Men's physique is the division that emphasizes the "getting laid" muscles. It got really out of hand a few years ago and the physiques got way too big. Ever since Tyler Manion took over it's going back to sanity and they're reward a smaller physique consistent with the original goals of the division. That's why Ryan Terry won this year after years of constantly losing; the judging criteria changed to favor smaller guys and more aesthetic physiques instead of the "men's physique mass monster" like Brandon Hendrickson. It's been going in that direction of smaller physiques for several years now and might continue to do so.
TLDR: The division is the p-slayer division and legs aren't important for this. As a wise man once said, "once they see your legs, it's too late anyway".
IDK, he probably beats me in his division and I beat him in my division. Apples to oranges. I just wanna know what he likes to get good lats tbh.
God Damn iT DUDE you are ****ing JACKED!
You tell me about how to train back 😃
Well if you want an answer most of my back training is centered around pulldowns (small to mid grip) and T-bar rows.
That's basically it that I do right now honestly.
How long have you been working out for?
Ive been on the grind for 12.5 years, you must match that I guess?
God Damn iT DUDE you are ****ing JACKED!
You tell me about how to train back 😃
Well if you want an answer most of my back training is centered around pulldowns (small to mid grip) and T-bar rows.
That's basically it that I do right now honestly.
How long have you been working out for?
Ive been on the grind for 12.5 years, you must match that I guess?
Interesting - so you think medium width grip is better for lats than wider grip?
Why is that?
Tbh that’s good news for me as I much prefer the feel of neutral grip medium width pull downs