The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
JD embodies the two worst qualities a politician can have - zero charisma and an inability to speak on his feet without sticking his foot in his mouth. Walz is a natural at this and will embarrass him.
Vance reminds me of Desantis.
How did I not see that?
How Midwest roots shaped Ron DeSantis' political values and perspective
“I was geographically raised in Tampa Bay, but culturally my upbringing reflected
the working-class communities in western Pennsylvania and northeast Ohio

JD has his facts--as long as they don't disagree with Trump's facts. Gonna be hard to fight that.
Prepared is not how I would describe JDs interviews but he’s a conservative and will at least do some minimum prep work so will look great on the Trump affirmative action scale.
Strong possibility Tucker Carlson will be the 2028 repub pres candidate, if he wants it.
I saw Tucker talking recently and he actually seemed intelligent and charismatic. I'd only seen clips of him acting like a buffoon for the camera and looking like a potato

I don't see it. DeSantis is personally awkward and deeply uncomfortable with speaking extemporaneously. He comes across as a nervous guy who is doing a shitty job of rolling out his canned lines.
JDV is very comfortable speaking extemporaneously. In fact, I would say that he loves it. His problem as a politician is that he is unprincipled and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. The latter problems leads to him saying a lot of dumb **** off the cuff that he believes in the moment is terrible clever. Also, he hasn't absorbed the fact that Trump has much more leeway to say outrageous **** than he does.
Both guys are relatively weak politicians, but in different ways imo.
Tucker Carlson seeming intelligent is definitely the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Vance is untested in national elections or anyway in situations where moderation pays positively with voters.
Rds won a purple state election and actually moved the state toward his side which isn't a common feat, politically.
In terms of ability to win elections where it matters (in the middle) rds is decisively better than Vance.
Vance ofc is much smarter
I don’t even get the impression JD thinks he’s smart. Like I think his wife is significantly smarter than him and he’s used to being the dumbest guy in the room.