Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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No clue if the caption is true.
The citizens of Gaza did vote. They voted for Hamas, whose stated goal was the destruction of Israel. Was that the sort of moral position you agree with?
Are you suggesting that there should be a single state solution, in which the citizens of Israel are subsumed into a new Arab majority country? That is your "moral" conclusion? Yikes.
Instead of demanding that Palestinians live in peace, and stop attacking Israel, and in so doing make it possible for a Palestinian country to live in peace next
with such a brilliant legal mind you should call up the ICJ and let the highest International Court know that they got it wrong.

No worries Joe Biden says a ceasefire is imminent. I think he has said this as often as Kamala has told us she was raised in a middle class family .
Israel has made Joe look like a fool
To be fair, at this point Hunter completely high on crack has a better handle on what's going on in the world than Joe does.
IF the people of Lebanon are finally starting to be sick of being IRI puppets and are fighting back, then Israel should keep up the pressure on Hezbollah. If Hezbollah survives this intact, and the world allows the IRI to rearm them, there will be brutal reprisals on the people of Lebanon, like we see with Hamas in Gaza.
But really the entire world should be behind the effort to get rid of Hezbollah. And not doing this is a giant moral failure on the world's part.
how would you feel if US citizens got killed because of the mistakes and evilness of our government?
I would blame my government. In this case you should be blaming Hezbollah. They willingly dragged the people of Lebanon into the Palestinian’s war on Israel.
I think it’s about time you stop asking questions, seeing as you’ve been asked multiple questions which have all gone unanswered. You aren’t entitled to anyone’s responses.
IF the people of Lebanon are finally starting to be sick of being IRI puppets and are fighting back, then Israel should keep up the pressure on Hezbollah. If Hezbollah survives this intact, and the world allows the IRI to rearm them, there will be brutal reprisals on the people of Lebanon, like we see with Hamas in Gaza.
But really the entire world should be behind the effort to get rid of Hezbollah. And not doing this is a giant moral failure on the world's part.
Israel and the world should be working with the lebanese to build a strong future for lebanon. Going to need a wide poltical process and israel not to kill too many people.
Stupid Arabs standing up for oppressed people should be out for themselves just like us great yanks.
The way you are framing this is so stupid. If Palestine and Lebanon were peaceful people, they would not be attacked. They are not oppressed by Israel, they are oppressed by their own government and the ideology that they stand for.
But by all means, just call every group in the world oppressed as an excuse for why their countries suck. I’m sure that will give them a good blueprint for peace, tell them that they are oppressed and thus are justified in firing missiles at whoever they want.
IDF says target was Nasrallah. Residential district obviously, so the civilian casualties are going to be awful.
Israel and the world should be working with the lebanese to build a strong future for lebanon. Going to need a wide poltical process and israel not to kill too many people.
Israel is not in very good favor with the Lebanese people. The world should definitely be working with the Lebanese people who aren't IRI sycophants, but the less Israel is directly involved the better.
IDF says target was Nasrallah. Residential district obviously, so the civilian casualties are going to be awful.
That entire area is a Hezbollah compound. The "civilians" there are going to be Hezbollah operatives and their families. Any actual civilians (including family of Hezbollah operatives) should have left a long time ago, knowing Hezbollah compounds are going to be ground 0 for Israeli counterattacks against Hezbollah, who has been attacking Israel for 11 months straight.
For some reason I highly doubt Nasrallah went to a well known Hezbollah compound consisting of 6 buildings in Beirut given the circumstances.
Reports are the spot hit was a part of their main underground Beirut compound, as Israel had intelligence he was there at the moment.
Beirut isn't Gaza where there is an entire underground city to move around in controlled by friendly forces. He is probably pretty limited in where he can travel, mostly in underground Hezbollah controlled areas.
Do you think they filled the 6 buildings that were destroyed to hit the bunker with Hezbollah members and kept them there despite knowing that Israel is targeting Hezbollah?
A hidden bunker underneath the 6 buildings.
Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still.
Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still.
Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still.
Listen to the words long written down...
...When the man comes around
Also what exactly does Victor think will be entailed by fighting, defeating, and dismantling Israel? I suppose it’s going to mean rainbows and sunshine, with no dead civilians and no dead children.
Truly bizarre your lot’s obsession with revolution while not understanding the realities of war (or maybe it’s a selective understanding).
thats the Western mentality where the point of war is to murder as many civilians as possible. remember, the Nazis were defeated bc the Soviets obliterated their army.
seems that Nasrallah survived this "targeted" strike that leveled 6 residential towers. whats next? surely these plausibly genocidal maniacs upgrade to targeted nuclear strikes.