Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33607 Replies


by LtUaE42 k

You do realize that the people Israel opposes are the ones who never thought it should exist, and still don't. You have to know that, right? If so, the solution is simple. Those who want to destroy Israel need to stop wanting that, and then Israel will stop wanting to destroy them. Quite simple, really.

Israel has got a lot more work to do then. bc most of the world now thinks it should not exist. normal people dont like countries that do plausible genocide and burn 10s of thousands of children alive. Westerners otoh...

by Victor k

Israel has got a lot more work to do then. bc most of the world now thinks it should not exist.

this has never not been true

I’ve deleted a bunch of posts.

Stop poking at each other and attempting to rile the “other side” up. Address CONTENT, not each other, or there will be timeouts.

If you’re too emotional to post in this thread, take a breather.

by LtUaE42 k

the solution is simple. Those who want to destroy Israel need to stop wanting that, and then Israel will stop wanting to destroy them. Quite simple, really.

They tried peace. Oslo. The PLO recognized Israel and gave up the gun. Israel refused to grant a state or end the occupation, so the Intifadas began.

by intifadas you mean suicide bombing of civilians

by Bill Haywood k

They tried peace. Oslo. The PLO recognized Israel and gave up the gun. Israel refused to grant a state or end the occupation, so the Intifadas began.

This is the part i don't understand, why do they have to "grant" a state? the world can recognize it and then claim it is occupied. A state exists when other states accept it exists, no more and no less.

It wasn't just Israel which refused to recognize that state, it was aso the relevant countries in the world (G7).

To this day afaik no country in the G7 recognizes palestine as a state.

So Palestine is at war because the most important countries in the world don't recognize it as a state, and the intifada is literally a war against US (if you live in any g7 country), not only against Israel.

agree. Israel will never "grant" a state. the West has never "granted" anything to the people they oppress, enslave, murder, rape, and steal from. freedom is only taken by force like in Algeria, Korea, Vietnam, South Africa, India.

by Dunyain k

LOL. That is actually funny. The UN has done nothing but assist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas consolidate power, become states within states, and threaten and attack Israel. And there is nothing to suggest anything would go differently moving forward if it was left to them. Whatever the future for Lebanon is, the UN is not serious (at least not in any good way) and should not be trusted in any capacity.

Also, all the commentators that deign to know such things, indicate the Lebanese Army

Nothing funny about it. Israel need to use whatever capital they have to work to make the UN work.

Your alternative is to leave massive festering sores imposed by oppresive force. That is a massive threat to israel who also esperately need functioning states and international order. You can cheer the easy bit that israel are doing with aplomb but afterwards is a very long time and it's hard.

The unsung 'hero' for israel is the defense. It would already be a disaster if israel couldn't block so many missiles, and they have made exceptional use of intelligence and their military. That's only part of a medium/long term strategy - they have to find political solutions. Functioning states have to replaces festering sores.

I think my post got deleted so I'll rephrase. it wont help that when the next attrocities happen to israel it can be blamed on others or be claimed it's the start of something totally new. Israel, as much as anyone, needs a well functional intenational order in the region.

and we have to dismiss the nonsense that political solutions are impossible. Soemone said something so it can't be done. Things have happened so it can't be done. It's just nonsense excuses. No-one knows it can't be done and it's the only real game in town.

"political solutions" aren't always possible , sometimes you need violence to stop other people using violence. And it's pretty clear that's the case with Israel enemies (perhaps not Iran, but certainly it's true for the enemies on it's borders).

working for political solutions is always possible. Most of the time it will fail but every now and again it will work and it can stick.

Military usually works when you're the big power against an army. It's causes massive harm and it doesn't stick

Israel's defence minister says the 'next phase' of war against Hezbollah will 'begin soon'

The Israeli defence minister, Yoav Gallant, said that “next phase of the war against Hezbollah will begin soon”, in comments that further indicate that Israel plants to mount a ground invasion of Lebanon.

Gallant, in a meeting of local council heads in northern Israel on Monday, reported by the Times of Israel, said:

by Luciom k

why do they have to "grant" a state? the world can recognize it and then claim it is occupied. A state exists when other states accept it exists, no more and no less.

As a practical matter, Israel has to end the occupation for it to be a real state with sovereignty over the West Bank.

Currently "Area C," which is occupied by the IDF and settlers, snakes in and around 165 Palestinian cantons in the WB. People have to go through a checkpoint to cross the street to the bakery. Pulling the IDF, as agreed at Oslo, would grant a state.

Israel Death Force rolls onwards.

Limited to a few hundred thousands deaths I guess.

Biden admin figure floats a million

between Lebanon and Palestine that's like 11m. might as well take out all of Syria and Iran and Iraq too. Im sure that after a couple hundred million dead that Israel will be safe.

by rafiki k

I think it's crazy that for years itt, the concept of a Jewish state was just viewed as some "ethno-state" that had no reason to exist. Like Jews shouldn't be able to self-determine. Now suddenly of course, people should self-determine. What a convenient change! I'm here for it.

Trolly the issue isn't if Palestinians should self-determine. It's how and WHERE. If you haven't noticed, "River to the Sea" kind of wants to self-determine...the same land the Israelis have. Kind of a problem...

one side has a chant and low level weaponry the other is killing across countries with supplied welcome.. it looks like it's Israel that wants river to the sea

The levels of delusion here...

whats the guy supposed to say? oh hey we expect to lose? they did drive Israel out in 2000 and in 2006.

by MyrnaFTW k

one side has a chant and low level weaponry the other is killing across countries with supplied welcome.. it looks like it's Israel that wants river to the sea

Myrna, as per the UN general assembly vote in 1947, Israel HAS the river to the sea (their ancestral homeland fwiw). They don't need to want anything. That's the country.

Nobody questions if Pakistan, which became a country in a similar way, should be a country. It is.

As to your world where armies need to be even to fight, I don't know what to say. This isn't boxing, there aren't weight classes. If someone wants to destroy you and has been making it their mission for decades, you fight back.

by Victor k

whats the guy supposed to say?

the correct line:

oops i guess we really ****ed this up, okay we'll stop firing thousands of rockets at you and go back behind this river, now please go away

the actual line:

we will drag everyone around us into the abyss in pursuit of our impossible goal of holocaust 2.0

well they did offer that but Israel would prefer to kill a few more million

and I mean, cmon, its not like they can trust Israel who is already setting up to steal that land and colonize it.

mainstream Israeli press


Makes sense for Hezbollah to defend Lebanon over Syria obviously. This could have major consequences there as well.

that account looks pretty suspect lol

Yeah definitely and I hope it's not true. The guy retweeting him is more reliable, but going through his stuff is pretty bad.

Urgent warning to the residents of the southern suburbs of Beirut

To all those present in the buildings specified in the specified maps and the buildings adjacent to them in the following neighborhoods:
⭕️ Lilac
⭕️ Haret Hreik
⭕️ Burj Al-Barajneh

You are located near interests and facilities belonging to the terrorist Hezbollah, and therefore the IDF will act against them forcefully.

For your safety and the safety of your family, you must evacuate the buildings immediately, starting at a distance of no less than 500 meters.
