The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by checkraisdraw k

No I just have experience. The same people that lied about Hawaii are now lying about NC. By the way these were the same people sucking off Derek Chauvin and asking for more cum in their mouth. Just guzzling Chauvin's cum. Disgusting losers.

yes sorry public employees are ALWAYS to be believed IF they belong to sectors where unions are leftwing, otherwise no

by checkraisdraw k

No I just have experience. The same people that lied about Hawaii are now lying about NC. By the way these were the same people sucking off Derek Chauvin and asking for more cum in their mouth. Just guzzling Chauvin's cum. Disgusting losers.

You have something against guzzling cum?

It's always your ilk that are the closet bigots.

by Luciom k

we are at the "10 7 was caused by trump" stage of the "very smart people for Kamala" conspiracy theory, I think at this point it could be moved in the proper thread.

Lol...nobody said anything when right wingers were calling it a tectonic shift before. Now the same high school educated guys don't like it if you point out it was a massive policy shift. Typical. This is again why nobody takes ya'll seriously. It's never your mess even if we all see you crap your pants. And of course a point a rebuttal to an insane post about Trump having peace in the middle east is relevant to an election thread. It's 100% about Trump's policy.

by Luciom k

emergency response efforts by a leftwing administration get criticized heavily (Maybe lying, it's possible ofc. probably exaggerating mistakes and giving fault to the government of stuff that would have happened anyway and so on).

solution of leftwing experts: "let's ask the emergency response people and believe them at face value"

You believe each time a new president arrives , all this employees changes ?
Don’t you think they were there when trump was president ?

by Luciom k

emergency response efforts by a leftwing administration get criticized heavily (Maybe lying, it's possible ofc. probably exaggerating mistakes and giving fault to the government of stuff that would have happened anyway and so on).

solution of leftwing experts: "let's ask the emergency response people and believe them at face value"

Instead let's just keep letting random people on twitter who probably either take money from Russia or consume the media of people who take money from Russia keep spreading lies that they are corrected on multiple times as lies while the owner of twitter does absolutely nothing about it.

Luciom, people are now avoiding disaster relief because they bought into the right's bullshit. If you took even a second to criticize them I would give your opinion more credence than a dirty diaper, but because you are a partisan hack I don't care about your opinion and criticisms at all.

yes sorry public employees are ALWAYS to be believed IF they belong to sectors where unions are leftwing, otherwise no

You got it bud, that's exactly what I said. Derek Chauvin had a video of him killing Floyd and they called Floyd a drug addict instead of calling Chauvin a murderer. But these "skeptics" will suck up any lie that they see on facebook. I wonder how people like Luckbox even remember to breathe in the morning.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Lol...nobody said anything when right wingers were calling it a tectonic shift before. Now the same high school educated guys don't like it if you point out it was a massive policy shift. Typical. This is again why nobody takes ya'll seriously. It's never your mess even if we all see you crap your pants. And of course a point a rebuttal to an insane post about Trump having peace in the middle east is relevant to an election thread. It's 100% about Trump's policy.

ofc the topic is relevant to the election thread, what is nuts is claiming the Abraham accords caused 10 7

by checkraisdraw k

Victor you're a stalinist, your opinion on the truth to me counts as much as the dogshit that I pick up off the lawn in the morning.

I wouldnt say Im a Stalinist. I just support his fight against Hitler. considering that makes you big mad...

by Luciom k

ofc the topic is relevant to the election thread, what is nuts is claiming the Abraham accords caused 10 7

Palestine and Iranian proxies definitely liked that their land was being chopped up by Israel and other parts of the Arab world without any sort of representation at the table. We all know that historically countries love being chopped up without having a seat at the table.

by Luciom k

ofc the topic is relevant to the election thread, what is nuts is claiming the Abraham accords caused 10 7

People predicted that before it happened lol.

by checkraisdraw k

Instead let's just keep letting random people on twitter who probably either take money from Russia or consume the media of people who take money from Russia keep spreading lies that they are corrected on multiple times as lies while the owner of twitter does absolutely nothing about it.

Luciom, people are now avoiding disaster relief because they bought into the right's bullshit. If you took even a second to criticize them I would give your opinion more credence than a dirty diaper, but because

man I will never shed a tear for people who don't follow caveat emptor.

if you believe random Twitter lies to the point you base your life choices on that, I truly deeply dont give a **** if you die because of it.

given you are very low value to begin with (valuable people don't base their life choices on that) losing you isn't even necessarily a negative for society, and even if it slightly is (debatable), certainly protecting you doesn't come close to the risk we would incur empowering some agency (or judges) or whatnot with the "ministry of truth" powers to punish liars because they endanger people.

I am very, very, pro social darwinism.

btw I linked FEMA responses to rumors in this very thread like earlier today or yesterday to answer playbig nonsense

by Luciom k

man I will never shed a tear for people who don't follow caveat emptor.

if you believe random Twitter lies to the point you base your life choices on that, I truly deeply dont give a **** if you die because of it.

given you are very low value to begin with (valuable people don't base their life choices on that) losing you isn't even necessarily a negative for society, and even if it slightly is (debatable), certainly protecting you doesn't come close to the risk we would incur empowering some age

lol every time I start to hate you, you say something funny that turns it around.

by checkraisdraw k

Palestine and Iranian proxies definitely liked that their land was being chopped up by Israel and other parts of the Arab world without any sort of representation at the table. We all know that historically countries love being chopped up without having a seat at the table.

you sound like those people who claim NATO "encroachment" justifies Putin.

Same as with Putin, blaming the victim or it's allies is nonsense

by Luckbox Inc k

Probably they should establish some sort of Truth commission to make sure everyone is telling the truth online.

Or people like you could just stop spreading dangerous disinformation. Wild idea I know.

Absolutely &*(@#$@ despicable.

by Victor k

I wouldnt say Im a Stalinist. I just support his fight against Hitler. considering that makes you big mad...

Both killed millions .
No idea why you think one is better then the other .

I support those that have lung cancer more then those having pancreatic cancer shrug .

by Luciom k

you sound like those people who claim NATO "encroachment" justifies Putin.

Same as with Putin, blaming the victim or it's allies is nonsense

No. I'm not blaming Israel. Israel got something out of it, they were able to establish normalized relationships with other countries. But I do think that from the perspective of someone who supports the Palestinian cause, and I don't see Russia and Palestine as being equivalent, that there were much better ways to normalize relations with Sunni countries.

Outside of the memes I said in the Palestine/Israel thread, I really feel sympathy for Palestinians and hope that at the end of all this they will have a process started for statehood.

by Gorgonian k

Or people like you could just stop spreading dangerous disinformation. Wild idea I know.

Absolutely &*(@#$@ despicable.


NYT: Trump’s Speeches, Increasingly Angry and Rambling, Reignite the Question of Age

Former President Donald J. Trump vividly recounted how the audience at his climactic debate with Vice President Kamala Harris was on his side. Except that there was no audience. The debate was held in an empty hall. No one “went crazy,” as Mr. Trump put it, because no one was there.

Anyone can misremember, of course. But the debate had been just a week earlier and a fairly memorable moment. And it was hardly the only time Mr. Trump has seemed confused, forgetful, incoherent or disconnected from reality lately. In fact, it happens so often these days that it no longer even generates much attention.

He rambles, he repeats himself, he roams from thought to thought — some of them hard to understand, some of them unfinished, some of them factually fantastical. He voices outlandish claims that seem to be made up out of whole cloth. He digresses into bizarre tangents about golf, about sharks, about his own “beautiful” body. He relishes “a great day in Louisiana” after spending the day in Georgia. He expresses fear that North Korea is “trying to kill me” when he presumably means Iran. As late as last month, Mr. Trump was still speaking as if he were running against President Biden, five weeks after his withdrawal from the race.

According to a computer analysis by The New York Times, Mr. Trump’s rally speeches now last an average of 82 minutes, compared with 45 minutes in 2016. Proportionately, he uses 13 percent more all-or-nothing terms like “always” and “never” than he did eight years ago, which some experts consider a sign of advancing age.


Even by this thread’s standards this thread is off the rails

by checkraisdraw k

No. I'm not blaming Israel. Israel got something out of it, they were able to establish normalized relationships with other countries. But I do think that from the perspective of someone who supports the Palestinian cause, and I don't see Russia and Palestine as being equivalent, that there were much better ways to normalize relations with Sunni countries.

Outside of the memes I said in the Palestine/Israel thread, I really feel sympathy for Palestinians and hope that at the end of all this they

Iran is Russia equivalent, ofc the Palestinians are just pawns (Hamas is deeply evil though)

by pocket_zeros k

NYT: Trump’s Speeches, Increasingly Angry and Rambling, Reignite the Question of Age

yes he is losing it, which makes Harris being at a coin flip against him anyway even more embarrassing

by StoppedRainingMen k

Even by this thread’s standards this thread is off the rails

Sorry I admit I get really triggered by insane conspiracy theorists because I have coworkers and I know how quickly this crap spreads. And then these people are so smug about their stupid conspiracy theories, it disgusts me.

Like I tell this guy his lies are getting people killed and he’s like “oh what you want to start a ministry of truth???”

what kind of stupid crap is that?

Trump's closing push looks like it can get there. Yes he's losing it, if he ever had it, but he is saying all the right things that a propagandist fascist needs to say to slide in. He's got the easily hoodwinked, those drawn to authoritarianism and fake strength, the racists and bigots, the wealthy, the fundamentalists, the Project 25ers, and the dangerously ignorant voters who the forefathers warned against. That might be enough. Too close to call but he might get the last bounce. In handicapping it I had a late lean toward the R side, so counting on my suspicion that my handicapping is off for the D's to get there.

by checkraisdraw k

Sorry I admit I get really triggered by insane conspiracy theorists because I have coworkers and I know how quickly this crap spreads. And then these people are so smug about their stupid conspiracy theories, it disgusts me.

Like I tell this guy his lies are getting people killed and he’s like “oh what you want to start a ministry of truth???”

what kind of stupid crap is that?

I haven't posted a single thing in this thread (or any other thread) about North Carolina and you're off calling me a despicable person and claiming that I'm posting lies.

You should consider checking yourself in.

Why do you say something that is so easily debunked within one second? Is the point of that just to piss me off? Not only are you lying about aid, you are lying about lying about aid. When are the lies going to stop?

by Luckbox Inc k

I haven't posted a single thing in this thread (or any other thread) about North Carolina and you're off calling me a despicable person and claiming that I'm posting lies.

You should consider checking yourself in.

by Luckbox Inc k

Fema not being allowed to confiscate food from people is killing people?

I feel like if Fema has to rely on food confiscation to keep people alive there is a bigger problem.

by checkraisdraw k

Why do you say something that is so easily debunked within one second? Is the point of that just to piss me off? Not only are you lying about aid, you are lying about lying about aid. When are the lies going to stop?

Reading comprehension is hard I know but that post is about the tweets that were posted here.
