The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Anyway, that’s not even my best pie.

This is my best pie.

What a ****ing beauty!

I was about to chalk it up to some good old fashioned canteen room talk among men.

And THIS is why you people should buy me a le creuset!


Those are beautiful pies, especially the second, and I'm sure they are fine, but, they're like dinner pies, right? Send me like blueberry or cherry or something. You know, the good kind.

by microbet k


Those are beautiful pies, especially the second, and I'm sure they are fine, but, they're like dinner pies, right? Send me like blueberry or cherry or something. You know, the good kind.

I’m still perfecting those!

But just ftr, those savory pies are my own recipes and they’ll knock you on your ass!

My current study is seafood pot pies. Michael Mina has a lobster pot pie that I am absolutely certain I can nail under the correct conditions…

Not everyone in my household is totally down with me murdering the lobsters… which is an issue bc I need them fresh… and screaming

I always thought this place could use a good food/gardening thread. I've failed at reaching my perceived potential at most cuisines but I still make the best salsa in my own mind and that's all that matters. Hint: It's using rather rare and unique pepper that offers the perfect texture upon mincing - not too watery, not too chunky, a nice sandy, yet dense and robust, with a well rounded spicy kick that lasts.

by formula72 k

I always thought this place could use a good food/gardening thread. I've failed at reaching my perceived potential at most cuisines but I still make the best salsa in my own mind and that's all that matters.

You're a member of the super-duper-secret politics forum and there's a lot of good cooking stuff there!

by formula72 k

I always thought this place could use a good food/gardening thread. I've failed at reaching my perceived potential at most cuisines but I still make the best salsa in my own mind and that's all that matters.

Should I create one for us?

That's up to you guys. I'd occasionally bump it every so often but I could see it most likely becoming a thread that gets very little attention - which could be a good thing in it's own way.

by formula72 k

I always thought this place could use a good food/gardening thread. I've failed at reaching my perceived potential at most cuisines but I still make the best salsa in my own mind and that's all that matters. Hint: It's using rather rare and unique pepper that offers the perfect texture upon mincing - not too watery, not too chunky, a nice sandy, yet dense and robust, with a well rounded spicy kick that lasts.

Rare and unique peppers my man? This is some home grown stuff from our gardening and growing thread.

wow, amazing looking peppers. i would try all of those but the dark ones.

They look so good. So does the pie

by TookashotatChan k

Canada is not only cold, it's on the brink of becoming a failed state, precisely because of 60 years of untrammeled progressive policy. Even the liberals are pausing immigration now lol


No idea what you talking about .
I’m in Canada and it’s dam all right by me .

@ d2_

Dvault was a great poster and if its the same guy I think he was. he legit was the only republican poster here for a long time who brought up great points and arguments. prolly the only actual poster whosgone that left a bitof a void here

as for the voter ID responses, I understand that other viewpoint as well. Still think the racist angle is tacky but agree that its either have photo id like drivers license be free or hand in photo id that has SS

border policy im surrised at ho many liberals are more on the republican side of things, know a few takes that people arent a fan of just letting lots of unskilled laborers in in mass quanitity but do they know the repercussions of not allowing that?

Dvault wasn't as great as everything thought, but was most definitely not a Republican.

I don't know that bobman was ever a Republican. If he was, he was probably the best Republican poster. Seattlelou was a good poster. Falcon was not the most astute political analyst, but he was funny as hell and def left a void.

Eta: and of course formula72. Goes without saying. Also great at salsa.

Eta:f72, is that where your name comes from? Your perfected salsa was the 72nd try?

Maybe Dvault was a Republican before being the number one Democrat. That would be funny, like the reformed addicts being the most strict, or what Chomsky called the coming to God moment (think he was quoting someone else there though).

Not very democratic, for the democratic party, to be against the will of 80%+ of the people

Reminder that Dvault wanted people to burn down Tucker Carlson's house regardless of whether his family were in it at the time.

by microbet k

Rare and unique peppers my man? This is some home grown stuff from our gardening and growing thread.

Wow that’s impressive I always have hard time finding habereneros for my bison chili

by microbet k

Dvault wasn't as great as everything thought, but was most definitely not a Republican.

DVaut wasn't a Republican by any stretch.

DVaut was smart and a very good poster, but the main reason he was so revered by most left-wing posters in this forum is because he was the best writer in the forum. That led to a situation in which many left-leaning posters in the forum (although not you) regarded DVaut as the last word on every topic, which wasn't an especially healthy forum dynamic. On more than one occasion, I disagreed with him. You probably did too, albeit on different topics or for different reasons. But I don't remember that we had much company in treating DVaut as a mere mortal.

Toward the end of his tenure, DVaut became increasingly cynical about American politics and seemed to embrace the idea that Democrats had been too timid in adopting the worst tactics of the GOP. If you disagreed with him on that point, he would simply call you a naive milksop. I often argued that his vision of American politics was at least as clearly a road to nowhere as clinging to remnants of the past.

For whatever it's worth, and with the caveat that I have no inside info whatsoever, I strongly suspect that DVaut was a graduate student in political science, sociology, or some other social science. I say that because so many of his posts seemed like he was workshopping ideas for articles or chapters of a dissertation. My guess is that he went peace out on the forum when he got to the point where he was applying for tenure track academic jobs. He probably assumed that the risk of doxxing was too high if he published articles while continuing to be a high profile poster in the forum.

by Luciom k

Not very democratic, for the democratic party, to be against the will of 80%+ of the people

Why do you not point out the policies on there with the majority support that Republicans oppose?

by Gorgonian k

Why do you not point out the policies on there with the majority support that Republicans oppose?

Which policies polling over 80% do Republicans oppose?

by Luciom k

Which policies polling over 80% do Republicans oppose?

I didn't say 80%.

As far as the ones polling over 80% that democrats oppose, that's misleading. Democrats don't support things that violate the constitution, and currently, since IDs are not free, requiring IDs violates the 24th Amendment. And I've seen nothing to say democrats don't support requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote.

The Republicans are with the minority on all 4 of the last 4 issues, for the record. But you focused only on the top 2, neither of which are even valid objections.
