N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures)

N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures)


Got my computer back set up and wanting to log for a while now.

Anyways, not logging has made me v lazy and unorganized. My diet is also trash and I look like I don't even lift no more.

I'm also selling most of my sneakers to start a poker bankroll. I haven't played in over 3 years, but looks like nothing has changed, lol. They also open up a poker room nearby and I'm sure the players still suck.

My childhood buddy keeps inviting me to his lame home games. I keep making excuse not to go. By the looks of it, its some bs $20 game, that lasts 6+ hours lolol.

Anal girl is with some 10'' arm loser. They honestly look like brother and sister, it's disgusting lol.

Currently squat and DL only. I tore something in my shoulder and haven't bench since April 10.

My PRs:

Bench: 265
Squat: 390
DL: 490

I tore my shoulder the week of maxing out. Would have attempted something like:

Bench: 275
Squat: 405
DL: 505

Currently doing whatever. Need shoulder to heal but been very slow.

See you soon. Brewing that coffee soon.

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13 July 2022 at 05:33 AM

308 Replies


by GuyThatGoesToDaGym k

This is the truth and the real black pill. It's a correlation and clearly there are exceptions, but the entire reason the halo effect evolved is because beautiful people actually are more intelligent and competent on average. Humans are not point buy DnD characters where people with higher intelligence have less points to allocate to looks.

sounds kinda Hitlerian when I write it out, but some truths of humanity are Hitlerian. The truth of a statement isn't dependent on the messenger.

It's incredi

I think you're running a bit too far with this one. NotThremp had it right with the "slightly" part.

Definitely positively correlated, tho.

This is the truth and the real black pill

There's a black pill now? I'm really out of the loop I guess. It's hard to keep up with all the new colors of pills the incel/MRA crowd demands we all take.

beautiful people actually are more intelligent and competent on average

Citation needed.

I notice it even more among my colleagues. The ugly fat teachers are usually ******s who can't solve problems on the exam they've been teaching for a decade and the attractive slim teachers are usually more competent

Is this something you teach in your Confirmation Bias 101 class?

by Number1Hater k

Got my $500 bonus bets

What should I bet on?

The jersey promo was over…


Bet it on the longest underdog. You can do some quick math to figure out the EV.

Here is some fun homework. You have a $500 bonus bet. You can bet a coinflip at +100, a +500 underdog at 0EV, and a +2000 underdog at 0EV. Which do you bet?

We can cover EG later, which is probably apropos for you to learn once you figure out a +EV bet.

PS: You need to learn to read the rules. And never take the stuff.

by Melkerson k

I kind of want to read some of these case studies. I don't suppose you have a link to some.

Was the most recent one I was sent.

by krunic k

There's a black pill now? I'm really out of the loop I guess. It's hard to keep up with all the new colors of pills the incel/MRA crowd demands we all take.

Citation needed.

Is this something you teach in your Confirmation Bias 101 class?


So on attractiveness, there is also research about perceived intelligence where we think people are smarter cause they're hot. But they really are smarter.

On obesity, the casual connection is the point of new research. We currently think that being fat makes you "dumber" than if you were thin. But dumb people are more prone to being fat.

If you see a hot girl and a fat ugly girl, assuming the hot girl is smart is the obv Bayesian play.

Casual connections itt

by The Yugoslavian k

You haven't seen the brain dead parlays his kid's been betting on.


Teaching my 6 year old the basics of betting has proven to be frustratingly hard.

by NotThremp k


Bet it on the longest underdog. You can do some quick math to figure out the EV.

Here is some fun homework. You have a $500 bonus bet. You can bet a coinflip at +100, a +500 underdog at 0EV, and a +2000 underdog at 0EV. Which do you bet?

We can cover EG later, which is probably apropos for you to learn once you figure out a +EV bet.

PS: You need to learn to read the rules. And never take the stuff.

Was the most recent one I was sent.


by krunic k

There's a black pill now?

Is this something you teach in your Confirmation Bias 101 class?

A black pill is a colloquialism for something yoi don't want to be true but you have a hard time ignoring the evidence for it. Literally reverse of confirmation bias.

(that was my intended usage of it. it has lots of meanings but i didn't mean it in the “manosphere” context)

"The negative association between intelligence and obesity has been well established, but the direction of causality is unclear."

from the second article Thremp posted.

JFC that is one hell of an opening salvo. Blitzkrieg. Tanks rolling into poland. Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima. 9/11 planes being flown into trade center towers. Full bicep rupture on an 800lb mixed grip deadlift. Israeli tanks blowing up a maternity ward.

"We know that fat people are dumb, but is the fatness the cause of the stupidity or did the stupidity cause the fatness? Could the relationship be bidirectional?"

whoa... I mean even a truthseeker like myself is frankly triggered AF. This is downright hateful, even if true. I actually don't think the average joe could handle whatever conclusions they find psychologically. I legitimately don't want to know the answer to this question myself. It's too much. I'm gonna watch Hotel Transylvania for the 3rd time this month instead and enjoy my chicken breast, oatmeal, almond butter, skim milk, and green apples.

by NotThremp k

If you see a hot girl and a fat ugly girl, assuming the hot girl is smart is the obv Bayesian play.

but...but...but... bro... hot girls never have to develop a personality or succeed academically bc they get all the simping! And everyone knows intelligence is jsut about how hard you work and comply with the rules given to you by authority figures! They're only giving you those rules so you can succeed! So the fat girl who got less attention will be smarter because she had to work had and hard to develop a real personality too! She's beautiful on the inside!

the hot girl will be bad and a dumb person because she's never had to struggle in life


I specifically chose that study since it was addressing does fatness make you stupider, and rightly concludes that fat people, on average, are dumber as a simple, factual opening assessment. I generally fall on the side of it being detrimental to a variety of long term cognitive performance mostly due to the myriad long term physical changes, but until we have some long term studies that track folks and match to age groups on a large scale... it is speculative.

I think the hot girl thing is just copium. It goes back to your comment about people as RPG characters where if you spend too many points on physical attributes, then we gotta be skint on the mental ones. I had a similar conversation with a friend about fashion models and how spending a few summers in Paris/Milan/NYC gives you more interesting things to talk about and the associated experiences make you much more interesting than someone who didn't do those things. Also being tall and hot is generally good. Think he read too much Ellis and thought that everyone is Victor Ward. In a weirder twist, most of the models in that novel are actually super smart and it is really just Victor who is a bigoted blithering idiot bumbling his way through life.

But whatever. Dude chill, hakuna matata.


Glad you enjoyed that!


Given the fact he probably hasn't taken fractions or decimal points, much less any probability. Think there are probably a few bits you're glossing over before we get into a combinatorics problem.

The real Q is who will be able to answer that freeplay question I posed sooner: N1 or your kid?

$200 on yanks ML tonight


Not gonna pay $28 to read a study, although the shout out to Geoffrey Miller made me giggle. But after some more thought, it's a mildly interesting topic but I don't really care since it's not actionable information whether it can be proven or disproven. No one is gonna be like "oh wait hot people are smarter too? I've been doing it all wrong trying to date the ugliest people I can find! Thank god for this important research!"

I don't remember how we get derailed here but we need to get back to yelling at ABP for donking away all his hard earned coffee money.

$200 on yanks ML tonight

Please stop. Long term winning at sports betting is at least as hard as long term winning at poker. I'm speaking from personal experience and from reading 2+2 for 20 years. Stick to poker, you don't know what the hell you're doing.

This is like watching a savory chef with zero pastry knowledge try to line a tart shell or make macarons. It's always a huge fail. Just because they're both things people make in kitchens doesn't mean ****, it's a different game with different knowledge and skills required. You need to spend at least as much time and effort learning one as the other.



also using my bonuses bets. ZER0 LIABILITY.

Haha I’m a feel player. There’s more to just math based betting.




by krunic k

What's the o/u on how much N1H loses before he quits or realizes he needs to put some effort in?


on a related note i actually tried to start a thread about intelligence and looks and it instantly got nuked for being "hateful"


by krunic k


Not gonna pay $28 to read a study, although the shout out to Geoffrey Miller made me giggle. But after some more thought, it's a mildly interesting topic but I don't really care since it's not actionable information whether it can be proven or disproven. No one is gonna be like "oh wait hot people are smarter too? I've been doing it all wrong trying to date the ugliest people I can find! Thank god for this important research!"

I don't remember how we get derailed here but we need to get ba

Two points:

1) I think it was the citation needed portion when it has been pretty well proven. Along with the relevant research on perceived intelligence which like explains Emoken thinking there is a stronger than actual correlation. This is why Karl Rove was never President essentially. You can find similar research on height, trust, and all sorts of stupid **** (wrt perception, but maybe tall people are more honest), but we just need to accept attractive people are gonna be smarter.
2) As someone who cooks lots of savory things and dabbles in baking. The most infuriating part is having to measure everything to a fairly exacting standard. Whereas I can easily double the thyme in a random recipe and it'll be great, if I double the baking powder, I have an inedible mess. While bread hydration is fairly forgiving, some aspects are not and just coming to grips with the reality is... annoying.

by Number1Hater k



also using my bonuses bets. ZER0 LIABILITY.

Okay. So I read over the rules and it appears you have a week to use the bonus bet. But there may be restrictions I'm not aware of.

It seems you completely ignored my previous post. But off the top the Jets and Titans appear to be better uses. But instead you went with an actual coinflip, which is ****ing pathetic and below a three team parlay yield.

Again, just ****ing atrocious. You literally just punted over $100. Not as much as you would have buying a jersey, but still hilarious.

by rickroll k

on a related note i actually tried to start a thread about intelligence and looks and it instantly got nuked for being "hateful"


This reads more like a "Lets look for a mongo-adjacent phenotype" and not an in earnest thread on the subject.

by NotThremp k

This reads more like a "Lets look for a mongo-adjacent phenotype" and not an in earnest thread on the subject.

the op did open and close heavy on the "why can we tell when people are stupid just by looking at them, and why are they always ugly?"

so attractiveness was definitely part of it and we'd surely have discussed the inverse eventually

It certainly could have be worded in a way where instead of tangentially arriving at that subject, you could have made it the main point of discussion in lieu of the focus on "stupid face", which does sound a little weird and eugenics-y.

I would've just posted downies and wonder how this one group (jews obv) have such strong genes it overpowers any racial features. That would've cinched this argument up in a 4chan appropriate manner.

oh **** I missed the part where he used a bonus bet on a flip.

If you can't even bonus whore properly, what chance do you have?

This was after Thremp revealed the best strategy; one assumes the advice was grunched.

2) As someone who cooks lots of savory things and dabbles in baking. The most infuriating part is having to measure everything to a fairly exacting standard. Whereas I can easily double the thyme in a random recipe and it'll be great, if I double the baking powder, I have an inedible mess. While bread hydration is fairly forgiving, some aspects are not and just coming to grips with the reality is... annoying.

Thremp a confirmed feel player.

Reminds me of my first internship at a bakery. One day the chef gave me a handwritten recipe for a cake which included 3.5g baking powder, but it was hard to see the dot so I thought it said 35g. Took a lot longer than usual to clean the oven that day.


Well cooking is a lot of feel, chili peppers for example have fairly large natural variation in their spiciness and you can easily blow out a dish or have it tepid as fk if you don't taste the ingredients and actually alter the recipe accordingly. Then again if you show up at work hungover on the reg, you're gonna have a hell of time figuring out how appropriately salty something should be based on your personal preference. I think this is really how most people moving from baking to cooking and vice versa get stuck. They're fundamentally different, and this also applies to the intrinsic elements. You need to be super exacting when you make your pie crust, but the berry filling may need adjustment depending on the exact berries you got.

I'm not even gonna touch the more art side of baking where you need to adjust for room temp/humidity/etc, since that all strikes me as black magic that you can either be incredibly pedantic about or simply absorb from decades of making bread in the same room.

God forbid we then get into the fact that for every common herb there are like 129319231937 different varieties that may or may not be representative of what the author calls for when making the recipe. As someone who bakes krunic prob knows the pain of trying to modify French recipes to use Ameritard flour. (There is literally a entire cookbook with several pages devoted specifically to the nuances of flour on this exact subject, which I obviously own despite not living in France or the US.)


I mean... what can you do? I literally gave a a math problem that would take something like 3-5 minutes to solve. I can even provide the answer for the first one with the math (.5*0)+(.5*500) = $250 EV. The other two are only slightly more challenging.

You can use this to run through the CFB ML or NFL ML slate (within whatever limit of max odds the book sets) and calculate each permutation pretty trivially. I used to do this manually multiple times.

This doesn't even cover more complex strats where you're fairly restricted on odds, but allowed three team parlays and need to decide whether the payout reduction on a bet that is better EV at a whole number vs a 0EV .5 is better or worse. (This should also take a couple minutes to figure out, and teach an easy heuristic at the same time.)

However, I think we are still at the stage where I'm not entirely sure N1 can tell us the implied probability of a line or the no vig. What are the odds he'll grunch this and ignore the link that gives him that info?
