[WPT Global] Official Thread

[WPT Global] Official Thread

Hi 2+2ers,

Welcome to the official WPT Global thread!

WPT Global makes poker players’ dreams come true in associati

) 45 Views 45
15 April 2024 at 09:31 AM

1662 Replies


by WPT Global Alex k

In this case no, sorry.

This is really weird for me.

Make a depo, and played few one, two tabled session on lowest stakes as a addition to other tables on other rooms. Didnt use any software at all. And just like that in the middle of the session my account has been locked and still to this day i cant get anyone to give me a reason of that.

It is simply not fair - if you are taking my access to my money you should at least tell me why.

Hey Alex, thanks for the work you putting on this thread. Could you please check your PM regarding my account?

Hi Alex, how can I know for sure that I'be been marked as HSP, and that my affiliate haven't taken my RB? If I contact customer support, will they give me the answer?

Why does the mobile client close my tables when I tap to view lobby? Why does “leave room” on one table often close a different table? It’s incredibly tilting as a HSP you can’t then rejoin. The mobile app needs a serious overhaul/qol changes.

Hi Alex. What are the upcoming dates for the online festivals?

Many thanks

by LiftGrind k

Why does the mobile client close my tables when I tap to view lobby? Why does “leave room” on one table often close a different table? It’s incredibly tilting as a HSP you can’t then rejoin. The mobile app needs a serious overhaul/qol changes.

Seconded, very rough scene.

Am I the only one that sees more tables on mobile?

by LiftGrind k

Why does the mobile client close my tables when I tap to view lobby? Why does “leave room” on one table often close a different table? It’s incredibly tilting as a HSP you can’t then rejoin. The mobile app needs a serious overhaul/qol changes.

Those glitch in the app have been happening since day 1 and they weren't capable fixing it.

The mobile app is a "play at your own risk" and never close any table or try to see the lobby if your on a good table - or you might lose it lol

by loveskunk k

Seconded, very rough scene.

Am I the only one that sees more tables on mobile?

You can see them doesn't mean you can join them if your tagged pro.

by garnouille k

Those glitch in the app have been happening since day 1 and they weren't capable fixing it.

The mobile app is a "play at your own risk" and never close any table or try to see the lobby if your on a good table - or you might lose it lol

I’ve played a lot of volume on the mobile app over the past year and it was playable for the majority of it even with the leave room issue. The lobby closing tables though is much more frequent now and really game breaking.

by garnouille k

You can see them doesn't mean you can join them if your tagged pro.

Yes that has been my experience I just find the lack of consistency from mobile to PC unusual.

Good morning Alex. Thank you for your continued replies within this thread.

In relation to a previous comment made here, whilst I appreciate you likely don't want to advertise to HSPs constantly about their account status, it is very cumbersome to be waiting to play on a table, then eventually when the seat becomes available you get the "Please sit at another table" message.

I get that it's going to be dependent on who leaves the table that would allow you to sit, but when you're playing multiple tables and trying to keep an eye on a free seat becoming available, to find you can't sit is very frustrating.

I believe the compromise here is to allow for a queue if you are currently either trying to table start or playing short handed.

Once a seat becomes available (if the HSP is allowed to sit) then you get seated, and if not then it advises as such. This maintains the fair system you wish to keep, whilst players don't need to be dividing their attention unnecessarily, and simultaneously keeping action going.

I'd be very interested in your thoughts on this.

by ErundinoDimision k

Hi Alex, i want to know your opinion about a couple of things:

Another thing is other problem that for sure put the WPTG player on an inferiority and disadvantage situation. We can´t put colors and notes to the players while the asian guys/cheaters who create accounts every day via Asian skins could. That thing doesnt even allow us to mark any player, taking any note on any suspicius plays or whatever.
I´m happy with the exclusion of the HUD on your room but men if i can´t even take a note or

Hi Alex, i hope you can answer the players for this. Is not fair that other players that are on the same tables can put colors and notes to all the players at the table but WPTGlobal players can´t do anything about that. This is not fair at all and a clear advantage for the players that play on Asian skins

by Batman3175 k

Hi. I currently play mostly 25/50/100cny. My rb was around $10k before rb was taken away. I am aware that table starter rake back is a thing now.

A few questions on this.

I have other friends who play and get daily bonus credited to their accounts. Mine is only weekly. Why is this?

I table start for probably 75% of my action yet my rb has decreased dramatically to around $1000-1500 per month.

Is any of the table starter rb paid to agents or is that the weekly credited bonus. Again, why is mine w

Same for me, i was gettin a ton more of rakeback before all this nonsense, i think im not gettin anywhere close to the 20% that they claim to give... how can i verify this alex?

by ErundinoDimision k

Another thing is other problem that for sure put the WPTG player on an inferiority and disadvantage situation. We can´t put colors and notes to the players while the asian guys/cheaters who create accounts every day via Asian skins could. That thing doesnt even allow us to mark any player, taking any note on any suspicius plays or whatever.
I´m happy with the exclusion of the HUD on your room but men if i can´t even take a note or put a color to my opponnets...that kills a lot of the fun for

In Asian skins called PokerKing, players can note colors and some words as well. This is a huge disavantage for WPT players.

anyone had a similar problem ? Everything worked normally on the old pc, on the new one it started causing problems with the location and now when I try on the old pc it also causes problems on some tables.

Hi Alex,

Any plans to implement any of these pretty basic fuctions into gameplay?
I think you´ve mentioned that a lot of these are on the way and if so, any idea when?

- CPU issue (this has been a few weeks away for 8 months)
- option to wait for bb/straddle
- option to sit out next bb/straddle
- run it twice
- Option to auto reject insurance
Also, reduce the time to 5 secs max and/or charge for addit. time like with timebanks. It´s very annoying since I would never pay for it, but the prompt keeps interrupting gameplay. What´s worse, many players just let it run out every street just to troll.
Or maybe they can´t see the tiny blurry text.
- old deck font?
- Longer reaction time before having to use time banks, 30 secs for ex. Or fix the client because I´m timing out few times a session due to the client just freezing for 10-20 seconds. Which also causes misclicks.
- Auto top up. (Or even semiauto, meaning that you´d have to manually add but the amount would be preset.

- a bigger update probably but is there a way to make the seating better? For example, you just have a "PLAY" button for each stake and you get seated wherever there is room. No individual tables, like UNIBET has it for example. Now I´m chasing a seat for 20 minutes and when I finally find an empty seat and click, the lag makes it so that someone else beats me to it.

And also, I have to say with all due respect that the lack of any sort rewards program sucks. Any updates on that?

by Thuylinh296 k

In Asian skins called PokerKing, players can note colors and some words as well. This is a huge disavantage for WPT players.

Please rectify this and allow WPT players color-coding too.

Also, an option to auto-buy extra time (at least once) would be great considering those mini-freezes.

I have no previous account on WPT, are affiliates offer pretty much all similar or is there one with more value? I'm a mid stakes NL reg who plans to start tables.

I heard Alex mention in a podcast there was a cap on the numbers of tables a reg could play. Is this the case and what is the max if so?

Please do not listen to these clowns about having longer or auto time-bank, better seating options, BB sit-out, notes/color coding, insurance window close faster etc etc. Do not make these changes, they only benefit the shitty multi tabling rakeback volume grinders who plays B/E and blocks seats at the table for other players. Anything they recommend in this thread should be used as information on what not to do to keep your site fun for recs. And action regs dont give a **** about anything, they just happy to have a site with fish.

Everything they ask for is implemented on literally every bot infested site already, they should just go play ACR/GGpoker instead. But ohh wait games are not as good there.... Ohh I wonder why....

WPT global feels like playing a Live game and it should be kept that way. Being able to play 4 tables is sufficient enough.

As long as the rake is normal, and there are recs on the site. Regs will come, and games will run.

The starting table RB promotion is utter garbage tho. Ive tried starting tables but its almost impossible to get games running. Its not worth the time to sit and try to start instead of just jumping into another game.

Do something degen instead that benefits all players, have RB % based on peoples VIP/PFR or something. Or just literally anything other than table start.

With Love // Denigrate

by Denigrate k

Please do not listen to these clowns about having longer or auto time-bank, better seating options, BB sit-out, notes/color coding, insurance window close faster etc etc. Do not make these changes, they only benefit the shitty multi tabling rakeback volume grinders who plays B/E and blocks seats at the table for other players. Anything they recommend in this thread should be used as information on what not to do to keep your site fun for recs. And action regs dont give a **** about anything, the

I actually agree with many things you wrote.

Problem is that players on apps have color-coding and players on WPT client don't.

As for auto time bank, it is mostly due to technical issues since the players (including myself) have reported client freezing for a few seconds which causes time outs.

notes/color coding, insurance window close faster etc etc

I´m actually against any sort of color coding or notemaking also, although it´s not fair that some players in the same pool can do it and some can´t.
I´m sure the trolling with the insurance is something recreational players don´t enjoy either. In fact, it´s the recs that are the first to leave a table when this happens.

WPT global feels like playing a Live game and it should be kept that way

You can actually choose to wait for bb/straddle in livegames too.

they only benefit the shitty multi tabling rakeback volume grinders

Rakeback? 😀

Being able to play 4 tables is sufficient enough.


As for auto time bank, it is mostly due to technical issues since the players (including myself) have reported client freezing for a few seconds which causes time outs.


by Denigrate k

Please do not listen to these clowns about having longer or auto time-bank, better seating options, BB sit-out, notes/color coding, insurance window close faster etc etc. Do not make these changes, they only benefit the shitty multi tabling rakeback volume grinders who plays B/E and blocks seats at the table for other players. Anything they recommend in this thread should be used as information on what not to do to keep your site fun for recs. And action regs dont give a **** about anything, the

Agree on almost of ideas, but for me 4 tables is not enough, we need another one to wait at the lobby for the 7/8 table during play HU on another table.

And yes starting table RB is utter garbage.

I think the 10-15% rakeback is good for everyone including WPT and players.

I'm happy with four tables. I'd guess most people are as it would make it much more difficult to get seats and would be bad for the longer term ecology.

Wow withdraw time is now only 1 min, well done WPT. Really appreciate <3

Anybody else getting perpetually wrecked by new accounts since the changes?
