The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
if any random member of a terrorist organization who uploads misleading videos to blame Israel of stuff Hamas does is a journalist, then yes
I know you've mentioned before that you're not really a "words" guy, so let me help you out:
Sample usage: "Tolly routinely posts disingenuously, pretending to not understand some very basic point another poster is making".
I know you've mentioned before that you're not really a "words" guy, so let me help you out:
If 143 deaths in a year isn't "routine" I don't know what we're doing here. What's Russia's body count look like?
If you really want to quibble semantics, it's more precise to say that US allies routinely kill journalists with US-supplied arms while we politely look the other way.
If 143 deaths in a year isn't "routine" I don't know what we're doing here. What's Russia's body count look like?
If you really want to quibble semantics, it's more precise to say that US allies routinely kill journalists with US-supplied arms while we politely look the other way.
Is this an overrepresentation of that profession in the general population? How many construction workers were killed in this conflict in the same time period?
The same article says there were about 40k total casualties, so that represents about 0.25%. Doesn't seem like some sort of targeted campaign at first glance.
so long as they murder an equal proportion of construction workers then its just fine!
Fine or not, it's just complete bullshit to imply that it's a targeted campaign of murdering journalists, as it would be to say it's a targeted campaign of murdering construction workers. As opposed to the regimes you idolise, where journalists and dissidents are quite unequivocally the victims of targeted campaigns of actual state persecution. I'm sure even your solitary brain cell is sufficient to grasp this very simple concept, so I don't see any need to explain it further.
Fine or not, it's just complete bullshit to imply that it's a targeted campaign of murdering journalists, as it would be to say it's a targeted campaign of murdering construction workers. As opposed to the regimes you idolise, where journalists and dissidents are quite unequivocally the victims of targeted campaigns of actual state persecution. I'm sure even your solitary brain cell is sufficient to grasp this very simple concept, so I don't see any need to explain it further.
question is why do you lie so much?
Not at all, my criticism of how other people use their speech is part of speech and so on. I don’t see how you pull prescriptive statements out of descriptive statements. The only actual ought that I would derive from what I’m saying is that there are a lot of media critics out there and the vast majority are horrible. Meanwhile there is a dearth of journalists out there. Most of the famous media figures now are commentators rather than journalists, and this includes mass media like CNN, MSNBC,
I'm regards to the first bolded, I guess I'm playing around a bit, trying to be entertaining and *may* take some liberties.
I'm regards to the second, Obummer himself explained why this doesn't require any conspiracy. Certain people get hired and promoted and others don't. There's a culture. No one tells Rachel Maddow she can't platform Noam Chomsky. They don't have to. (Gonna be gross when he dies and the people who did that no conspiracy required blackballing report it).
The dearth of investigative journalism isn't because the billionaires are manufacturing consent, at least not mostly, it's because personalities sell and investigations are expensive. The billionaires and bean counters are just doing business. That's not Chomsky's fault.
oh I get the concept very well. unfortunately I would get banned very quickly for telling you exactly who you are and how you think. that courtesy ofc is not extended to the insane insults directed at me from the people who like to downplay all of the murder, theft, and incarceration committed by the USA regime and its proxies.
Whatever, dude. Stop assuming everyone is as stupid you are and you can get away with lying about what you meant and everyone is just gonna go "oh ok then, well, that explanation makes perfect sense, he just meant that a bunch of people have died and some of them happened to be journalists, even though that interpretation would render his comment a completely out of context non sequitur and he's pushed exactly the same propagandistic bullshit about the US murdering dissidents before". Lol you.
oh I get the concept very well. unfortunately I would get banned very quickly for telling you exactly who you are and how you think. that courtesy ofc is not extended to the insane insults directed at me from the people who like to downplay all of the murder, theft, and incarceration committed by the USA regime and its proxies.
That's wild bro, so you're posting while banned right now? Tell us more about your perpetual state of victimhood and persecution on this forum.
Possibly Gary Webb. Khashoggi as well, since he included "US Allies". But of course, Victor is being a lying hyper-partisan hypocrite as per usual, since the regimes he idolises actually do routinely murder or imprison journalists and dissidents.
US allies in Latin America have killed tons of journalists. Southeast Asia too.
(Not just talking about people covering and murdered by organized crime - though the corrupt states are often part of that - but people reporting on environmental destruction)

What made America great?
Ironically, some of the very things that Donald Trump is
promising to undo in the name of making America great again.
several factors that Trump has promised to roll back if elected to a second term:
a fairly open immigration system that provided a steady stream of workers and spurred innovation;
a strong and well-funded central government with a professional military and civil service that provided stability;
and an increasingly robust democracy that allowed the country to self-correct when it went astray.
In Trump's telling, immigrants are a drain on American resources, and diversity undermines the country.
But in reality, immigrants provide a steady stream of workers who keep the economy humming and spur innovation.
When Trump promised to make America great again,
many Republican voters thought he meant the 1980s or maybe the 1950s.
But it's increasingly clear he intends to take the country further back than that.
If Trump wins a second term, the things that made America great in the
20th century will be unmade, one by one, and the American Century will be over.
And you're a conservative (generally Republican) right? (I could be remembering that wrong)
I actually think people like Chomsky and other media critics have played a huge role in degrading the media ecosystem, because now we have a lot more people talking about how bad the media is than actually are doing journalism. Anyone with a computer can start a substack, blog, youtube chanel, and talk about how horrible corporate news is. As much as I love independent media there is an ocean of **** that comes out of it too.
I don't really see how Chomsky is to blame. Someone like Rush Limbaugh sort of invented the genre, where if you criticize main stream media, you aren't held to any standards at all and you can say whatever you want. That's a huge component of "alternative" media.
Whatever, dude. Stop assuming everyone is as stupid you are and you can get away with lying about what you meant and everyone is just gonna go "oh ok then, well, that explanation makes perfect sense, he just meant that a bunch of people have died and some of them happened to be journalists, even though that interpretation would render his comment a completely out of context non sequitur and he's pushed exactly the same propagandistic bullshit about the US murdering dissidents before". Lol you.
call me stupid all you want but your White Supremacy and support of murder consistently shows through.
I don't really see how Chomsky is to blame. Someone like Rush Limbaugh sort of invented the genre, where if you criticize main stream media, you aren't held to any standards at all and you can say whatever you want. That's a huge component of "alternative" media.
Limbaugh has a lot of responsibility for sure, but what I was getting at when I made the comment about a West Wing version of the good old days was that idiots with large audience was never anything new. Charles Coughlin had about 25% of the country listening to his weekly radio broadcasts.
bruv you literally just did apologia for mass murder of journalists bc a similar number of construction workers were possibly killed as well.