The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by d2_e4 k

Unfortunately, it appears not, which goes back to the point I keep making about the general stupidity, ignorance and paranoia of the American public. Any other civilised country, Trump is barely a fringe candidate. The US has way more Playbigs per unit population than any other first world country.

[Incidentally, not sure "per unit population" is the right term, but "per capita" seems stilted when the measure itself then becomes so much smaller than 1, and per 100k or whatever seems arbitrary.]

If americans are so stupid as you claim, does the same analysis apply to all previous elections?

(what you were looking to say was "as a portion of the population")

by wreckem713 k

I'm hoping he brings the accelerated depreciation back. The dems were the slave people historically speaking so I don't see your point. Trump is also from NY...

Oh good, another "aKsHuAlLy, LiNcOlN wAs A rEpuBlIcAn dIdNtYaKnOw" guy.

by Luciom k

If americans are so stupid as you claim, does the same analysis apply to all previous elections?

(what you were looking to say was "as a portion of the population")

On the conservative side, which is where the majority of the stupid, ignorant and paranoid lives in US politics, yes, it does. Let's see, the candidates making it pretty far has pretty much been a race to the bottom intellectually - Dubya, Palin, Trump lol.

I guess "proportion" rather than "portion", no?

by d2_e4 k

Well, let's see, on the conservative side, the candidates making it pretty far has pretty much been a race to the bottom intellectually. Let's see who paved the way for Trump - Dubya and Palin, lol.

I guess "proportion" rather than "portion", no?

This site tells me "portion of the population" is correct english (not sure though if the site itself is trustable)


But it could be proportion for the use you made yes

by d2_e4 k

Oh good, another "aKsHuAlLy, LiNcOlN wAs A rEpuBlIcAn dIdNtYaKnOw" guy.

hell yeah brother!

As for elections d2 i don't understand your claim, if americans are stupid and were in the past as well why did Obama win but Clinton lose.

It's either they are terribly stupid so they choose the wrong candidate (according to you) all the times, or it can't be stupidity if some times they choose the candidate you like and some other times they don't, can it?

Unless you are the kind of person to whom democracy works when your preferred candidate is voted, otherwise the outcome is not democratic

by Luciom k

This site tells me "portion of the population" is correct english (not sure though if the site itself is trustable)


But it could be proportion for the use you made yes

Yeah I think the difference is "portion of the population" means "some number of people", "proportion of the population" means some % of people.

"I ate a large portion of pie" - could mean anything: large in relation to the pie, large in relation to your usual portions of pie, large in relation to the portion of something else you ate, large in relation to the portion of pie someone else ate, etc. Depends on context.

"I ate a large proportion of the pie" - this has to be a significant % of the pie.

by d2_e4 k

Yeah I think the difference is "portion of the population" means "some number of people", "proportion of the population" means some % of people.

"I ate a large portion of pie" - could mean anything: large in relation to the pie, large in relation to your usual portions of pie, large in relation to the portion of something else you ate, large in relation to the portion of pie someone else ate, etc. Depends on context.

"I ate a large proportion of the pie" - this has to be a significant % of the pie

what % of angie's pie did you eat? did she eat your pie too?

by Luciom k

As for elections d2 i don't understand your claim, if americans are stupid and were in the past as well why did Obama win but Clinton lose.

It's either they are terribly stupid so they choose the wrong candidate (according to you) all the times, or it can't be stupidity if some times they choose the candidate you like and some other times they don't, can it?

Unless you are the kind of person to whom democracy works when your preferred candidate is voted, otherwise the outcome is not democratic

Two words: electoral college. How many times has a republican president won the popular vote?

I didn't say the majority of them were stupid, ignorant, and paranoid. Only that enough of them were to make it a close contest under the already weighted electoral college system. I'm saying that the democrats are average, but the conservatives are a lot more stupid, ignorant and paranoid than average, if we take "average" to mean the average person in Europe, say. I'm also not making a judgement about causality - it could be that conservatives skew stupid or it could be that stupids skew conservative, and for the narrow purposes of my observation, it doesn't matter.

by wreckem713 k

what % of angie's pie did you eat? did she eat your pie too?

Lordy, you do have a pornographic memory, don't you?

(For everyone else: I was tipsy one evening and posted a story about a one night stand I had with a colleague in this dude's home town 25 years ago. He now remembers more about it than I do).

Steve Bannon gives disturbing election advice to Trump after prison release

Bannon told Trump to once again prematurely declare victory if the vote tallies on
Election Day — before all votes are counted — showed that the Republican nominee was ahead.

“He should stand up and say: ‘Hey, I’ve won this.'."

a memo now circulating among Republican Donald Trump’s advisers
recommends that if he’s elected next week, he bypass official background checks
and grant security clearances to a wide swath of his appointees

It’s unlikely that he would have any officials in his administration capable of telling him no.
In addition to that, his advisers, some of whom would have difficulty obtaining security clearances
from the government, are reportedly hatching a plot that would let Trump
grant security clearances to people who may not be qualified to hold them.

by d2_e4 k

Lordy, you do have a pornographic memory, don't you?

(For everyone else: I was tipsy one night and posted a story about a one night stand I had with a colleague in this dude's home town 25 years ago. He now remembers more about it than I do).

home state...and yes, that story gave me more laughs/entertainment than almost anything in 2p2 so I remember. Mods also deleted her name so I made a special point to remember it :p

However, the most I have been entertained on this site was when I won the SBF bet and you had to help an actual charity instead of punting money into the wiki abyss

by d2_e4 k

Yeah I think the difference is "portion of the population" means "some number of people", "proportion of the population" means some % of people.

"I ate a large portion of pie" - could mean anything: large in relation to the pie, large in relation to your usual portions of pie, large in relation to the portion of something else you ate, large in relation to the portion of pie someone else ate, etc. Depends on context.

"I ate a large proportion of the pie" - this has to be a significant % of the pie

ok in which case i think the ambiguity is best solved using "as a percentage of the population"

by wreckem713 k

home state...and yes, that story gave me more laughs/entertainment than almost anything in 2p2 so I remember. Mods also deleted her name so I made a special point to remember it :p

However, the most I have been entertained on this site was when I won the SBF bet and you had to help an actual charity instead of punting money into the wiki abyss

I didn't like my side when I made that bet to be honest, but for money that doesn't matter, I like to bet the underdog just for the sweat.

by d2_e4 k

I didn't like my side when I made that bet to be honest, but for money that doesn't matter, I like to bet the underdog just for the sweat.

At least you were able to help drill a water well for those in need.

by wreckem713 k

At least you were able to help drill a water well for those in need.

What was the charity again, wasn't it some religious thing to provide water to deprived areas? Guess your Jesus can turn water into wine but not back again?

by d2_e4 k

On the conservative side, which is where the majority of the stupid, ignorant and paranoid lives in US politics, yes, it does. Let's see, the candidates making it pretty far has pretty much been a race to the bottom intellectually - Dubya, Palin, Trump lol.

I guess "proportion" rather than "portion", no?

Dan Quayle's potatoe is feeling left out.

If every American was intelligent they would be writing in on the ballot none of the above .
Neither Trump or Kamala are qualified to be president

by lozen k

If every American was intelligent they would be writing in on the ballot none of the above .
Neither Trump or Kamala are qualified to be president

Nobody is asking for them to be intelligent. Just not monumentally stupid. There is a fair amount of daylight between those two categories.

Kamala Harris is the most popular woman in the world. She is a phenomenon. She is going to be the first female president, the first asian president, and the second black president. She will defeat Donald Trump, create the most lethal military in the world, and then defeat Putin.

I have heard rumors that Kamala Harris has already terraformed Mars and we will be expanding our borders to include all of Mars.

I don’t think there is hardly anyone on earth who fully understands Trumps unique appeal better than me. Certainly more than 99.999%. But the time for nuanced discussion about him is over. No one cares, and if someone claims to care in most cases I wouldn’t believe them.
The people yelling about trump being a facist and helping dictators and him being a racist and trump being a pathological liar- all those people are fundamentally correct. The media has been far too kind to Trump, and that’s all there is to it.

There is no bigger sign of just how stupid you are than thinking Donald Trump is smart

I 100% guarantee that these tweets are a result of bad internal polling, not anything to do with cheating.

lil bro is terrified

Ask me again why I'm confident in the result.

Also, isn't that the state where his side is literally trying to buy votes? lol

I'm hearing they're getting caught in several states already but from a much higher reputable sources than a political candidate or a post on Truth social. Whether they have enough boots on the ground to combat all the cheating won't be known probably for at least a month after the election. I think the corruption is gonna be seen in plain sight on election day so if anyone hears about things like fires breaking out at polling stations, floods, shootings, bomb threats, etc., these are most likely attempts to cheat.

And even if Trump wins, these corrupt states aren't even gonna certify his win stating "we can't certify a convicted felon". So even if he wins, it's not gonna be over until he's certified in January.
